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Tsvetan Sokolov tribute

Sllaveq 2012-01-04 • 5775 defa görüntülendi • 59
Şarkı adı: Immediate music - Tightwire
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59 yorum

Fadhel AbbasBH 1513 14
12 yıl önce
special player
SllaveqBGAuthor 790 10
12 yıl önce
DON"T WATCH nightfox's main twice instead.. :D
NightFoxBG 1457 14
12 yıl önce
So one more time, very clever suggestion about not watching your movies - how I can check if you did what I like without watching? Got the point?

It's pointless ... You're keep talking about my movies and still can't hear what I' telling you.
Watch what you want, eat what you want, drink what you want. Never said to you to NOT WATCH - I said nobody is forced ... there is difference.
ZytaPL 1332 11
12 yıl önce
Quote (NightFox)
I tried to explain you something about the movies and then you said something like "That's so clever OMG" and then you said it was an impression ... well for me the impressions don"t sound like this.

Yes that part was about this logic remark "No is forced to watch any movie" which you put after explaining me why you can't put so many reception in the movie. So one more time, very clever suggestion about not watching your movies - how I can check if you did what I like without watching? Got the point?
NightFoxBG 1457 14
12 yıl önce
Roninho, you remark back then made my movies better. But here you're wrong, because we are not talking about my movies at all ... We are talking about the movie conception. I wrote that I'm stopping to make movies, because I had an educational lessons in Germany and if you noticed there was big time of period about 4 months when I didn't create nothing + that you didn't like it. Something funny: Did you noticed that every time when Nikolov spikes or serve he open his mouth like he is gaping.
RoninhoPL 758 13
12 yıl önce
Of course there are exceptions.:P Now I will turn to the discussion. Movie is good and all. More can I say about a player. This is my favorite player bulgaria NT. He should quickly leave Trentino and play. Bulgaria needs a player in this position because Nikolov is getting old ...
HCLTBR 331 6
12 yıl önce
Quote (Roninho)
Nightfox was very angry and he even said that he will no longer make movies.

Quote (Roninho)
Sometimes you cannot say anything bad because it ends badly.

Roninho, criticizing something isn’t necessarily saying something bad – especially when it comes from a nice guy like you. Personally, I believe there’s no improvement when there’s no criticism. It doesn’t mean everything has to be criticized – some videos are excellent. However, most people are unprepared to have a discussion.

I saw that “volleyball digs” video and I got bored. Most people here thought it was fantastic. Honestly, after 30 seconds I was like, “what the hell, stop with this never-ending collage of isolated digs”. Part of that video, just 30 seconds of it, would be great, for example, for the introduction of a TV report about defense. I take part in a restricted webforum in Brazil, with only 50 participants, and I showed them that video. Nobody liked it. Some people said, “yes, good editing, but it’s pointless”. In fact the edition was really good, but just that. When I watch some NightFox videos I stop in the middle because I think it’s totally irrelevant showing some guy only hitting the ball (oh yes, I know you have different kind of videos, don’t need to say). A lot of people get angry just reading this. ;-)
SllaveqBGAuthor 790 10
12 yıl önce
@Roninho "I am writing a comment only when I really like the movie", should I be happy from the fact you just commented my video? :D
RoninhoPL 758 13
12 yıl önce
You remember how I criticized Nightfox movies? Nightfox was very angry and he even said that he will no longer make movies. Sometimes you can not say anything bad because it ends badly. Since then, I do not put negative comments. I just watched the movie and if I do not like it will not turn on again. I am writing a comment only when I really like the movie:)
HCLTBR 331 6
12 yıl önce
Quote (Champion)
unfortunately women’s intelligence is underestimated in the man’s world (by stupid men only)

It’s sad, Emilia. For simply being a man, some guys think they’re smarter than women – that’s a very stupid thought. A friend just finished a study where he shows how women were and still are put in an inferior situation to men in propaganda. I talked to guy who said he doesn’t like to watch women’s vball “because it’s not a real sport, just men’s can be considered that”.
Quote (Champion)
I would never reach your spicy sense of humour which most of Bulgarians misunderstood as sarcasm but at least I can recognise it and take your jokes.

NightFoxBG 1457 14
12 yıl önce
Zyta, first of all I'm not a kid. That is unrespectful, you don't even know me. I didn't said anything to offend you - right ?
I mocked you because of your comments before, read them gain and think about it.
I tried to explain you something about the movies and then you said something like "That's so clever OMG" and then you said it was an impression ... well for me the impressions don"t sound like this.

And that:
Can't you just think "okay I like use replays, when I will find good one maybe I will use it" or just don't use it at all.

