Osmany Juantorena is out of Trento

RevanExtasis 2012-03-12 • 10053 просмотров • 47
Osmany Juantorena is out of Trento Hi guys i read this from the volleyball.it and well i one of the most thing that i was waiting.Juantorena is out of Trento for the Next season he will play almost certainly in Rusia and well i want to know how can impact this for the Trentino team, they can lose territory in europe for sure. Thoughts?

The information: http://www.volley...&n=42910&l=0


47 комментарии

ivolley44BG 107 5
11 лет тому назад
wow the picture is... ?
NightFoxBG 1457 14
12 лет тому назад
NightFoxBG 1457 14
12 лет тому назад
Osmany was the big owe-ner of the team in the first match, but it's all players fault. Mosna's letter is curious if it's true.
raylightBG 3006 15
12 лет тому назад
Sokolov is not bench player in the NT,in WL2010 and WL2011 he played half the matches and very good. He won alone the fourth set vs Russia which gave us the point that qualified us in Final 8, for WL2011 he had the same stats as Mikhaylov in the competition /points, efficiency/, played two matches in Final 8, played the match against Poland and brought victory there. From the 4 victories over strong teams last year he was main player in 2 and played in the 3rd half of the time / only vs Italy Nikolov was the whole time starter/ Stoychev made mistake taking Stokr in the team, he should have let Sokolov play as a starter. Stokr is better physically but is not better with decisions during games.
_k-is-for-kate_RU 404 6
12 лет тому назад
champion, that's not quite what i'm talking about
of course, sokolov's sitting on the bench is stoychev's fault, it's obvious as he's a head coach of both teams Tsvetan plays in.
The question is, why Sokolov himself doesn't seem to try and change this situation?
speaking your words, where is his character? since he's got a talent why doesn't he do something? or he's ok about sitting his best years away? that's just the thing i don't understand, the rest is clear

...and this leads me to the conclusion: if a man can't fight for his own career, he won't fight for anything, including sports titles...
proudBG 722 9
12 лет тому назад
You're completely right,champion!He has no experience,no confidence - I don't know how anyone could think that he can handle a situation like the one he was put in last night?He needs to leave ASAP!

does the contract tights him up somehow?

I start wondering the same thing,because there's no way that after these 3 years he still thinks Trento is the right choice for him.
_k-is-for-kate_RU 404 6
12 лет тому назад
by the way, about sokolov... in 2009 he looked impressive in the NT, and after that i almost don't remember him
i mean, how long has he been sitting on the bench in trentino and then in NT? 3 years?
why doesn't he change the club? even in a weak one, he would improve more than in trento... does the contract tights him up somehow?
RevanExtasisPTAuthor 746 11
12 лет тому назад
We lose the semifinal ;( and all was because the Bulgarians ;( especially Matey but Osma have luck hahah he is out of trento to the next king of europe Kazan lucky guy now he can say "ciao Bulgarians" ^_^
marchstIT 244 2
12 лет тому назад
There was no on the forum because you could read in press coverage!
proudBG 722 9
12 лет тому назад
Thank you,marchst ? I wasn't sure,'cause I found it posted as a comment on Facebook,but it was still the only one I could find.I kept waiting for it to appear on Trento's forum,but nope...Now I see what the whole controversy's about.
marchstIT 244 2
12 лет тому назад
Yes is't.......................
proudBG 722 9
12 лет тому назад
Italian friends,is that the now infamous interview Osmany gave?

Osmany Juantorena ha deciso cosa fare l'anno prossimo?
Dipendesse da me l'avrei già deciso da un pezzo. Un mese e mezzo fa sono andato a cena con il presidente Mosna e lì abbiamo trovato l'accordo per restare insieme anche nelle prossime stagioni. Però dopo quella cena, pur sapendo che io ho ricevuto tante proposte, sino ad oggi nessuno mi ha portato un contratto o un pre-contratto. Questa cosa mi ha fatto sorgere dei pensieri.

