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Is Matey Kaziyski second class player? 12 лет тому назад +1
"they lacked the physical parameters of Netherlands or Russia to do classical volleyball. They compensated with a lot more training in the gym and practice in the hall, acquiring more skills to do this beautiful volleyball, needed to COMPENSATE for the physique difference." In synopses - when you have lemons,make lemonade ?
@champion - Are you quoting Hanna Montana LOL Sorry,when I hear "keep climbing"...a friend of mine abused my ears with this song a few summers ago and I'm still recovering ?
Russia - The Winner of World Cup 2011!!! 12 лет тому назад +1
Yep ? Though,no one expected them to fight for third place,despite their shape right now and the disappointment they've experienced during the tourney,they got it together at the end,when it counts ?
Is Matey Kaziyski second class player? 12 лет тому назад 0
@handan - he did spike mindlessly.I'm sure a lot of people would agree that Russian league has changed a lot in the past 3-4 seasons,when mindless spiking was the rule(with a few exceptions,mostly foreigners - Brazilians,Amaricans,etc.).It's still based on strong spike and raw strength ,but not as much as before.Osmany,5 years ago was just was another "hitter".I don't know why Rado chose him for Trento,I guess he saw his potential,like he did with Jan,Sokolov,Djuric and others.I think the more interesting question is,if he was such a great player before,why didn't other,better coaches,want him for their teams then?
Is Matey Kaziyski second class player? 12 лет тому назад +2
Yes,I've seen him play in Russia.His serve was good,but not as great as it is now.What else - mindless spiking,no block(it's still not good,but has improved a little,imo,I have no stats to prove it) and his defense and digging are definitely much better now.And because of the rest that you just mentioned(wasn't it 2 years?),plus no involvement in his NT(not his choice,he can't be blamed for that) he's much more energized than Matey.
"I wouldn't say his improvement is only because of Rado .I think it is more because of getting playing time ,gaining experience." - That could be said about every player in any team ?
Is Matey Kaziyski second class player? 12 лет тому назад +1
His blocking has improved a lot,actually - check his stats from 09/10 season and 10/11,11/12 so far.
@handan - Osmany is fresher than Matey,not better.AND Osmany has improved absolutely every element since coming to Trento,so Rado can't be that bad,right?
Russia - The Winner of World Cup 2011!!! 12 лет тому назад +2
Wow,must have been an awesome match,can't wait to watch it !!!I see Poland gave Russians a run for their money ? Lloy Ball predicted that outcome(Russia winning the WC) pretty early on and said that Max will be MVP ? And happy birthday,Alekno ?
Russia - The Winner of World Cup 2011!!! 12 лет тому назад 0
Poland - Brazil : http://www.filefactory.com/file/cf71c39/n/Poland-Brazil-03.12.2011.avi (better quality). I posted the previous one for the more impatient among you,but this one would be better for movie making :)
Is Matey Kaziyski second class player? 12 лет тому назад +2
raylight,open your eyes to the truth,man - he's a fifth class player.You're the last guy here,who refuses to see it... ?
Wilfredo Leon huge block 12 лет тому назад 0
@RevanExtasis - he's not around right now,but he's not forgotten :)
Emanuele Birarelli 12 лет тому назад +1
@pearl,I meant,that he plays for Trento,therefore he's trentinian :D @Kjeldhor,off course :D
Wilfredo Leon huge block 12 лет тому назад 0
And how can we not believe him,right raylight? SIMON IS THE BEST :D (For real,I love Simon :) )
Emanuele Birarelli 12 лет тому назад +3
The guy with the bowest legs I've EVER seen in my life :D He's trentinian so,gotta love him :) As raylight said,"Great video, great song" :D
Wilfredo Leon huge block 12 лет тому назад +3
@_k-is-for-kate_,there's a lot of truth in that.I've wondered if Leon's career will be much shorter that other stars.How old is Ivan now,but he didn't get in the NT when he was 15,right?I'm afraid Leon's 28 will be most players 35...
Russia - The Winner of World Cup 2011!!! 12 лет тому назад +3
@joe27,the hosting site is experiencing some trouble...may be wait a little and it will be alright again?
Congrats,Russia and Poland for reaching London ?
Russia - The Winner of World Cup 2011!!! 12 лет тому назад 0
Thanks for the link,tomdoki ? I ALWAYS miss the most interesting things ?
Russia - The Winner of World Cup 2011!!! 12 лет тому назад 0
My net connection broke right before the last point :D So,I missed a fight or something?
Jarosz to the rescue!!!Who knew - the unlikely hero of the match(imo) :) Kurek,for me,underperformed yet again,in an important match for you guys,but Ruciak - the block machine saved the day :)
Good luck tomorrow,Poland :D Italy,don't give up!!!
Russia - Japan : http://www.filefactory.com/file/cf7bb69/n/Volleyball._2011.11.02._World_Cup._Day_9.Russia-JPN.avi
Russia - The Winner of World Cup 2011!!! 12 лет тому назад 0
Brazil - Serbia : http://www.filefactory.com/file/cf62945/n/Volleyball.World.Cup.Round8.SRB-BRA.[29.11.2011]_xvid.avi
Unfortunately,it's not the perfect quality that I promised last night.I spent more than an hour this morning,looking through everything that google has to offer,and found 2 sites that I could upload such big files on,but none of them worked.So I converted this one to .avi and put it on the site,where I usually upload matches.You can download the original,if you have an account at http://rutracker.org/forum/index.php
Hopefully,I'll find the time to upload Brazil - Cuba by tonight.
Again,sorry for the quality,but to be honest,I've uploaded worse :D

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