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Bartosz Kurek in World League 2011 Final Eight

radek96rr 2011-07-13 • 11855 defa görüntülendi • 83
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83 yorum

fabi3AT 124 3
12 yıl önce
best outside hitter in the world !
Fadhel AbbasBH 1513 14
12 yıl önce
I love the way he served He distinguished
SllaveqBG 790 10
12 yıl önce
tysiaPL 579 11
12 yıl önce
Kurek grows to its leadership position
przemek16PL 808 17
12 yıl önce
proponuje wpisać w :D
MalboroPL 545 3
12 yıl önce
A może rozkazujesz :)
RoninhoPL 758 13
12 yıl önce
stwierdzasz czy pytasz
radek96rrPLAuthor 67 2
12 yıl önce
przemek16PL 808 17
12 yıl önce
z Ipli można sciągć, nie musisz nagrywać przez frapsa,
tysiaPL 579 11
12 yıl önce
Bartek jest bardzo dobrym zawodnikiem. I rośnie na lidera na swojej pozycji Bartek is a very good player. I rise to leadership in his position
DrdreUA 1 1
12 yıl önce
very very interesting muvies
sakuPL 1032 9
12 yıl önce
By statistics i can say too winiarski is the best because he was best rciever at the olimpics, you always will find some reason that bulgaria is the bacause thay won some match, i see discus with you is no sense anymore You asked me or overlook about grades? I dont know becasue this sentence has no sense, first think what you want to write, carefully, dont make mistakes....
OverlookPL 280 5
12 yıl önce
I mean that writing after facts what will happen if... or if not something is senseless because now it's only words. And I'll send you my CV on PM;-)
qwertyuiop12345PL 81 4
12 yıl önce
I can say Bulgaria was better then us in 2010, I havent got problem with this (even if it hurt) but you cant be objective and you always find excuses like lack of tactic etc.
qwertyuiop12345PL 81 4
12 yıl önce
Raylight, its simple: we was worse than Brazil, Bulgaria was worse too, but you after some win in not important matches (we all know Brazil must lose one match in early phase of tournament :D) think that Bulgaria was in same level than Brazil.
raylightBG 3006 15
12 yıl önce
qwerty, let me see you reasoning: What is the reason for the fact that Poland always loses against Brazil? Could you explain it? It is not because Poland is generally weaker than us, Bulgaria and Poland are the same level for the last 10 years. What is it? Let me see you work saku - this is your argumentation scheme to fight mine? Words, words, words? What is your age and education? Overlook, you? How are your grades in logic and mathematics? After all you are being very personal in your words: raylight this, raylight that, so tell me, who are you?
raylightBG 3006 15
12 yıl önce
I have the right of opinion. If you do not agree, state your arguments, but do not talk badly to me. I hope you have some manners.

P.S. Best receiver: Plamen Konstantinov

Second Place: Murilo

Example: Konstantinov was in Montichiari in 2203/2004 and he had 54.8% perfect reception
Btw. after Brazil - Bulgaria 3:1 in WCH 2006, when Bulgaria played with second squad, Bernardo Rezende said:

"Congratulations to Bulgaria for the whole championship. They are one of the best, if not the best, teams in the world. They really work hard and have some good youngsters and I hope they qualify for the final."