Quali pensieri?
Che forse alla società, alla fine, non dispiaccia poi così tanto incassare un milione di euro, ovvero l'importo della mia clausola rescissoria.

Ma se ora la società le proponesse di mettere tutto nero su bianco, lei firmerebbe subito?
A questo punto non lo so. Io non voglio fare polemiche con nessuno, ma il tempo passa e chiedo solo un po' di chiarezza per sapere che cosa fare. Vorrei solo delle certezze da parte della società.

Cosa si aspetta a questo punto?
Non lo so, mi piacerebbe solo capire che cosa voglia fare la società. Quale sia la sua intenzione nei miei confronti. Le faccio un esempio: da quello che ho capito Matey (Kaziyski, ndr) ha iniziato a parlare con la società del suo rinnovo dopo di me, eppure ha già annunciato il prolungamento del contratto.

Immagino che l'accordo che trovaste quella sera non era sugli stessi importi delle offerte arrivate dalla Russia.
No, per una cifra molto inferiore. Ma quello non era un problema, perché quella di restare a Trento era una scelta di vita. Per il bene che voglio a questa squadra ed a questa città. Ancora non ho preso una decisione definitiva, ma i tempi sono stretti.

Che tempi si è dato?
Fosse per me avrei già deciso dopo quella serata con il presidente. Ma adesso che mi arrivano queste altre offerte le valuterò e penso che prenderò una decisione dopo le finali di Champions. Chiariamo una cosa, però, io voglio vincere tutto in questa stagione. Champions e scudetto, per cui il mio massimo impegno come quello di tutti sarà per andare a vincere a Lodz e poi nei playoff.

Può dirci da quali squadre è stato contattato in questi mesi?
Ci sono due squadre russe, lo Zenit Kazan ed il Novyj Urengoj, ma anche due offerte importanti da due squadre italiane. Ma non penso sia corretto fare nomi.

Se dovesse decidere di andare in Russia cosa le mancherebbe di più?
Mi mancherebbe tantissimo tutto questo ambiente. Questa città, i suoi tifosi, la società che mi ha riportato ad essere un giocatore di pallavolo. Mi mancherebbe tantissimo questo gruppo di ragazzi che è qualcosa di fantastico, di unico. Se dovessi andarmene so cosa lascerei, ma non quello che troverei.

Il fatto però che giocatori come Raphael o Kaziyski abbiano già rinnovato è una garanzia tecnica per l'anno prossimo, l'Itas resterà competitiva.
Certo, con o senza di me Trento resterà una squadra forte. Ma quello che ho capito è che l'anno prossimo cambieranno diverse cose. Dallo staff in giù.

Dell'ormai quasi certo addio a Cormio cosa ne pensa?
Mi dispiace tanto, perché tutto quello che questa squadra ha vinto in questi anni è anche per merito suo. Spero che alla fine lui possa restare a Trento.

proudBG 722 9
12 лет тому назад
@champion - Here's my point - it's Osmany's decision to leave and he's leaving because he got a better offer and not just any offer,but Zenit's offer,meaning more money + a guarantee to stay a factor in volleyball,write a new chapter in his career.You're right - there are other teams that could afford him(Qatar,Russia,Japan,may be even in Turkey),but he wouldn't be fighting for any titles with these teams.It's his ambition more than greed(imo),that made him choose Zenit over any other team.I just don't see how Alekno and Rado's relationship helped in any way.Like you said,Rado doesn't like losing his "treasures",not to mention that by losing this "little" one,not only is his team taking a huge blow,but his biggest rival is getting stronger.
About Mosna statement - of course they're parting on good terms,(I think Osmany has said he may return to Trento one day)but no one can honestly believe that he,management,staff,fans,you name it are not disappointed Os is leaving.They didn't want to lose him,he's not being sold for money.
@AndreaTN - I often read posts on your forum,but thanks to the "amazing" google translation(well,and the fact that I don't understand Italian... ?) I don't always get everything,so thank you for clarifying a few things,it was really helpful ?
@_k-is-for-kate_ - Glad you appreciated it ?
My question wasn't for you,I understood what you meant.Other people were implying some stuff,so I was curious,but Andrea already cleared it all out ?
NightFoxBG 1457 14
12 лет тому назад

NightGenius, you are just making fun of yourself now :-) Learn to read between the lines, then you might understand why Mosna said that. LOL

Don't get defensive I've got nothing against you.

