Andrea Giani nowym trenerem Skry Bełchatów?

Volleybox 2013-03-26 • 6293 defa görüntülendi • 11
Andrea Giani nowym trenerem Skry Bełchatów? Czy jeden z siatkarzy wszech czasów będzie nowym trenerem zawodników Skry Bełchatów? Na łamach gazety La Gazetto dello Sport ukazał się wywiad z Andreą Gianim, który ujawnia, że władze Bełchatowa kontaktowały się z nim.

Skra Bełchatów zagrała najgorszy sezon od 10 lat. Nie tylko dlatego, że nie zdobędzie medalu w Pluslidze, ale zespół ten odpadł już w ćwierćfinale po niezwykle zaciętych meczach z Resovią Rzeszów.

Skra w tym sezonie grała słabo, a miało na to wpływ wiele czynników. Jako główny powód podaje się kontuzje podstawowych zawodników. Sponsorzy tego klubu nie zamierzają dłużej się takiej grze przyglądać i w najbliższym sezonie bełchatowski klub opuści pewnie kilku zawodników. Pierwszą ofiarą może zostać pierwszy trener Skry Bełchatów, Jacek Nawrocki.

Jako trener Giani nie osiągnął jeszcze wiele. Wraz z klubem Cimone Modena zdobył w 2008 roku w Rzeszowie Puchar Challenge.
A Romę Volley wprowadził do Serie A1. Od 2012 roku nie pracuje w żadnym klubie, jest za to asystentem Mauro Berruto w reprezentacji Włoch.

W jednym z wywiadów dla włoskiej gazety: "La Gazzetta dello Sport", Giani powiedział:
"Żadnego kontraktu jeszcze nie podpisałem. Ale mogę potwierdzić, że klub z Bełchatowa skontaktował się ze mną kilka tygodni temu. W pewnym momencie wyglądało to nawet na to, że dołączę do drużyny w środku sezonu. Nie był to dla nich najlepszy rok, ale wciąż są silnym zespołem. Z tego co wiem, to na 99% zmienią trenera i powiedzieli mi, że jestem jednym z głównych kandydatów" - mówił w wywiadzie Giani.

opracowanie: własne

11 yorum

pearlIT 1003 11
11 yıl önce
Giani is officially the new head coach of Verona http://www.volleyball.it/notizie.asp?n=61883&l=0
OverlookPL 280 5
11 yıl önce
I agree with you too. Skra doesn't need the same story like with Bernardi in JW, but good and experienced coach. My little suggestion: Santilli is “free” now?
camnowPL 380 4
11 yıl önce
I agree with u @oioi about terrible decisions but even that some changes should be done in Skra
oioiPL 370 5
11 yıl önce
Probably, he has a good workshop but as I said some terrible decisions led to this bad season for Skra. Of course we learn from mistakes but as of now he should be fired from Skra.
oioiPL 370 5
11 yıl önce
I don't want to write an essay here so I will just say that he made some terrible choices about transfers and tactics, and he is bad at leading the team. As for those successes, he inherited the team made by Castellani which was, I don't know exact word in english, a self playing team (?) as it was very well composed and with big players. And when he was supposed to make a team of his own, when three pillars left, he couldn't create a team, his personal decisions were to say the least odd.
oioiPL 370 5
11 yıl önce
Giani worked as a second coach or some other help (?) with Berutto, so he might have improved his workshop. But then again I hope he is not like Bernardi who in my opinion doesn't fit to be the coach.
bitkaPL 673 10
11 yıl önce
i think that Skra needs now experienced and tested coach with some great results
pearlIT 1003 11
11 yıl önce
@Handan: it's not completely true that he had no success as a coach. He won a challenge cup with Modena and Italian Serie A2 League and Italian A2 cup with Rome. If you are talking of his results in more recent times, the truth is that he never found himself seriously in a position to do any better. It's hard to be successful when your entourage doesn't support you or makes things hard or even worse than they are. but if I can be absolutely honest with you, I hope he'll stay in Italy and find some team to train here.
oioiPL 370 5
11 yıl önce
Every coach is better than Nawrocki.
vtnklmdcPL 686 14
11 yıl önce
As we see the level of the league is equalized now, and the most loser in the past two years is Skra,in this season was 4-5 teams favorites to win the league thereby matches were often aligned and favorites were many time losing matches with the less favored teams.
Cala transfer in this year turned out a total defeat, it isn't easy to replace Bartosz Kurek like we see. They need a new world class player on wing-spiker position.
I don't know whether Giani is an ideal candidate for a new coach, but this decision belongs to the activists of the club and not to me.
One thing is certain that if Skra wants to be again a champion of ​​Polish League and mean something in Europe they needs immediate changes ?
shinodaPL 121 3
11 yıl önce
it could be a good choice. I've heard also that winiarski and wlazyl could leave skra after season
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