
Best actions play-offs in EuroVolley 2015

soidensir3 2015-10-15 • 2284 defa görüntülendi
Estonia was the real sensation of the EuroVolley and confirmed their status also in the playoff match with Serbia, with two of their star players - opposite Oliver Venno and libero Rait Rikberg - deservedly claiming a spot in the highlight clip showcasing the best actions from that round! They are joined by Italy's rising star Simone Giannelli, Finland's opposite Urpo Sivula and Serbia's Aleksandar Atanasijević who contributed the last point of a dramatic match up with Estonia.

#AleksandarAtanasijevic #OliverVenno #RaitRikberg #SimoneGiannelli #UrpoSivula #EuropeanChampionships2015 #longrally #bestactions

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