Andrea, every player has a note in the contract and it's written an exact price for his leaving/buying. For example if you remember when Matey leaved Dynamo, they won't let him go except he pays his "price" which was about a million if my memory is all right. In bulgarian medias the price of Juantorena's "note" is 1,2 - 1,4 mil.
So that info you wrote is just "your way of seeing things" or it's a confirmed information, because I didn't knew a lot of these things ?
AndreaTNIT 79 3
12 лет тому назад
Hi guys...i'm from Trento...
Osmany signed a contract with Trento til 2015 , with a condition... if he receive some incredible offer he can go out of Trento if his following team will pay Trento about 1milion! Last year some voices after V-Day 2011 told that he left Trento but he decided to stay here for another season (this)... 1 week ago Osmany had an interview for a local newspaper and he said that he had a dinner with Mosna and they reached an agreement ... he'll stay in Trento with a little bit increase of his conctract...after this dinner no one gave him the new contract so he ask if Trento really want him for next seasons and that he want to stay here..not to go anywhere and so on...and that Matey start contracting after him and signed the contract yet (but the contract of Matey end this year, not in 2015) ... after some days Mosna give osmany the proposal and Osmany say that he think about that for some days...... you know how this story finished! i don't know if trento can't support osmany salary... i think so...i think mosna give him his maximum proposal but i think kazan's one is just amazing so he decided so .....here in Trento the fan are sad but agree with his decision .. the only thing we cannot understand is that interview....where he said that he wanted to stay here...and then....
_k-is-for-kate_RU 404 6
12 лет тому назад
proud, brilliant joke :]
if your question was to me, i meant Kaziysky's contract has nothing to do with Osmany's decision, but Trento's decision about Osmany. But again, Kaziyski's contract was not a major reason to my mind. It's just all those reasons joined together like parts of a puzzle and in the end everyone's got a bargain, that's it. And if this solution suits everybody, I mean Trentino, Juantorena and Zenit, why not?
proudBG 722 9
12 лет тому назад
@champion - There is friendship between Alekno and Rado,but I highly doubt that had any impact on Osmany's transfer.Yeah,they say all business is personal,but I don't think that applies in this situation.It's not really a case of Rado going "Hey,Vlado how 'bout you take that Osmany guy off my hands?" and Alekno doing him a favor,right? :0)

Rado will not let his "treasures" leave easily & go just anywhere

Why let them go at all?They have everything.
Trento's definitely not happy about losing Osmany,or why would Mosna say he's disappointed about
Osmany's choice?
The more I think about it the more I come to kate's conclusion that it's a matter of lost motivation.He probably wants to prove to himself(and others) that he can have the same success with a different club.
Btw,how does Matey's contract have anything to do with his decision?Osmany signed a contract last year and reached whatever deal he wanted with the management.It's not like they were negotiating together and only one got what he wanted,so the other one's leaving.He just got a better offer,so he's moving on.(Sorry if I made you puke,kate ? jk )

edit:Just read you post,NightFox - I promise I didn't "steal" that thing about Mosna,we were just thinking the same ?
Also,you're spot on about the reason Trento's contemplating getting Zaytsev as a replacement.
NightFoxBG 1457 14
12 лет тому назад

I'm sure Juantorena's contract has a clause, saying that he can not move to another club, except if Trento agrees to it.

Every contract has this "clause" ... or it will be just the players going in different clubs without even telling the previous one ... lol

The reason for the move is that Trento obviously needs the money.