That's what I'm trying to explain you, I'm using every good replay in my movies, but you didn't understood that.
I didn't told you to skip my movies or any movies. If you don't like some kind of videos - well you don't have to watch it - For example I hate the 2nd and the 3rd highlight movies (1 is enough) and I don't watch them. You gave me your "constructive comment" and I gave you my "constructive respond" about how it's not gonna be good.Clearly you misunderstood me and took it too seriously, maybe it's my fault too.
SllaveqBGAuthor 790 10
12 yıl önce
As I said before, chrison did very well that he put sections where everybody can find what he want..
HCLTBR 331 6
12 yıl önce
Quote (Champion)
I knew you will betray me and let everybody know I am a girl but I forgive you.

You never said it was a secret – why would someone’s gender be a secret? You just said, “Hi Henrique, I’m Emilia Nikolova”. ;-)

Good to know you have sense of humour. :-)
ZytaPL 1332 11
12 yıl önce
I'm not punching kids, although I'm a slim girl, I'm still strong, don't wanna hurt anyone. Anyway I just want to say few things. Few months ago I gave constructive, but still nice comment to Nagor, conclusion about song he used in his movie Modena - Trentino. Nagor thank me and mentioned he likes that kind of comments, not only "awesome, greta fantastic!". I did the same here, my impression about what I would like to see in movies about receivers. NightFox felt he is able to speak for all movie makers, suggest me to not watching his movies, because it's very hard to find footage. I know that, I'm not stupid, I watch matches live and on screen if you need to know. I didn't say YOU HAVE TO do something. That was just suggestion what you can do, as it's possible to do it, which movie about Reid showed, although it's gonna be harder to make. But who said you have to do it from now on in every movie about receiver? Can't you just think "okay I like use replays, when I will find good one maybe I will use it" or just don't use it at all. I asked simple question why you can't use normal footage. Answer "because that's not my style, I don't like it" would be enough. Normal questions, normal suggestions from me, you could answer in normal way. No, you decided to suggest me to not watch your movies, talking some shit about me being upset and at the end trying to mock me in silly way by copying Henrique. Well, it does not work. And at the end you saying about fighting like I wanted any fight. No, I didn't. But I got your point, I will keep my constructive comments for Nagor while here I will just write how awesome your chosen footage are. Oh no, sorry. Forgot. I shouldn't watch them anymore. Pity. Good night everybody.
HCLTBR 331 6
12 yıl önce
It’s “her” – Champion is a girl. I was just teasing you, bitch. No need to get defensive, you know I like you, though you’re a Matey freak. And yes, you’re running cuz you’re afraid of Zyta… NightFox is afraid of a girl! Hahahahaha Punch him, evil Zyta! :-p
NightFoxBG 1457 14
12 yıl önce
Don't you know I own his acc too it's my 4th fake. Someone is really upset ? And why - still can't get it. Henrique, I know that you answered her, but I had to make my self clear for you. Really don't wanna fight good night.
HCLTBR 331 6
12 yıl önce
Oh, someone is getting aggressive… LOL NightFox, dunno if you noticed, but I answered Champion’s message. Read again. And again. If you still can’t get it, call me. I’ll be patient and will explain to you. :-p Cheers, Henrique (your favourite commentator) P.S.: Bad, bad Zyta. Hahahahaha
ZytaPL 1332 11
12 yıl önce
Quote (NightFox)
Zyta, please don't cry. Give me your "impression" one more time about am I right ?

Stop copying Henrique, kid.
NightFoxBG 1457 14
12 yıl önce
Zyta, please don't cry. Give me your "impression" one more time about "am I right" ;) ... Henrique, I didn't say somebody hate some videos or something like that. I'm trying to explain you what would be the movie of "your dreams" if you get it ...
HCLTBR 331 6
12 yıl önce
Quote (Champion)
I personally never will mock anybody's efforts but people are free to like or not anything so take it easy.

Champion, my favourite Bulgarian girl, nobody is mocking anyone here. Some people just showed what they would like to see when watching volleyball movies. Myself, I think watching just spikes, for example, is quite pointless. However, I understand and recognize others’ efforts to make movies. What I really dislike is this thinly-veiled rule that you can’t criticize or have a different opinion. You open some topics and all you can see is, “what a beautiful movie”, “I loved this one”, “I got so emotional… You made me cry in happiness”, “I’d give you 6 if I could”, “you’re such a great movie maker”. Every different opinion from this standard is seen like, “OMG! You hate me”. Please…

What’s the point of a webforum where nobody discusses? People get tense here when a different opinion is presented. That Belgium guy showed his opinion and I thought it was quite interesting – it doesn’t mean he or any other who thinks differently hated the content of this video. I don’t go around judging videos or comments based on who made them, but on what that specific video or remark brings. This video is well edited, I must say – it’s just not my kind. I can see a lot of people liked it – good for them.
ZytaPL 1332 11
12 yıl önce
Quote (NightFox)
You are trying to convince me something,

come back to my comment and read this part:
"That was just my impression, do what you want with your movies, whateva. "

