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Thanks MasteroPuppets ! I dont know why somebody put red button for your comment...but thanks
Hi Admins, Hi Users, I have a question. How can i add a subject in this forum ? To me it's impossible, so it's a lil' bit boring to me to see Wilfredo post some shit there and if i want to create a interresting subject it's impossible...
Ricardo Garcia fakes 12 yıl önce +1
Betovoley100 nothing with you !! Thanks you so much for your videos, its was very interresting ! Its just about Fadel and Wilfredo_is_marshall too users (flooders) who rotting our site...unfortunately..
Ricardo Garcia fakes 12 yıl önce +24
fadel and wilfredo_is_marshall flood our site since few months...Please Admins make something !! I love Volley Ball not flooding vbmovies with shits movies and shit subjects and shot comments... !
why everytime hard rock on vb videos ???
Sail - Awolnation in soundtrack ! Great great song fit perfect with the movie ! nice job
Jorge Quiñones 12 yıl önce 0
SETTER too ???
Kazakov,Tetyukhin,Abramov,Verbov ....Hehe the come back of old stars !
Verbov what a great libero
Message to videomakers ! : Did you know the music of that kind? like trivial music..300,heart of courage... Thanks a lot ;)
Champions League 2011/2012 12 yıl önce +2
I'm totally agree with you but Maxim is only 23yrs !!!
Champions League 2011/2012 12 yıl önce +1
on the 3 last main competitions (World league,world cup,Champions league) Maxim won titles (MVP, best attacker, best server,best blocker..) That prove that he's really now the BEST OPPOSITE in the Wolrd. Congratulation for him on his birthday !

Champions League 2011/2012 12 yıl önce +1
VLAD ALEKNO deserve the MVP title !!!
Champions League 2011/2012 12 yıl önce 0
Lui Volkov et Apalikov celà fait une sacré triplette de centraux...Les russes peuvent pour moi prétendre au titre à Londres en 2012
some people miss him but one of the best middleblocker in the world is Dmitriy Muserksy , he's strong,and he have great technique and good reaction for 219cm !!!
# Name Club Date of Birth Height Weight Spike Block 1 Stanislav Dineykin Sisley Volley Treviso October 10, 1973 (age 31) 215 101 353 342 4 Sergei Baranov Lokomotiv Belgorod August 10, 1981 (age 23) 208 94 355 343 5 Pavel Abramov Toray Arrows April 23, 1979 (age 25) 198 89 347 336 7 Aleksey Kazakov Trentino Volley March 18, 1976 (age 28) 217 102 355 342 8 Sergey Tetyukhin Lokomotiv Belgorod September 23, 1975 (age 28) 197 89 345 338 9 Vadim Khamuttskikh Lokomotiv Belgorod November 26, 1969 (age 34) 196 85 342 331 10 Aleksandr Kosarev Lokomotiv Belgorod September 30, 1977 (age 26) 200 90 339 328 11 Konstantin Ushakov Dynamo Moscow March 24, 1970 (age 34) 198 77 343 332 12 Taras Khtey Dynamo Moscow May 22, 1982 (age 22) 205 92 345 335 14 Andrey Egorchev Lokomotiv Belgorod February 28, 1978 (age 26) 205 103 343 330 16 Aleksey Verbov Lokomotiv Belgorod January 31, 1982 (age 22) 183 75 315 310 18 Aleksey Kuleshov Lokomotiv Belgorod February 24, 1979 (age 25) 206 92 353 340 Head Coach: Gennady Shipulin Height average : 203cm !!!
RUSSIA 2004 : Probably the tallest and most powerfull team in the history
Haaa SERGUEI BARANOV one of my favorite players !! where does he play now ?

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