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Translate Google translated me first sentence of this article - http://dal15al25.gazzetta.it/post/24758020/aguero-a-modena-lo-jastrzebski-wegiel-al-mondiale - like this: "Fei does not feel a bit 'executives Modena: so is the game is between Rome and Treviso".

Is that real?
He ends up his contract probably...
Lasko is for you star? In Italy, he played only two seasons in top team (Cuneo) and he played poor...
Is Horstink still unsettled? By the way lots of players leaving Italy for the Polish league...

Lots of players but only one star (Kooistra).
Ohhh, yes, i'm sorry ?
seems that Bontje signed with JW.

Kk15, source? ?
Sabbi, Maruotti, Boninfante and De Togni -> M. Roma Volley
Thanks Kk15 ?

Saitta??!! He played poor in last season... If Horstink stays in Treviso, interesting, who'll be new receiver in Modena (Diaz in Valentia).
"Operazione simpatia" o meno (così pare l'abbia definita l'ad veneto, ma per noi è tutt'altro che simpatica una situazione che per almeno 1 mese lascia tutti con il fiato sospeso, anche i dipendenti, non facendo trapelare nessuna dichiarazione ufficiale, permettendo anche speculazioni di altre piazze) pare che la squadra del futuro potrebbe essere così composta: Saitta in regia, Fei opposto, Kovar (che, sempre con il si dice, potrebbe restare nonostante un accordo con la Lube) - Horstink, De Togni - Kohut, più due stranieri, per poter raggiungere così la quota di almeno 6 giocatori in rosa che abbiano giocato in A1 nella passata stagione e rispettare il regolamento.

Could someone translate this text?
Paolo Cozzi Castellana Grotte -> San Giustino
Luis Diaz Modena -> Valentia
Matthijs Verhanneman Trentino -> Ravenna

3 very good receivers in Ravenna...
By google translate ?

"The team preparing the papers for inclusion in the A1 series, which moved to Belluno, in A1."
Treviso - Ultima ora dall'incontro tra i vertici societari e i media trevigiani.

Squadra a Belluno, in A1.

Seguono approfondimenti.

Sir Safety Perugia in next season will have very good team... But instead Cesarini to Roma probably go Farina, no bad. Tomorrow is very important day for italian volley. And very important for Roma...
do you mean two italian receivers as subs?O.o

Cause if they have Zhekov - Nikolov, Todorov - Holt, Papi - Zlatanov, Marra, when they would want to change Papi or Zlatanov, they have to make substitution Italian for Italian, yes?

Maybe Holt on loan and Todorov-Tencati-Semenzato on MB? I don't know...
If they will have starting six Zhekov - Nikolov, Papi - Zlatanov, Todorov - Holt, Marra - they have to have two italian receivers...
Piacenza wants Teodor Todorov - hmmm

Source? I expected that Piacenza would want middle blocker from Bulgary - one of duo Yosifov - Todorov xD Interesting. They have Maxwell Holt - so in next season Piacenza want to play with two foreigners on middle in the first squad?
Who will be second MB in Trentino? Djuric? And I'm interested how long will be Verhanneman loan ...
Cozzi -> San Giustino
Sergio Noda -> Citta di Castello
Kk15, I read that Aleksiev got contract from IBB for the second year?

"Monza sta prendendo lo schiacciatore bulgaro Aleksiev mentre dalla Brianza se va l'olandese Rawuerdink: schiaccerà a S.Giustino."

via dallarivolley.com

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