Thank you for attention.
NightFoxBG 1457 14
12 yıl önce
Zyta don't make me laugh PLEASE ... if you want movie focused of passing without replays - I don't. You are trying to convince me something, but you don't know what. Everybody enjoys of the defense and the receptions, but to see the true beauty it must be a close replay. Other way it's just a great action. And I see you are getting upset of something ? Don't wanna fight with you,because the conversation is going beyond the normal tone.
ZytaPL 1332 11
12 yıl önce
Quote (NightFox)
Zyta, don't let me down ... you know how hard is to find materials of all aspects of the game. I found about Priddy some receptions and I put it ... nobody thinks that spiking is better than receiving, have you noticed how many replays of receiving and how many replays of spiking there are - 100:1 ... so how we should put those kind of skills if we don't have the footage ?

you can find footage focused on player who is passing the ball and why it must be replay?

Quote (NightFox)
Nobody is forced to watch any movie.

That's so clever, OMG, so how I can find out if you put bloody reception in the movie without watching it? Think, dude!

That was just my impression, do what you want with your movies, whateva.
pearlIT 1003 11
12 yıl önce
And you Berny don't make me get jealous... be a good boy :P
BernySK 606 6
12 yıl önce
Sllaveq Perfeeect 5*!! Kiss for you :-* pearl dont be jealous :D
pearlIT 1003 11
12 yıl önce
Nice to meet you too, bella :)
SllaveqBGAuthor 790 10
12 yıl önce
Q - is considering to be read as "ya" in Bulgaria, so yes :) That's my name.. nice to meet you.. pear :P
proudBG 722 9
12 yıl önce
@pearl - Yeah,it's her. Same name,just different spelling :D
pearlIT 1003 11
12 yıl önce
OT: can someone tell me who this Slaveya is?? I'm reading this name a lot recently. it you dear??
raylightBG 3006 15
12 yıl önce
I agree with you except with your last sentence
HCLTBR 331 6
12 yıl önce
Raylight, once again, out of the blue, you show up to stress the obvious – yes, there are exceptions. Anything else? Most videos focus on specific actions, and that one I mentioned, with accelerated images, is the “crèam de la crèam”. I have nothing against slow motion use, I just don’t like making it banal. You always seem to get things wrong.
SllaveqBGAuthor 790 10
12 yıl önce
I think only the movie creators can understand how hard is to make a video.. For example chrison and vtclnmnp (I don't remember his "name" :D) just explained how long time it took them to made the "Dig" videos..Yes it's just 3 second dig, but it's 3 hour searching about it.. For this 50seconds video I watched and cut the scenes about 6 hours.. I missed maybe 50 Sokolov's points because I don't think they will fit good in the clip.. I just marvel all the movie creators which are making videos about 3min and longer.. It's sooo much searching and working.. I don't think you appreciate that...really.
raylightBG 3006 15
12 yıl önce
Henrique, you know my highlight movies and some player movies include a lot more than scoring points :) So does other movies in this side, including thrizer's kind of videos, like Paris highlights or Bulgaria - Czech Republic, ot Slaveya videos. Don't forget that slow motions in matches don't focus on defense and reception and there is less material
HCLTBR 331 6
12 yıl önce
I wouldn't be so sure.
NightFoxBG 1457 14
12 yıl önce
By nobody I'm talking about the movie makers in the site, because the question was about us.
HCLTBR 331 6
12 yıl önce
Quote (NightFox)
nobody thinks that spiking is better than receiving.

What? You might have to adjust your perception, NightFox. Most people here focus on hits – sometimes blocks or serves, you know, scoring points mainly, forgetting other aspects that lead to those points. Just observe their obsession for third meter spikes or stuff blocks. And the comments: “Unlimited hitting and serving”. lol
raylightBG 3006 15
12 yıl önce
I put reception in many of my videos, also more of the approach for the attack, there should be everything in one video, especially emotions, mistakes, funny moments. Angle is personal preference, for some people replays is better, for some - not :)
thrizerBE 18 1
12 yıl önce
Jezus, it just like to choose between real Coca-Cola and some cheap cola with ice in it. The most choose the cola with the ice, because it's "fresh and cold", but the real guys know that the real stuff is Coca-Cola :-). (great comparison if you ask me)
NightFoxBG 1457 14
12 yıl önce
Because it's not exciting at all and you can't see almost anything from this angle.
thrizerBE 18 1
12 yıl önce
Nightfox, have you noticed how many replays there are in whole the match? 1/50? Why making "a best of" of the replays instead of the best actions of the match with a normal camera angle and per action reception/set/attack included?
NightFoxBG 1457 14
12 yıl önce
thrizer If you want to see the team play, watch the full match. If you don't want music, put it on mute, so what's your problem ? Oh you're saying that all movies have to be 15 minutes and to have the whole team play ... hmm ...
Zyta, don't let me down ... you know how hard is to find materials of all aspects of the game. I found about Priddy some receptions and I put it ... nobody thinks that spiking is better than receiving, have you noticed how many replays of receiving and how many replays of spiking there are - 100:1 ... so how we should put those kind of skills if we don't have the footage ? Nobody is forced to watch any movie.
pearlIT 1003 11
12 yıl önce
Zyta: You're damned right about reception, girl!!! I give you 100-stars for that ;)
ZytaPL 1332 11
12 yıl önce
Quote (Thrizer)
Also music is not necessary for me. The only music I like in volleyball movies is the sound of the ball hitting the floor.