By the way you can see the stats from the match and make some conclusions:
OverlookPL 280 5
12 yıl önce
raylight: "Words, words, words."
sakuPL 1032 9
12 yıl önce
Haha raylight, funnier than ever- bulgaria forever, get on the groundm your argument are nothing in todays volleyball every match between strongest temas is wining by tactics becasue phisivally and technically are the samee, these days only tactic wins
qwertyuiop12345PL 81 4
12 yıl önce
Your interpretation exceeds all limits. Did you read that what you write. You are funny, you are fanatic with 0 objective , if I reasoned like you i can explain every lose of Poland but im dont do this because im just try to be objective. Good luck in your imaginary world, where all doing everythink against you and Bulgaria, you are not person with who I want to conversation longer.
raylightBG 3006 15
12 yıl önce
First quote - true. The two victories of Italy are in 2008 and 2005 out of 12 matches. Most of the time is 3:0 for Bulgaria. After 2005 Italy is no longer the stronger team (with the exception of the Olympic tournament) and the 4th place on the world championship is misleading (Although Savani, Parodi and Zaytsev together could change that). The case with Poland vs Bulgaria and Italy vs Bulgaria. Before Prandi Bulgaria played without any tactics. We didn't organize our block or defense. A lot of teams of our level beat us back there because of this. Poland was at our level in 2006, not stronger. We had the best receiver in the world - Konstantinov, one of the best opposites - Nikolov, class libero, the best spiker and server at the time - Kaziyski, strong MB's. Our players were not worse than Polish ones (Poland had Swiderski, and Winiarski, with Lucas at the middle and Wlazly as opposite). Poland beat us with tactics, good game organization and cleverness, the same way USA beats Brazil half of time, despite the fact that Brazil is generally the stronger team. Bulgaria in 2006 with good coach should have won both world league and world championship. With those spikers, servers, receivers if the block-defense system was sound enough, we should have won it. Our players from that time were winning all kinds of tournaments with their clubs - Nikolov- MVP in CL, him and Konstantinov gave Tours the only tite they have in France together with Alekno as coach and Henno as libero. Konstantinov was twice best player in Greece, Kaziyski was flying, Evgeni Ivanov was champion with Skra. Unfortunately the lack of class coach beheaded our strongest year.
qwertyuiop12345PL 81 4
12 yıl önce
Back to the theme of raylight and his ,,objective" opinion Quote raylight from 23:55 09/07/2011: ,,We beat Italy every time we meet them, how are they stronger than us?" Quote raylight from 17:37 13/02/2011 ,,Poland is ahead as results. We got 3rd in WCH2006, they got 2nd. We got bronze medal ECH 2009, they got gold We got the same result on the olympics Before Prandi, Poland used to beat us with block" Quote raylight from 19:26 13/02/2011 ,,I didn't say that Poland is better, but they obtained better results before Prandi, e.g. better use of their potential" Well if Bulgaria beat someone they are better, when someone beat Bulgaria its just question of luck, bad day of Bulgaria etc
radek96rrPLAuthor 67 2
12 yıl önce
do bitka:zrób lepszy filmik cwaniaku/czka
raylightBG 3006 15
12 yıl önce
Russia has the best block, but the NT don't use it optimally yet
raylightBG 3006 15
12 yıl önce
Yes, and Gazprom have Gutsaluk, who was the best blocker in the last season. This team will have a wall for the opponents
ZytaPL 1332 11
12 yıl önce
guys c'mon, this time I didn't wrote anything bad about Todorov to give me a minus :P raylight maybe we have a different definitions of class players, I wouldn't call him a class players. Yet. I think Gazprom Surgut is the best decision for now for him, than being 4th MB in Trento, he must play and as we know, Russia has the best block in the world for now [not only MB's, for example Butko had 9 kill blocks, I think even few times during season], for MB Russian League is a great place to improve, when he has to face those bloody great blockers.
raylightBG 3006 15
12 yıl önce
Well, he is already game changer and main factor behind many victories of CSKA and some of Bulgarian NT. If that doesn't make him class player, nothing will make him. I think it is more correctly to say that he is not complete player, he is able to perform in some games well even with his current development, but lacks the full spectrum of capabilities to make him perform at 100% and to be MB Kaziyski
ZytaPL 1332 11
12 yıl önce
raylight and saku exactly, he plays not very long time as for professional player, he is not bad on attack, but he must improve much more, he has physical arguments to be a good MB, but he needs more technique, so I can't call him now class players, but with hard work hopefuly it will come.
raylightBG 3006 15
12 yıl önce
Exactly my thoughts, Saku. May be you don't know, but Todorov started playing volleyball rather late - 16 years old. He needs time and effort to become the player he can be
sakuPL 1032 9
12 yıl önce
raylight, witj his reach his sholud be much better, he is good but he sholud be perfect bacause he has graet conditions to this
bitkaPL 673 10
12 yıl önce
about the movie: PLEASE, when you record from ipla try next time to avoid the bar under the's really annoying.and also don't put player's reaction after every action. collect them and mix them together or put only 2 or maybe 3 - i feel like i've watched Kurek's face more than his play
raylightBG 3006 15
12 yıl önce
I don't think Todorov is weak on attack. He had over 55% in Champions League and Cev Cup the last two years wth Nikolay Ivanov. He is in top3 blockers in the world OBVIOUSLY, but has much to learn in attack, powerful jump serving and defense. He needs to read the game better, doesn't block opponents MB too often
ZytaPL 1332 11
12 yıl önce
I just asked IF you THINK that he would - it's totally different.

