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5 лет тому назад


Bartosz Kurek 3rd meter spike (Wieluń - Skra) 12 лет тому назад 0
No, no, no, no... You said "unlimited in spiking and serving”. The only thing the setter has to do is finding Matey on the court, which is easy as he’s a tall guy. Set him and... Score! Unlimited, remember? ;-)
Luciano De Cecco in match Japan - Argentina 12 лет тому назад +3
@Proud: It was my intention to help. ;-)
Bartosz Kurek 3rd meter spike (Wieluń - Skra) 12 лет тому назад -1
Well, once he's "unlimited in spiking and serving" I thought his team would always win. ;-)
Bartosz Kurek 3rd meter spike (Wieluń - Skra) 12 лет тому назад -1
Quote (Raylight)
That irrelevant argument we started with Henrique...

I wasn’t even here. :-p
Quote (Raylight)
...was not about "is Matey Kaziyski limited player or not", it was about "does this matter"...

Wrong! Here’s the topic: “Is Matey Kaziyski second class player?”

As everyone can see, it was totally irrelevant, my friend.
Quote (Raylight)
My belief is that when you can score the most improbable points in the hardest situations and completely turn any match...

Any match? Wow! That’s why Bulgaria has won so many titles, right? After all, he can “turn any match”... ;-)
Bartosz Kurek 3rd meter spike (Wieluń - Skra) 12 лет тому назад 0
Pearl, I think you’ve mistaken “all-around” for “universal”. Giani played as left side, right side and middle player – he was universal. Bernardi was a left side, occasionally playing right side, like Giba and Murilo, for example, have done when necessary. An all-around player has all necessary skills for the game, and both Giani and Bernardi had those, no matter what position they were playing.
The Bulgarian part of Trentino 12 лет тому назад +3
Pearl, it’s serious. Cameroon rules! They’re gonna dominate vball like not even Brazil or Italy have done. Raylight, please, upload this match ASAP. I promise when in London for the Olympics I’ll wear a shirt saying: “Sorry Simon, but Matey is the best”.
Bartosz Kurek 3rd meter spike (Wieluń - Skra) 12 лет тому назад 0
Quote (Raylight)
...he (Matey) is unlimited in spiking and serving.

I think I saw a “puddy tat”, ops, a Matey freak. :-p
Luciano De Cecco in match Japan - Argentina 12 лет тому назад +4
Of course it’s better, NightFox. It’s also behind the court, you must have noticed. lol Point is, watching behind the court is always the best option. This video angle shot is much better than seeing from the sidelines – people with no vball knowledge can’t get this.
Bartosz Kurek 3rd meter spike (Wieluń - Skra) 12 лет тому назад +1
You mean that thread Raylight should have never started? Can’t you see I was exaggerating to get our Bulgarian friend desperate? I even mentioned Matt Anderson, if I’m not mistaken. When I noticed Raylight was about to commit suicide, I stopped and admitted Matey’s qualities, though he’s not line-up material either for Brazil or Russia. If you analyze both players, you’ll see Matey Kaziyski and Barto Cureque have same style – they’re mainly vball hitters and servers, with clear flaws in other aspects. Kurek even blocks better than Matey, but overall the Bulgarian is a better player. Maybe, in a few years, Kurek will improve to the point he’ll have those flaws fixed or he’ll make less mistakes. Kaziyski has been playing for quite long time and still is that same player, a little smarter, but not that much. Anyway, who’d pick Kurek instead of Matey now? A highly efficient hitter or one without the same consistency? Unfortunately, I don’t have a crystal ball to see how Kurek will be in a few years... If you had read the previous comments, you’d have noticed I wasn’t the first to mention Matey Kaziyski on this thread. There’s no “Polish style of playing”. What your NT does comes from the old Soviet school, serve/block dependent teams. I bet Andrea Anastasi wants Kurek to improve. Think about it, AA played in one of the best teams of all time, with all-around players like Bernardi and Giani. Although everybody knows Poland has a different style, why would AA get satisfied with such a limited player like Barto Cureque? He surely wants more from this left side.
The Bulgarian part of Trentino 12 лет тому назад +1
Hey movie makers, could you make a video about Cameroon?
Luciano De Cecco in match Japan - Argentina 12 лет тому назад +3
Quote (NightFox)
I love this kind of cam shots. You can see every part of the game.

This is the best angle to watch a vball match, you can see the game in every aspect. Whenever I go to a match, I stand behind the court.

De Cecco rules! This guy is an awesome setter.
Bartosz Kurek 3rd meter spike (Wieluń - Skra) 12 лет тому назад +3
Quote (NightFox)
...But I will not argue about this because some people are very limited and they can't objective when we argue about a polish player.

Glad someone else can see this. They desperately hype their players, when most of them have clear limitations. Kurek, for example, isn’t a world class player. Anyone who understands vball can see that. BTW, comparing Matey Kaziyski to Barto Cureque is an absurd – Matey is a class above, though Kurek is improving. Matey freaks are drooling right now... lol

As for the movie, I read the comments first this time, and I was expecting a bomb, a hit over the block... WTF! The hit wasn’t impressive at all. Kurek himself can smash the ball harder – if you care about that. The block was late, so he had no block – the guy who wrote Kurek hit over the block must be blind or is certainly a Kurkofan.

Such a small space between the court and the crowd... It must be a very little venue.
USA - Argentina 12 лет тому назад +3
@Kristoff: Rodrigo is Raul's nephew.
USA - Argentina 12 лет тому назад +2
Pearl is selfish, she’ll keep those matches just for her. :-p Hahahahaha
USA - Argentina 12 лет тому назад +1
Pearl, fat is not the proper word... He’s like a whale now. lol Regarding Ctvrtlik, here in Brazil we called him “letter soup”. :-p All those teams you mentioned are here in my collection. You can start drooling. [evil laughs] Raylight, nobody will be punished for that. I can send some DVDs to Pearl and she’ll be the supplier, if she wants.
USA - Argentina 12 лет тому назад +1
I know they played in Italy, Pearl. Among those old matches I mentioned to you there is lots of A1 footage from late 80s and early 90s. Jeff Stork was injured that day. Do you remember Dusty Dvorak? Stork was his sub. Dvorak left the NT in 1986. I saw Stork last year, he was so fat that I almost didn’t recognize him. He works as Alan Knipe’s assistant.
155 Volleyball Digs in 4 min 12 лет тому назад -3
You guys really liked this movie? After 30 seconds I got bored... Isolated actions mean nothing. And that music? Embarrassing!
USA - Argentina 12 лет тому назад +2
Two of the best teams in the eighties. You can see Kiraly, Timmons, Buck and Ctvrtlik on the American side. By Argentina, Raul Quiroga was a “matador”. The others were really great players – Castellani, Martinez, Uriarte, Conte (one of the best I ever seen) and Kantor. Although very short, Waldo Kantor was a fantastic setter, the leader of that team – Javier Weber was the back-up setter. Watch at 1:30, right at the beginning you have an awesome rally.
Quote (Raylight)
Henrique, you are my pearl now

Sorry, mate, but that sounded really gay. You made me think again about that fag who wrote “NightFox, I can’t live without your movies” or about that Lloy Ball video with an Enrique Iglesias song on it. So gay! LOL

Just mocking you one more time. :-p

Oh, I forgive you, it’s Christmas time after all. We can fight on January 2nd. ;-)
Tysia, our friend Raylight won't stop until we say he's right. Hey Raylight, you're right. I don't even know what you're trying to prove, but you're right. Period. LOL

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