
Berlin Volleys - VfB Friedrichshafen (Highlights)

luck191 2013-05-03 • 2634 defa görüntülendi • 1
Yesterday's game in the German capital was thought by many fans to be the last match of the final series, but to everyone's surprise Friedrichshafen postponed the title celebrations of Berlin Volleys by winning in four sets. VfB totally dominated all offensive elements of volleyball. Team coached by Stelian Moculescu presented completely a new face. They played with a heart. Nice match of Venceslav Simeonov (21 points). Bulgarian player was the best scorer in Friedrichshafen as usual. The big star of the evening, however, was the middle-blocker: Max Günthör, who scored 15 points, including 10 blocks! After match in Berlin there was score: 2:1. Now the competition was moved to Friedrichshafen. The fourtd match will be played on May 5th. How do you think, who will be better?

#MaxGunthor #VentzislavSimeonov #BerlinRecyclingVolleys #VfBFriedrichshafen #GermanBundesliga201213

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Wilfredo_is_MarshallRS 4186 20
10 yıl önce
Great match

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