Problems with the hall in Sofia on WL 2012

tysia 579
2011-12-31 • 3972 defa görüntülendi • 22 replies
In recent days, there was a problem with the hall in Sofia, where the eighth to 13 May be played at the Olympic qualifying tournament.

Bulgarian activists in recent days have a big problem, and the Bulgarian media are already talking about the scandal - in terms of the new Arena Armeec. FIVB requires the Bulgarians, that the hall was available for volleyball since the sixth May and here there is a problem because of the fifth to 7 May, there will be the World Cup in modern gymnastics. If Bulgaria does not meet the requirements of the FIVB will threaten them with a penalty of half a million. Bulgarian Association of Volleyball defends himself by claiming that in August 2011 already booked a hall for volleyball since the fifth to 14 May 2012. The dispute is resolved Bulgarian sports minister Svilen Nejkov.

Let's hope that the dispute will be resolved and that there will be similar problems before the tournament, the World League final to be played at the hall between the fourth and 8 of July.


#WorldLeague2012 #ArmeecArenaSofia

Problems with the hall in Sofia on WL 2012
proud 722 9
12 yıl önce
There are gonna be no such troubles for the WL.The only thing is that the World Cup in modern gymnastics is going to kind of screw up our host advantage in the OQ,since our volleyball players are gonna have to practice in a different hall in a different city...
But again,no need to panic for the WL ?
Sllaveq 790 10
12 yıl önce
proud, I read that the gymnastic is going to be at Universiada?
proud 722 9
12 yıl önce
There were suggestions for their tournament to be there,but I think that the hall doesn't cover the requirements for gymnastics or something,so Nikolov and co. are gonna have to train in Samokov.
Sllaveq 790 10
12 yıl önce
So what? I played basketball in Samokov for one tournament, the hall there is awesome..
I don't think it's a big deal volley NT will not have trainings in Armeets..
Our gymnastics are gold medalist, they deserve the best!
proud 722 9
12 yıl önce
I'm not saying the hall is bad,it's obviously not,if it's good enough to host a match from the CL,but you don't think it's weird that we don't get to use Armeec more than the other teams?Whatever,really,I don't think it's that big of an advantage,but it still helps - we haven't played that many games there(3),so it would have been good for the guys to get used to it more.
About the gymnastics - yes,they're world champions,but Bulgaria's been host to gymnastics tournament way before Armeec's opening,why can't they have this one in the same place,they have before?
raylight 3006 15
12 yıl önce
Bulgarian people are to blame, they chose prime minister former Mafioso and the sports minister is retarded
Sllaveq 790 10
12 yıl önce
I think there will be no matches outside Armeets.. where did you read there will be host matches in Samokov? I'm talking only about training..
Sllaveq 790 10
12 yıl önce
я ми обяснете на български каква е ситуацията,че се шашнах.
Това което четох е че след квалификациите за олимпиадата наште ще тренират в самоков..
световната лига там ли ще е?..
raylight 3006 15
12 yıl önce
Нее, преди квалификацията ще са в Самоков
Sllaveq 790 10
12 yıl önce
Еми добре, ама ако е само за 3 дена ПРЕДИ квалификацията какъв е проблема?
Извинявайте, но може да не съм волейболистка, но ми е ясна разликата от това да си добър в армеец и в самоков - НИКАКВА. Ако не играем добре, ни в едната, ни в другата ще ни е по - лесно..
Sllaveq 790 10
12 yıl önce
Tysia (and others) sorry we had little conversation in Bulgarian, we're just specifying when our NT is going to train in Samokov, because we had different information I think..
Anyway, no matches will be outside Armeets be sure.. there will be no problems.
proud 722 9
12 yıl önce
@Sllaveq - Осветление,височина на залата и много други неща влияят на играчите при подготовката - не можеш да тренираш в Самоков,после да отидеш в Армеец без да ти трябва малко време за свикване с обстановката,най-малкото за сервиза.
proud 722 9
12 yıl önce
"I think there will be no matches outside Armeets.. where did you read there will be host matches in Samokov? I'm talking only about training."
I meant that Samokov has hosted games from the CL - last year with Kazan?
There would be no matches outside Armeec during the WL ?
tysiaAuthor 579 11
12 yıl önce
@Sllaveq; ok, no problem ?
don't worry because Poland, don't write here hehe ?
and ... Happy New Year everyone ?
good in 2012 with many volleyball achievements
raylight 3006 15
12 yıl önce
I want Polish TV in Bulgaria to make ultra slow motions! No negotiations will be made ?
tysiaAuthor 579 11
12 yıl önce
hehe: D
of course
I wish, that Bulgaria
and in Poland, more volleyball in an open television? hehe
12 yıl önce
I wish there was a channel that showed volleyball 24/7, all around the world
pearl 1003 11
12 yıl önce
Good idea Wildredo!! Ehi chrison, along with this website, why don't you create a sat channel to broadcast all kinds of volleyball tournaments/leagues/competitions worldwide? You can call it "Volleyball-Movies Channel" ?
camnow 380 4
12 yıl önce
yeah like Television of Volleyball? beat the Polsat Sport TV ?
NightFox 1457 14
12 yıl önce
Don't worry about the hall ... our country is like a monarchy and the prime minister love the v-ball, so I'm not worried :]
raylight 3006 15
12 yıl önce
Our prime minister loves only his rating
12 yıl önce
@pearl i we donate money than we can a real television channel ?
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