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Best blocker in the world 11 лет тому назад +1
Why do people think Simon and Nowakowski are such great blockers. It is their height you are impressed with, not their actual blocking ability.

Russia has great blockers, Modzonek is a great blocker, Holmes is up there as well and many others, but most definitely not those high jumping players that are mentioned.

One underestimated and possibly one of the best blockers is Plinsky, oh and btw I have numbers to back these statements up
Renanz for some reason thinks that democracy means freedom. But it means, what the majority of the people want, happens. So his proposal of just leaving is kind of ridiculous, since from I can see the majority of the people want Wilfredo gone.

On a side note, I couldn't care less if he stays. You can just not open his topics can't you?
GIBA's Farewell 11 лет тому назад 0
this is some sort of wilfredo imitation?
Georg Grozer headshot 12 лет тому назад +3
@someone: You do know he actually was trying to pass it? So moving out of the way of a ball you are going to pass is not really smart. Now at 120km/h trying to judge a ball is in or out, how high the ball is gonna end, is really really really hard and you obviously havent tried it ever. If you did, you wouldnt have made the comment you made.
USA - Brazil (The Olympics 2008, short cut) 12 лет тому назад 0
Why do people act like this is the best match ever? Seriously the level was bad, look at how many opposite's Brasil needed to play the game, Dante decided to not score the ball, and not even talking about the setting. Anyway, it was a game of nerves and America won it. But seeing nerves at action is NOT spectacular. Also, it wasn't even a really close match. USA clearly won. Only reason statement below me that makes sence is that it was a match of their life. Well of course, it was an Olympic Final.
Oldest Player 12 лет тому назад 0
Bullshit Falasca is the oldest. Not even close.
One really really old one is on the beach, Franco, or Kiraly just stopped playing a few years ago as well.
Ah, I saw those balls go both ways this game. Pity it happens on the last ball though. Never the less, I am glad Zenit Kazan wins. They deserve to win this big price. I really really really dislike the system that the organizing team is in the final four, that is why I was fairly glad to see Zenit Kazan win.
Best blocker in the world 12 лет тому назад +5
@Raylight, you could also stop caring about plusses and minusses
Uuhm epinephrine, calling me retarted when I don't think a player belongs in a list is kind of inappropriate. That will also hold me from answering your question. Add to the fact that you won't chance your mind on whatever I say makes my point even stronger. I hope its the epinephrine that gave this bad inappropriate impulsive reaction. If not, it's you nature and I feel for you
Meh, Nowakovski jumps high but is nowhere near the top middle-players. I like the list personaly. Only wouldnt have put Todorov in there and I am still doubting about Apalikov.
Raphael De Oliveira (2nd movie) 12 лет тому назад +1
hehe, nice to see the change over here in attitude. I remember a couple of months ago people said he only was good cause of Kazisky and Juantorena, but that's so dismissive of the fact that this man is a really big part of why this team is so good.
Bulgaria - USA (The Olympics 1996, SET4) 12 лет тому назад -4
Volleymaster, I don't know which match you were watching, but in this game LLoy Ball wasn't a genius at all. And also the second thing you stated is kinda dumb, obviously the referee didn't whissle yet or it was a double.
Igor Guillen 12 лет тому назад -2
HCLT, you ever considered the option money? Not saying you are wrong about him being a mediocre player, but dismissing the biggest motivation for a player to play somewhere is kinda dumb. Also, I have to agree with Bitka, cause your post is filled with contradictions. First you state I can't really evaluate this guy, with the follow up of you saying: if you pay attentionto small detail, you can see he is not quite the player. Thats one hell of a contradiction there mate, since you yourself stated the sample size is to small for you to draw any conclusion, wether it is a small detail or not. Add to that, it seems like you are a man of opinions and nothing in between. It is time for you to motivate those opinions, since just saying he is mediocre if you pay attention is not really an argument.
Nathan Wounembaina in match Russia - Cameroon 12 лет тому назад -1
I have a feeling that there is some self fullfilling prophecy going on here, cause you can't be talking objective over here. All I can see in this video about technique is how he hits and thats actually technically really good. His approach is good. His left shoulder is always towards the net, he hits the ball high, he never hits it "out of the shoulder" and he curls his wrists around the ball. Nothing wrong with his technique over there in that department. Passing might be a different story, but where have you seen that in either movie?
oooh no i didn't see that The libero out of the passing line-up. What a wonderfull life must he have
Alexander Butko 12 лет тому назад 0
Oh Pesazi, you are right about a lot of things there. All what you said about Grankin seemed to be picked straight out of my own brains. Only thing where our opinions differ is where I think Butko is a better setter for Mikhailov. Grankin can do it, but Butko just shines at it. Now they are both great, but it might be more viable to have the setter that fits your best player the best.
Running 12 лет тому назад 0
Wilfredo, your friend is right. Biking is to much repetitions for it to be effective as a vertical exercise.
Running 12 лет тому назад 0
Ive made a comment about plusasking before John17, don't let me do it again!
Running 12 лет тому назад +1
It could be bad for you indeed.
Considering volleyball that is.
Volleyball is a fast sport which contains a lot of fast twitch muscles. Fast twitch muscles is partly genetical (thats why some people jump extremely high), but there is a part where it is trainable. The trainable part are the muscle fibres that can either form fast twitch muscle or slow twitch muscle. If you run a lot, your muscle will create slow twitch muscles which will help you run longer, but you won't be able to create the fast twitch muscles.
The right exercises can also help you to develop fast twitch muscles, and so help you jump higher.

It isn't as black and white as I am stating above, of course you can run, without being scared of losing jump height, but a long distance runner will never jump high.

Last but not least. If you don't eat enough, or you are running with a heartrate thats to high, or you are running very long, you have the chance of not only burning fat, but also burning muscles. Muscles are in its primary form, proteïne and can so be turned into fuel for your body.
So if you decide to run, eat well, beforehand and afterwards, so you won't burn muscles but only fat or other stored carbohydrates.

thats it for me, hope it helps
Tsvetan Sokolov tribute 12 лет тому назад -3
What a load of crap thrizer.

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