So, why Mosna said that he's disappointed or he's just lying us ?

Zaytzev's potential transfer to Trento could possibly have some connection with the fact that he was working with Serniotti previously.

The only reason that Zaytsev is the most suggestive option is because he's the only italian classy receiver playing in weak team for the standards of Seria A and Zaytsev's own.
_k-is-for-kate_RU 404 6
12 лет тому назад
No, i don't think they can't afford to have Kaziyski and Juantorena at the same time, i never said this

I just think it was a bargain, there never can be enough money, can there? i understand that their victories brought them money as well, but let's be honest, it's not football and money always tend to be spent.

an besides... I mean nobody concrete (please don't take it wrong), but when the team composition is stable and there's no new faces, the oldies may lose some part of motivation and spirit of competition. Perhaps Trento decided it would be nice to refresh the squad a little.

So everybody's happy

edit: Nightfox, following your logic: if Trentino had piles of money (as you imply) and wanted to keep Osmany, they would find a solution not to let him go.
NightFoxBG 1457 14
12 лет тому назад
kate, Trentino didn't spent a lot for Kaziyski's contract - that was nothing for them. Don't underrate the resources of this club. They won every major championship last 3 years and you think that they can't afford a solid contract for Juantorena ? In this situation the main reasons are the sudden change of the player's mood and his personal choice.
_k-is-for-kate_RU 404 6
12 лет тому назад
champion, i doubt so
far more likely both Juantorena and Trentino went for money, as they spent quite a lot on Kaziyski
whatever other circumstances are, a "friendship" (if there is any) would not play a dominant role as you say
NightFoxBG 1457 14
12 лет тому назад
There is information that Zenit want Raphael too, but Trento will sell him only if Zenit give them Vermiglio. If that is real it would be very interesting because Trento can look for a none italian receiver.
bernardo10cmgcPT 32 3
12 лет тому назад
The real question is: How will juantorena play against Zenit saturday?
NightFoxBG 1457 14
12 лет тому назад
2,5 millions from Zenit for Osmany
bernardo10cmgcPT 32 3
12 лет тому назад
Of course not, trentino will find a spiker that will be better than juantorena.. You will see
RevanExtasisPTAuthor 746 11
12 лет тому назад
finally now Zenit have all to be the king of europe
_k-is-for-kate_RU 404 6
12 лет тому назад
He's officially in Zenit from the next season.
Zenit've paid compensation to Trentino
NightFoxBG 1457 14
12 лет тому назад
Haha that's funny Jack ?
JackUS 7 2
12 лет тому назад
O$many, Osmoney Juantorena ?
RevanExtasisPTAuthor 746 11
12 лет тому назад
for me i think Juantorena is tired of Trento and one of the most causes are his comparison with Matey "easy legs" Kaziyski, and well for me its good now SImon can grow alone and take part of the cake the next seasons XD, in the end Osmany already play in Rusia and he will back for Trento at the end of his carrer for sure or that was i think ?
NightFoxBG 1457 14
12 лет тому назад
For me Zenit start looking like Real Madrid, buying superstars every season, but that's not always the winning way.
proudBG 722 9
12 лет тому назад
@handan - Well,yeah,but it's a matter of hours 'till they make a joint statement like Omrcen and Macerata.I guess it's normal to announce those things around that time of the season(there's gotta be a whole bunch of stuff and logistics surrounding transfers that I don't know about or don't understand ? ),I was just saying that I was expecting him to reveal his choice after V-day ?
proudBG 722 9
12 лет тому назад
It's not like no one saw it coming,but I was still surprised he chose to announce it now instead of after the end of the season,'cause saying he's leaving now could potentially be demoralizing for the team.Team spirit aside,Trento will not be the same without him for sure - Osmany is incredible,I don't see anyone being able to take his role in Trento.Poor Ivan's got some really BIG shoes to fill ?
Just want to say I'm really impressed with the way Trento's fans are taking the news - in their forum they're thanking him(with very long,passionate posts ? ) for everything he's done for them for the past few years.Understandably,there's some sadness,but there's no anger or "Oh,it's all bs,he chose the money,bla-bla". I'm gonna join them in wishing him luck (like he's gonna need it... ?) wherever he's going(is it Zenit for sure?) ? .
Btw,what's the situation with Trento's finance?I heard something about some of the sponsors pulling away or is that wrong?
KjeldhorIT 1059 17
12 лет тому назад
yeah, Mosna (as all trentinian fans) hoped he never leave Trento, but i understand his reason and a discontent player can undermine team stability
NightFoxBG 1457 14
12 лет тому назад
Oh yes not shocked - disappointed I meant. It's the story that's a proof that Mosna didn't want to sell it.
KjeldhorIT 1059 17
12 лет тому назад
no night. Mosna said: "i'm disappointed but not not shoked