perfect is in USA from this edition of WL, many people there in Tulsa, mostly supported Brazil, but still cheering, but all those thousands microphones around the court, so you could here crowd but also beautiful sounds of ball hitting the floor.

BTW a small conclusion to all movie makers, inspired by this part:
every aspect of volleyball (setting, serving, reception, attack,...)

Receiver does something more than attacking on court and I remember only one movie including this element, that was movie about Reid Priddy, I think you should add this as well, because with players good in reception like Murilo, Reid, Biryukov, Winiarski, Parodi, Antiga, Quiroga it's actually a sin to ignore this skill in movies. Of course probably some will say "we like attacking, it's more interesting when he hits 3rd meter than watching his reception" but volleyball starts with reception, yes? It's not only third meter spike. Think about this people.
Asia6PL 290 6
12 yıl önce
Amazing video! Your videos are fantastic!
HCLTBR 331 6
12 yıl önce
Quote (Thrizer)
I'm here to watch volleyball movies where you can see the whole team play.

Exactly! I know some people get excited about a guy swinging his arm to hit the ball. There’s even a movie with one player (guess who?) just at the moment he touches the ball when attacking, in accelerated images – totally nonsense. Many people here are too immature to understand what vball is about. Sometimes I get shocked with the lack of knowledge, but the good guys always save the day. ;-)
Quote (Thrizer)
…most of the movies here are just super-slo-mo or flashes of attacks of one guy. Slow motion of an attacking player is interesting (the way how he smashes the ball, the height of his jump,...), but it contributes nothing to the game of volleyball itself. It's just a player attacking. Such movies are more about idolization then volleyball.

Perfect! Unfortunately most of the participants here focus too much on the players, not on the teams, and when they try to analyze teams, most of them can’t see the game. Oh, they’ll get offended when they read this, as they don’t know how to deal with criticism.
Quote (Thrizer)
Also music is not necessary for me. The only music I like in volleyball movies is the sound of the ball hitting the floor.

ZakonkaPL 142 3
12 yıl önce
Another great movie from You. Everything in this movie is fantastic.
HarleymNL 55 3
12 yıl önce
What a load of crap thrizer.
SllaveqBGAuthor 790 10
12 yıl önce
thizer, this site is maybe the best volleyball site because here you can find ALL KIND of videos you want. I'm sure in the sections above there is something for your preferences too. :)
thrizerBE 18 1
12 yıl önce
Sorry, but I don't like such "tributes". I'm here to watch volleyball movies where you can see the whole team play. Volleyball is a sport with 6 players and that's so great about volleyball: every aspect of volleyball (setting, serving, reception, attack,...) are putted together as a whole. And that's so special about watching and playing volleyball. Don't get me wrong, the movie itself is great: the good music fits the movie very well. What I'm trying to say is that most of the movies here are just super-slo-mo or flashes of attacks of one guy. Slow motion of an attacking player is interesting (the way how he smashes the ball, the height of his jump,...), but it contributes nothing to the game of volleyball itself. It's just a player attacking. Such movies is more about idolization then volleyball. I have nothing against idolization (I also like some players: De Cecco, Wijsmans, Depestele and Schöps are my favorite players), but personally I like to watch my favorite player in a movie when he is playing a match, and that means serving, attacking, setting and so on. Not only attacks and slow motions. Take for example the last movie of Luciano De Cecco in match Argentina-Japan: I personally like this movie a lot, because you can see every aspect of the game and the camera is behind the court. With this angle, you can see everything: how fast the set goes, how high he jumps, every attack threat of all the attackers,... Also music is not necesarry for me. The only music I like in volleyball movies is the sound of the ball hitting the floor :-). I say it again: I have nothing against you personally, Sllaveq, but I have another opinion about volleyball movies.
czilikdPL 76 3
12 yıl önce
hmm... 337cm? I think something about 355-360cm. Great yung player with strong spike and good serve.

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