
Long rally (Lube Banca Macerata - Sir Safety Perugia)

ivolley 2014-12-16 • 1820 defa görüntülendi • 1
Great rally between two of really strong teams in Serie A. Both teams showed determination in defense. On the court played stars like: Hubert Henno, Simone Parodi, Jiri Kovar, Christian Fromm, Andrea Giovi and Aleksandar Atanasijevic. That was match between Lube Banca Macerata and Sir Safety Perugia. The hosts won that game in four sets (23:25, 25:23, 26:24, 27:25). After Saturday's victory Lube is on the second place with 25 points in Serie A.

#CucineLubeCivitanova #UmbriaVolley #ItalianSerieA1201415 #longrally

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