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Champions League 2011/2012 12 yıl önce 0
Only the captain of the team (or a player acting as a captain, if the captain himself is not on court) can ask for challenge and they have only 5 seconds after finished action to do that.
If there are any movies with full PLusliga games from this season on vball-movies (haven't checked that as I watch them somewhere else), I think there is a good chance you can see the challenge system being used.
Great choice of music, you made my day, kjeldhor! I simpy love the Game of Thrones intro (though more in its TV series, unchanges way :) ). I would give you a thumb up just for this, but the movie itself is also good (though it finishes rather abruptly and unexpectedly:P ), so there you go! :)
O matko, wszyscy jakie młodziki :) Ruciak też wygląda jak dzieciak :) Niby oglądałam wtedy ligę, ale mimo wszystko, gdy się to widzi po tylu latach, to aż się łezka w oku kręci z nostalgii. Plina jeszcze w Sosnowcu, Swędrowski z wąsem i wciąż ciemnymi włosami, no masakra ;)
I couldn't comment on it better than you did with the icon, pearl :-)
There was a mistake in the game protocol, pearl, the technical referees at the table made it and they all thought the score was 25-14, but after the game they realized there was a mistake.
Now the Referees Committee in the Polish Volleyball Association must decide what to do. Most probably it will be Zaksa's disqualification since they refused to go on court and finish the game. But the referees are to blame here, it's their mistake. Real shame on them.
@Kk15 I understand that you're referring to the second time Anastasi coached Italian NT? Because, if I remember correctly, the first time he coached them, he won 2 European Championships, Olympic bronze medal and a couple of medals in World League (I believe that it was at least one gold?).

Well, I'm not complaining about the 3 medals in 3 competitions for Poland under Anastasi's coaching ?
Of course he isn't innocent, he started the argument and pulled the other guy by his shirt. An action triggers a reaction.
NIghtfox - it's still not being objective. Stoychev can do it, because he's an individual? Doest it mean he has a right to the kind of behaviour other, "common" human beings are not entitled to? Don't think so :P Every kind of sport triggers emotions that are hard to master, this was the case here as well. Zaksa's coach is rather a calm, quiet type of guy, unlike Stoychev, so I guess the players filled in for him :) To stir the argument a little bit more - I was at first sure that the coach made a mistake calling Guma's mistake at the set point for Trentino at the end of 3rd set. After watching a repeat many times I am not so sure anymore. FOr me it's the kind of ball that could be counted as a mistake and could not be, as well. It's not a clear one, for me. In this case the referee maybe thought it would be weird if Trentino lost 0-3, so he called it mistake, don't know ;-) The game is a history now and another one is approaching with big steps - that's what I'm thinking about right now. How will Zaksa play in it having just lost one more game in PLusliga to a mediocre team? Will they play better? HOw does Trento's play look like a week from then after a win over Cuneo? We shall see :)
Łukasz Żygadło 12 yıl önce -1
As others here I think this song does not fit here - therefore 4 ;) @Pearl I wonder too if it is a hidden message by Kevinpsb to use a song titled "Incomplete" :)
There were some quarrels between the fighting guys during the game (you know, how it goes, someone expresses their joy from a good action in a way that is considered by the other team too ostentatious and so on). After the game the guy who gets hit later (a setter called Bartłomiej Neroj) said something about that to number 6 from the opposing team and pulled his shirt. SO the other guy hit him. I know there will probably be severe consequences for both of them - they'll get fines and will be banned from playing for some time. It's really sad and it's actually the first thing like that I ever saw in our country during a volleyball game. And I've been watching them for quite many years now. Players argue with each other during a game, sure, but to hit one another? Shame!
