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5 лет тому назад


Paris Volley - AS Cannes (Highlights) 12 лет тому назад +1
I agree with you, Raylight, but unfortunately we don't make the rules. :-( @Pearl: ;-)
Quote (Raylight)
I am his Henrique

Who’s your Henrique, Mr. Raylight? Oh, Henrique himself, obviously. You love me, don’t you? ;-)

Quote (Raylight)
You brought Satan in Poland for coach

Dude, do you still nickname Anastasi as “SatanStasi”? It’s funny, but I bet if the Poles start calling your coach “SHIToychev” you wouldn’t like it. Anyway, your exaggeration is funny, calling a nice guy like AA Satan. Anastasi rules!

It’s been quite a while since people started trying to persuade you to stop fighting. Stop, man! You come here and say “Merry Xmas”, but keep on fighting. So what if someone thinks Poland is 100 times than Bulgaria?

Paris Volley - AS Cannes (Highlights) 12 лет тому назад 0
Perla, ti darò la mia lista, allora si può scegliere quello che vuoi – mio regalo di Capodanno. Ho alcuni filmati rari. Raylight, due to copyrights I can’t upload many of those matches. There are some that I tried to find for several years.
Paris Volley - AS Cannes (Highlights) 12 лет тому назад -1
Pearl, ti manderò un messaggio in privato, allora si può vedere come farlo. È più facile.
Paris Volley - AS Cannes (Highlights) 12 лет тому назад -1
Pearl, I don’t wanna make you jealous, but I have probably 30 or 40 Karch Kiraly’s matches. :-p
Paris Volley - AS Cannes (Highlights) 12 лет тому назад 0
Quote (Pearl)
i agree with Henrique; no need to be 200 cm tall to be an excellent volleyball player.

For those who say vball is for giants, I’d like to remember the two most acclaimed players in the last 30 years are both only 1,92m: Kiraly and Giba.

I’ll use Kiraly’s words again: “You don’t need to be tall to be great”.

Raylight, I have over 1,000 vball matches on DVD, but I know I’ll never upload them.

Quote (Raylight)
Radostin is chevalier.

Well, I wouldn’t say so. ;-)
Paris Volley - AS Cannes (Highlights) 12 лет тому назад +1
Quote (Raylight)
Henrique, in Bulgaria if you are not at least 200 cm no one think you can play volleyball.

Too bad for Bulgaria! Look at Kubiak, what a fantastic player. Glad the Poles appreciate his game.
Paris Volley - AS Cannes (Highlights) 12 лет тому назад 0
If you like Trentino, our friend NightFox will help, too. ;-)
Quote (Zyta)
stop buying expensive cars for players every year and you'll buy every wild card you want!

Paris Volley - AS Cannes (Highlights) 12 лет тому назад -1
Quote (Zyta)
U think I should go to Sofia for Final Six?

Be careful! Radostin Stoychev will be around and I don’t know if I’ll be able to protect you. Remember, there will be 14,000 Bulgarians ready to give Rado some support. Maybe we should go to London only. ;-)
Paris Volley - AS Cannes (Highlights) 12 лет тому назад +2
Quote (Zyta)
hahahahahaha polish fifth column!

You know what, Zyta? I like Skrimov. Although he played badly at ECh, he’s a clever player.

You’re a funny girl, that’s why everybody loves you, except Michal Ruciak and Radostin Stoychev. :-p
Paris Volley - AS Cannes (Highlights) 12 лет тому назад -1
Excellent video! Congrats. It must have been a very good match. That’s the kind of highlights I like to watch. At 0:13 you can see Laurent Tillie, AC Cannes’ coach, one of the smartest players I’ve ever seen, part of an amazing French team alongside Alain Fabiani and Philippe Blain. At 7:54 you can check a smart move by Josh Howatson – I like that kind of play. BTW, there are two Canadians on the court – lots of Canucks playing in France. Skrimov, one of Zyta’s favourites, is playing. Hope she likes. ;-)
Quote (Raylight)
I think it is time Henrique to come here and laugh at our complexes while we fight for the leftovers of the Brazilian, American and Russian trophies.

Raylight, I’d never do something like that. BTW, you forgot to mention Cameroon. ;-)

You’re absolutely right, Pearl! No fighting. These kids should put their differences aside.
Luciano De Cecco (2nd movie) 12 лет тому назад +3
That’s why I like Roninho… He learned what I taught him. Bravo, Roninho! ;-) De Cecco won’t play at PlusLiga because it’s not competitive enough for him – also he’s getting more expensive. Yeah, he's amazing! Regarding Argentina’s NT, Weber is working hard to make those MBs play in a higher level, then we’ll see a stronger team.
Luciano De Cecco (2nd movie) 12 лет тому назад 0
When did he turn pro? You know the answer, don’t pretend you didn’t get it. He’s 23 and has been playing for quite a long time. He had already played abroad before this season. Don’t get mad, my friend. I’m just kicking your ass once again. ;-)
Jan Štokr (2nd movie) 12 лет тому назад +1
Pesazi, I must say Vissotto annoys me a lot.

I made a remark on Schöps on the other day. IMO he has too many ups and downs, and sometimes, when the team needs him most, he disappears. Technically he’s way better than Grozer, who’s a Panzer, nothing else. Point is, though more skilled, Schöps lost space to Grozer. If only the German players could be like Stefan Hübner, my favourite MB, Team Germany would be fighting for medals every tournament. ;-)

I have never seen Juantorena hitting a parallel shot.

Handan, Handan… After eliminating Pesazi, the Trento freaks will hunt you down. They show no mercy. You’d better hide yourself. :-p
Jan Štokr (2nd movie) 12 лет тому назад +1
But to reach the level of players like Mikhailov, Miljkovic, Schöps, Vissotto... he really has to work on his technique and ball control.

Did you say Vissotto? Sorry, many flaws you pointed here affect Vissotto’s game, although I must admit he improved this year. As for Schöps, he’s one of those “I coulda been a better player”, he’s very inconstant. Anyway, Schöps is good, but IMO not enough to put him at the level of guys like Miljkovic or Mikhaylov – he has even lost space to Grozer.

I think Stokr main weakness is the lack of variation when he attacks, something that a good coach can solve. Apart that, I like this guy and I wouldn’t think twice to have him on my team.

I guess the Trento fans won't like my post.

They’re already tracking your home address. You’re in danger! Be ready for their fury. :-p
Luciano De Cecco (2nd movie) 12 лет тому назад -1
No Mr. Genius, it’s the opposite. He could have played there because a few years ago he wasn’t that great, needed mode experience and PlusLiga would have helped. He’s still young and should be even better in the upcoming years, but his level now is too good for PlusLiga. Got it? I never said PlusLiga is weak. Just because I don’t agree with some biased Poles who think PlusLiga is a blessing from heaven, it doesn’t mean I think it’s a weak league. ;-)
Long rally (Bulgaria - Serbia) 12 лет тому назад +1
Obviously less strength, consequently more digs.
Luciano De Cecco (2nd movie) 12 лет тому назад -1
Saku, stop being so silly. I’m not teasing anyone, it’s just an opinion. Maybe you think PlusLiga has the highest level, but you should understand others might think differently. I’m really disappointed with you. BTW, no one replied long before you made your nonsense remark, so perhaps they understood I was just expressing my thoughts. Grow up, kid!

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