
Unicaja Almeria - CAI Teruel (Highlights)

luck191 2013-04-08 • 1758 defa görüntülendi
Official highlights from final matches of Spanish Superliga 2012/13. After 5 years of domination of CAI Teruel, Unicaja Almeria became a new champion. The final result is a surprise for the most fans. Unicaja Almeira won against CAI Teruel in four games. Team from Almeria scored the title at the "Palacio de Deportes". Juan Carlos Barcala was MVP of season. He played nice final matches. He plays in CAI Teruel now. He said: "We were a warriors and we fought during the entire year. It's pretty cool to get here. I'm very happy" - before final matches.

#JuanCarlosBarcalaSanroman #CVTeruel #UnicajaCostadeAlmeria #SpanishSuperliga201213

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