I've got to say, I agree almost totally with you, Pesazi. Both when it comes to Trentino's play and your opinion that being in Trento doesn't automatically make a player great. When it comes to Guma, I think he used to be better 3-4 years ago, don't know if it qualifies for wasting one's potential, but I clearly see that he played worse for example during the last WCH (which were a total disaster for us, by the way). I can't really say anything about his play in the NT this year, because he only joined for the World Cup and didn't have many chances to play, because Anastasi trusted Zygadlo, who played the whole NT season. I hope Guma can be back to his very good play in the next NT season, because he really makes a difference when it comes to our NT. In his club he plays well, I think, at least I haven't seen him playing bad. That's all I have to say about him, actually :) When it comes to Tichacek - so far I am really disappointed in his play in Rzeszow. Don't either know what happened to him. I understand that it is a new club, new league and new teammates and he needs time, but still, he should already play a little bit better. He played with Grozer or Gontariu before, so he knows those players and I cannot say that his sets to either one of them have blown me away. I hope he can improve pretty quickly because Resovia needs him, they need a good setter and in good form.
I just think that getting so emotional about the fact that someone has a different opinion about a player than I do is a little bit silly. I don't agree that whatever Polish setter we are talking about, will get praised here just because he is Polish. Look at the biased opinions expressed by the Poles here about Zygadlo - many think that he is mediocre and last I checked he didn't change his nationality and is still Polish ;P So that argument doesn't hold, my friend ;P About knowing the setters - is it so weird that I know Raphael? He plays in Trento, the club that has won everything in the last few years. I know other Brazilian setters, not because they're from Brazil, but because they play in the leagues, matches from which I watch. I try to see as many games as I can and since I have a good memory, I remember the names. Weird, huh? :P A true volleyball fan - a fan of sport and not only of their own team - knows players from countries other than their own :) I actually like Zagumny. I don't think that he is or was the best in the world but I do think that he is very good and a great player. I doubt that so many awards for him would have been given out of someone's whim :) But, as I said, my opinion, you've got the right to have yours and I'm obviously not gonna make a fuss about it. :P I agree with you, Drzyzga has potential, but he's still got a loooot to learn. And, at the end, I wanted to say that it is hard to believe some of your "backstage" information because you claim to have it from almost every country/league/club - you would have to be God Almighty to make that possible :P But still, it's very interesting to read what you write and discussing with you is also a pleasure (though I do think that you might try being a little bit more polite sometimes - expressing your contempt for someone by changing their name on purpose or by writing mock articles/dialogues like you did in the topic about Kaziyski is a sign of poor manners and a little bit childish, in fact :) Makes me wonder, how old you are :P ). P.S. Funny, that comment about saku and Roninho :P
Henrique is doing it on purpose to get you all angry and jumping at him and I'm pretty sure, that when you do that, he is sitting back in his chair and having a good laugh, because he got what he wanted:P And even if he doesn't like him or thinks that Zagumny is ordinary, so what? It's his right:P Exactly like I don't like Rezende or Raphael very much - I also have a right to think like that and no one's gonna change that :) Chill out, people, chill out :) P.S. Henrique, I must say you're quite an individual. Like stirring things up? :)
There was a looot of luck in it but still - to block Kazakov (helllo, 217 cm!) like this with one hand - a moment to remember for the player, that's for sure!
5 for you! At first I thought that the song does not fit into a volleyball movie at all. And frankly speaking, it does not ;) But as I watched this, I did not think about the song, just concentrated on the clips and in the end the song turned out to be a really nice supplement to the movie! By the way, great game, so many unexpected turns of events! Now I am impatient to see tomorrow's game of Jastrzębie vs Resovia :)
@ezet Yeah, that was Quiroga and later you can also see their coach Javier Webber. The Poles and The Argentinians travelled on the same plane, just in different class.
@daniel2224 I am from western Poland and I've lived there all my life. I can assure you that speedway is not the most popular sport there. It is popular and certainly more than in eastern or southern Poland, for that matter. But definitely not the most popular one. It would make the top ten, for sure, but maybe place 4. Unfortunately, there is football, football and then something else. This is something I totally don't understand, for the reasons already mentioned here by dreamandhope.
Volleyball is popular and is getting so more and more, but still has a loooong distance to football ?
@Sllaveq Believe me, your football team is way better than ours, we really and truly suck ?
@vollemaster I can translate (though it will still be hard to understand why this is funny to us, some things are funny only, when you know the language and the culture) but I have absolutely no idea how to put the subtitles in the movie :P

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