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But see how that behavior reflects on what people think about pretty much everyone in your country?Then people would say that Bulgarians are some kind of barbarians and make no mistake about it,we don't have Italy's lobby in the FIVB,we would have been out of international volleyball for AWHILE.It's no secret,strong countries don't have to follow the rules that much and not so strong countries take penalties for wrongdoings even if they haven't done any. In this situation alone,I think the referee didn't do his job and this is what happens when authorities don't do their job - things get out of hand. However(and I know I'm totally contradicting myself with that) if Lambourne have done that to Rado,I might have kicked him in the head :D @raylight - you edited your comment,now my finish doesn't make any sense haha
Russia - The Winner of World Cup 2011!!! 12 лет тому назад 0
Silly habit ?
Turns out that 17 year old Bisset from Cuba is the youngest ?
Russia - The Winner of World Cup 2011!!! 12 лет тому назад +1
Guys,I found Brazil - Cuba and Brazil - Serbia with perfect quality! Both are very big files,though - over 3 GB! I'll upload them tomorrow.
Sergio vs Bernardo Rezende 12 лет тому назад +1
Absolutely,raylight,this is no occasion for jumping on the couch - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNrB6qpmNwg ?
I'm serious though,seeing this shouldn't make any volleyball fan happy...
Am not pro "tricks " of any kind,but I think in that situation Rich's behavior is more scandalous.It's done...the ball is out of play,you can't do anything now,except go to the referee and explain your case.If he had done that,I would have been on his side,but again - shoving a national coach is plain ugly and offensive.I'm gonna quote Maxim,who when something of a fight broke out after Zenit - Al Araby at the WCCH this year,was trying to break it up saying "Come on,guys,this is volleyball! " .Those tricks are part of the game,just like the math,coaches do during certain tourneys and I've always said that I'm opposed to that,but what Rich did has no place on the volleyball court and he and Priddy can't be called victims after that.
Arena Sofia 2011 Tournament Highlights 12 лет тому назад +2
@spiridoncheto - I actually wasn't there :( No more whining though,'cause May,here I come!!!Nothing and no one will stop me to scream at the top of my lungs(and I'll humbly add that the sound of that is very impressive :D )for our guys. I've also wondered if streaming through a phone or may be an I-pad(if their budget allows it,off course)would give the same result or even a better one :D
Nikolay Apalikov headshot 12 лет тому назад +1
@pearl,you're his personal translator :D
Off course,they're gonna try to block them - the score is 37:37!And it's their court.Was Rich provoked - yes,but shoving a national coach...since when is that considered sportsmanship?
Sergio vs Bernardo Rezende 12 лет тому назад +1
I know they're both hot-headed,but I've never thought that they would lose their temper like this in public.They're grown men for crying out loud - Sergio's 36!Giba trying to break them apart...Sergio shoving Visotto to get to Rezende...ugly scene :(
Russia - The Winner of World Cup 2011!!! 12 лет тому назад +2
Poland - Egypt : http://www.filefactory.com/file/cf58337/n/Poland-Egypt-29.11.2011.avi
Quick win for Poland,I don't know if the match is that good,but again,if anyone is going to make a video of Poland's performance in the WC,it might be useful :)
Russia - The Winner of World Cup 2011!!! 12 лет тому назад +1
Russia - Cuba : http://www.filefactory.com/file/cf574a5/n/2011_11_29_WC_Cub_Rus_voley.mkv
Still nothing on Brazil - Serbia and Italy - Argentina.
Russia - The Winner of World Cup 2011!!! 12 лет тому назад +4
@Blockmaskinen - you're very welcome ?))
Arena Sofia 2011 Tournament Highlights 12 лет тому назад +1
"The actions are what I could take from our tv, not good like in Russian or Polish" - urghhhhhhhhhh When I compare the quality of transmission that Russian and Polish(especially the last WL finals) fans get - the replays,the many angles of the actions...makes me wonder how much longer are we gonna watch volleyball like it's the 20th century... "My dreams are Bulgaria to stay unbeaten in Sofia next year " - same here :) I hope I was good this year,'cause that's what I ordered Santa for Christmas :D
Poland - Cuba (Highlights) 12 лет тому назад 0
I actually like the very beginning with faces "hitting" the beat at the exact moment(classic song!) :) I'm no expert on movie-making,so I assume that was hard :) The only critic could be that,as bitka said, it would have been nice to see some successful Cuban actions,too :D
Russia - The Winner of World Cup 2011!!! 12 лет тому назад +1
@pearl - And I was wondering why Italy's matches were the most downloaded - turns out all hard working Italians were counting on me ?
@raylight - hehe,thank you ?
Arena Sofia 2011 Tournament Highlights 12 лет тому назад 0
@miroslavflain - someone should have told Andrey LOL
Russia - The Winner of World Cup 2011!!! 12 лет тому назад +4
I haven't found it yet,or Brazil - Serbia ? Sorry,as soon as I get it,I'll put it up.BTW,this - "without you I couldn't have seen anything in this WC ? " - really made me feel great.All the up/download wasn't for nothing ?
Russia - The Winner of World Cup 2011!!! 12 лет тому назад 0
"what a team it is if they do what they want even against such teams as Brazil!" - Can't argue with that ? They were amazing today!
"so the biggest losers of the tournament turn out to be the main benefiters and the smartest team there!" - Do you mean,they're gonna win the Euro qualification? I hope not,that would mean that we won't qualify ? ?
I've never seen "a dead man walking",like Serbia in this tournament,having such influence on the final outcome of the cup...with a single match,they made the tournament even more interesting than it already was ?
But I still don't think that they've lost the matches that they have on purpose.All teams want to be at the Olympics and no one wants to qualify at the last minute ?
kk15,we were writing the same thing at the same time ?
What was the best match you have ever watched? 12 лет тому назад 0
Kk15,if anything,Cuba - Brazil was the most boring game haha It's become something of a rule that the final of the WCh is the least interesting game of the whole tournament ?
I also can't say which is the best match I've ever watched,but I have to agree with the guys under me - the last Olympic final is the closest one to "perfect" that I can think of ?

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