
Brazil - Italy (last points)

voleifuturo 2013-11-24 • 3216 defa görüntülendi • 1
Brazil celebrates their fourth title at the Men's World Grand Champions Cup. The team was champion also in 1997, 2005 and 2009. They defeated Italy in a very tight match, an epic five-set battle (25:22, 25:22, 23:25, 20:25, 15:11) in 2 hours and 03 minutes. Brazil ends the competition with 12 points and 4 victories, losing just one match to the olympic champion, Russia. The opposite Wallace was the best scorer of the match with 28 points: 22 points of attack, 3 points of block and 3 of serve. Lucão was impressive too, with 21 points (17 points of attack, 3 of block and 1 point of serve). He was considered the MVP of the match. "We have to celebrate a lot today, but we know we must learn how to be more decisive at some moments" - declared Lucão. Brazil coach Bernardo Rezende said: “There was great volleyball played today. I'm very happy that we won the tournament. Wallace and Lucas played well for us. It was a roller coaster of emotions for us after the loss last night. We came back 15 hours after losing and won today which is amazing. We have some new players in the team, but had good focus in the tournament.”
Some words of Italy coach Mauro Berruto: “Congratulations to Brazil. It is an honour to play in a tournament of this level. We have won the bronze medal. I am extremely proud today and for our effort in this tournament. We always have to consider the starting point of a project. We came here with young players and did well. We had moments of beautiful volleyball today.”

#BrunoRezendeBruninho #WallacedeSouza #LucasSaatkampLucao #IvanZaytsevTheTsar #MauroBerruto #GrandChampionsCup2013

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Wilfredo_is_MarshallRS 4186 20
10 yıl önce
Wonderful match!

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