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World Cup 2011 - first round 12 лет тому назад +1
@Berny - Oh,that's so sweet ? I've always wanted to make matches a family experience,but my parents(even though,they've both played volleyball briefly)could not be less interested ?
By the way,if you guys want,I can continue to upload the games I can find ,on host sites and give links here.
Polish volleyball players - "300" 12 лет тому назад +1
I meant that it's awful,there are still consequences from the earthquakes,because I assumed that this is the reason they're wearing them(I very recently read an article that said a big chunk of Japan's population still wears masks for protection),I didn't say it's ugly or anything like that. And about the time difference - except in Brazil,Cuba and may be Argentina,volleyball is not as popular as it is in Europe,so yeah,I think we should have an advantage and watch more matches live.It's just an opinion,I'm sorry that you find it offensive.
Russia - The Winner of World Cup 2011!!! 12 лет тому назад +1
@Someone - I'm always very afraid of teams like Iran,who have nothing to lose in a tournament...Velasco has made a HUGE impact!You're still gonna take 3 points tomorrow,so it may not be a big deal ?
Polish volleyball players - "300" 12 лет тому назад 0
Yeah,it's been so weird for me to watch Poland's matches without their fantastic crowd.I mean no offense to the Japanese audience,but those timid "ooh" and "aah"s from time to time are not gonna cut it.I'm with Brazil's women coach on his suggestion that the WC needs a new host,plus with the time difference,if the tournament's in Europe we'll be able to watch more matches live :) BTW,have you noticed that there are still people with masks?Awful...
Polish volleyball players - "300" 12 лет тому назад 0
That's exactly what I meant guys,it was irony :D
Polish volleyball players - "300" 12 лет тому назад +1
Take that discussion to a football forum,please,there's no place for such talk in here! :D
Russia - The Winner of World Cup 2011!!! 12 лет тому назад +1
The economic crises RULES! LOL
Polish volleyball players - "300" 12 лет тому назад +2
Cool!The Italian "fellowship" is inspiring some great work! :D Next,may be Giba in "Gladiator" ?:D
I'm also very impressed with JW,I've only watched their last match with SKRA in PlusLiga,but what they showed in the CWCh was amazing!
Piotr Nowakowski attack (Poland - Argentina) 12 лет тому назад +1
The truth is that it's not about Matey,but something else.I just don't like it when there are comments,where "Bulgarians" is used as something bad and people put a negative spin on our little community here(" Kasyski fans and all those bulgarians dramas").I usually ignore them or try to laugh them off,but I've had a really awful day and that was kind of the last drop.When I don't agree with someone,I ask them a question to see why we think differently,I don't give them an anonymous minus.And I also don't write negative comments under videos,because I realize that certain players mean a lot to their countries and since this is an international forum,there should be some tolerance and mutual respect.That's why when I read foreigners talking about us like that,making jokes about us(knowing that we're gonna read them)it irritates me,because it is so disrespectful.I'm not a doormat,off course I'm gonna stand up for myself,if that's "drama" - fine,but it shouldn't be.
Piotr Nowakowski attack (Poland - Argentina) 12 лет тому назад +1
It all started after the last movie about him,someone said "Another one?" or something like that,and then a few hours later a 6th movie of Grozer was posted and a Bulgarian wrote under it that if there are 6 movies of him,then 7 of Matey aren't that many and I agree,but no one said "Oh,he's not as good" or anything like that. @NXT,Someone - my comment wasn't for you,but thank you for your answers :) It was directed at the people who think it's nice to discriminate(saku,Overlook,Revan). @NightFox,you've misunderstood NXT,he didn't mean it like that :D See,he says he likes us :)
Petition for FIVB mens volleyball video game! 12 лет тому назад +1
"Volleyball is very unpopular in USA." Which is a huge paradox,since volleyball originates from the States( that would be like football not being popular in the UK).They don't even have a championship...
Piotr Nowakowski attack (Poland - Argentina) 12 лет тому назад +1
Please,scroll down a bit and see who's mentioning his name.Answer: not a Bulgarian. Someone from Bulgaria says they're not impressed with an action by a Polish player and this totally unprovoked hate follows?We should have a different section,really?There are people with serious issues here...
How tall are you??? 12 лет тому назад +4
bitka,are you my long lost twin? ?
How tall are you??? 12 лет тому назад +1
Hi,mutants! haha 173 ?
World Cup 2011 - first round 12 лет тому назад +1
Guys,since I couldn't add yesterday's matches here last night,I uploaded them on different host sites and here are the links in case you haven't watched them yet :
Poland - Argentina : http://www.woofiles.com/dl-273426-ja48HBnd-PolskaArgentyna1sall.avi
USA - Russia : http://hotfile.com/dl/135785825/1980eae/StatiUnitiRussia.wmv.html
Brazil - Italy : http://www.filefactory.com/file/cf3cf93/n/ItaliaBrasile2.wmv
Piotr Nowakowski attack (Poland - Argentina) 12 лет тому назад +1
There really have been many so far :)
World Cup 2011 - first round 12 лет тому назад +1
Oh,my comment was for Kk15,but I'll upload Poland - Argentina later,too ?
World Cup 2011 - first round 12 лет тому назад +1
Wait 'til I upload it here ?
World Cup 2011 - first round 12 лет тому назад +2
Fingers crossed ? Before the tournament started I wished for at least 2 European teams in the Top 3,so that way my wish will come true ?

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