“Osmany mi ha comunicato oggi la decisione di non vestire la maglia della Trentino Volley nel corso della prossima stagione agonistica; una scelta che non mi ha colto di sorpresa anche se naturalmente il dispiacere è grande. Mi sono permesso di parlare a lui a nome di tutta la Società e di tutti i tifosi riconoscendo a Juantorena i giusti meriti per quanto sin qui fatto per la squadra in questi anni trascorsi a Trento. Osmany mi ha riferito che non ha accettato alcuna offerta italiana perché non vuole giocare contro la Trentino Volley; ha quindi deciso di scegliere un’importante opportunità proveniente dall’estero. Le porte della Trentino Volley saranno comunque sempre aperte per un suo ritorno e questo gliel’ho voluto ribadire di persona”.

NightFoxBG 1457 14
12 лет тому назад
champion, you're wrong. Trentino didn't want to sell Juantorena as Mosna said - "I was shocked".
NightFoxBG 1457 14
12 лет тому назад
Trentino didn't expect it at all, because I think Juantorena renewal his contract soon ... but it's true that Zenit will be fantastic next season with him.
marchstIT 244 2
12 лет тому назад
The intention is the money to retain Osmany in Trento there were.
There were those offered by the Russians. In Trento there are no 'petrolrubli'.

There comes a renewal of Matey, it was a personal choice to Osmany.
AkolitaUS 149 2
12 лет тому назад
It may be true, Zyta. But if I have a choice to choose between Juantorena and Kaziyski, I'd put all what I have to stay with Juanto.
NightFoxBG 1457 14
12 лет тому назад
Obviously, Juantorena is the key in the transfer list of the clubs. When he leave his place, he'll open a new one and the domino effect will make it interesting.
ZytaPL 1332 11
12 лет тому назад
Vermiglio or Reid must go, if Juantorena will go there. But I'm not surprised. Trento had to give Matey much more money, if other club offered him huge contract, which Trento couldn't beat because they spent everything on Matey, they had to let him go. And now they will have to take Zaytsev (limit) or get rid of Raphael, take Valerio and they can bring another foreign receiver.
pearlIT 1003 11
12 лет тому назад
@volleymaster: maybe i'm wrong 'cause i can't follow Russian League but i thought there was a sort of limit for foreign players in Russian clubs. Only two non Russian players for each team..so I don't think Vermiglio, Juantorena and Priddy could play at the same time in the same club. But I say it again, maybe the info i have is wrong.
KjeldhorIT 1059 17
12 лет тому назад
@bitka: you're right, next club must pay 1kk€ to trento to get Osman, and Osmany says that in the future he never play for another italian team except for trento
RevanExtasisPTAuthor 746 11
12 лет тому назад
i think money can do everything, i think trentino have received some money for him, but this is not football, here you dont se mention of money when they talk in transferrs. just happen and thats it
bitkaPL 673 10
12 лет тому назад
didn't he sign a contract (in the same time as Stoychew) till 2013/14?
Fadhel AbbasBH 1513 14
12 лет тому назад

This is very bad
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