Of course I don't think he would attack better as a MB than Todorov.

What I meant with saying technique is that Matey has better technique than Todorov - of course both on their own positions, Matey is class player on his position, Todorov not. I used only one word as I thought it's so obvious, but I see I have to say everything properly, because there will be always at least one person who has to hitch on...
RachelBR 532 7
12 yıl önce
I think it was a great experience for Kurek to participate and win a medal on this WL finals. I saw him as a true leader on court and by far the best polish player.
NXTPL 241 3
12 yıl önce
Thanks Raylight ^^
hanes233EE 987 5
12 yıl önce
saku, Matey is an explosive player when he uses his explosiveness, just he usually uses more teqnicue instead if it. Exposiveness is the power that you can use in a very short amount of time and both Kurek and Kaziyski are full of that power;)
raylightBG 3006 15
12 yıl önce
Haha, NXT, I like that :D
NXTPL 241 3
12 yıl önce
Aww and where did I say that you said that Matey would be better? I just asked IF you THINK that he would - it's totally different. And as you said every position need technique but every position needs a little bit different technique so compraing them is pointless - peace :P
raylightBG 3006 15
12 yıl önce
Zyta. I can't fight with you, it will be every one-sided fight :) But I can kick Henrique's ass if he bring bad present to Ema :D
ZytaPL 1332 11
12 yıl önce
Zyta come on... Middle blocker's way of spiking is totally different then recevier's... Do you really think that Matey would be better spiker as middle blocker then Todorov? I honestly don't think so. Still... they are both spiking and that's why we shouldn't be saying that one or the other is the best spiker 'cause it doesn't make any sense :]

where did I said Matey would be better spiker as a MB than Todorov? guy asked for difference between spiking of Matey and Todorov. And I'm saying technique. Every position needs technique to spiking well, not only with strength. Matey improved technique on his position. Todorov still need to improve his technique as a MB. So read what I'm writing and do not add words I didn't used.

@raylight send my best regards to your Diana and your little baby girl ? and Henrique was right, when he said I can kick your ass, so be good for your ladies!
sakuPL 1032 9
12 yıl önce
please read below what I wrote please cerafully
raylightBG 3006 15
12 yıl önce
If you can't quote me, Saku, don't claim that I said something. I want rational discussion, not emo hate with teenagers. If you can't reason, you are not invited to the discussion and by saying this I don't want to express any kind of negative emotion towards you
sakuPL 1032 9
12 yıl önce
did I wrote 'in the world" please show me where I wrote that you said he is the best 'in the world' please stop this vocabulary game
raylightBG 3006 15
12 yıl önce
Quote, Saku, quote me where I say Matey is the best player in the world generally
sakuPL 1032 9
12 yıl önce
raylight, you hear yourself?? first you write something and after opionon of any person you change you mind and write sth opposite

I didn't say Matey is the best player, only the best spiker. At least in club volleyball

earlier you wrote his the best player, what will be next? reciever or libero?

It is very hard to compare players generally, only element by element is possible at the highest level. Murilo is the best in receiving for example.

and you are one of mans who stared this comparing

I won't quote you longest post in this discussion, about irony of qwertyuiop, it seems clearly you didnt undersnad it, jugde yourself first man... and stop making rumor
hanes233EE 987 5
12 yıl önce
Yes, and Juantorena is the best serving:)
raylightBG 3006 15
12 yıl önce
It is very hard to compare players generally, only element by element is possible at the highest level. Murilo is the best in receiving for example.
raylightBG 3006 15
12 yıl önce
I didn't say Matey is the best player, only the best spiker. At least in club volleyball
SomeonePL 875 10
12 yıl önce
But, please: next time quote them in normal way :)
vtnklmdcPL 686 14
12 yıl önce
thanks Someone :D I'm proud of yourself :D movie is really nice for 5 i love this song ;)

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