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Jersey Number 12 yıl önce +2
Wasn't it Berny who's recently wanted to see the proof of pearl's gender? That makes Henrique even more wicked.
Jersey Number 12 yıl önce +13
All your topics are cool, but this one is out of any limits of awesomeness. I heard that even fadel (the famous auto-reply machine from Bahrain) had a processing error while trying to type a golden sentence for it.
Yeah, that's why I said nothing personal, as I only pointed volleyball aspect. As a fresh example I remember him playing with advanced hernia at WCH2010, still trying to give his best for the team. That kind of players always deserve more admiration, no matter how much skills they lack, but on the other hand there's a point where heroic battle with body should be stopped by the player, otherwise the body will stop it permanently. Of course in this case it's rather fault of the Bulgarian association, as they shouldn't have based on a single guy for so many years. Świderski is a great example of a human wreck. Lots of commitment from him plus bad training methods at the beginning of his career made him an early pensioner. "It’s true! So I was the drunk guy, not you." Let's just say your account wasn't hijacked by Sherlock this night ;)
Henrique Although I was sober last night and I follow this passionating discussion I unconsciously took this one out of contest- my bad. Still no harm done, as I share your opinion, at least in this point. P.S I won't suspect you for being Sherlock, as raylight would never say such a bad thing about his favourite world class setter Zhekov, lol (nothing personal raylight ;p).
"Think about it... If that was really true, let’s get back to Bulgaria with Kaziyski, Nikolov and Konstantinov. That trio is certainly more effective or at least the same when compared to Kaziyski, Juantorena and Stokr. Why Bulgaria hasn’t won anything?" I think you forgot about ball distribution in both cases, which is very important. Although Raphael is not a phenomenal setter he's still 10 times more stable and reliable than Zhekov. Even though 2006 was the year when the Bulgarian reached his top performance so far he still couldn't eliminate simple technical mistakes in crucial moments.
"If Kaziyski(polish second name ) will be from Poland of course Poles will say the same as about Kurek." No, as long as he won't habitually bronze his pants in the most important games.
Personal coach in any female team. Jersey No 69.
"I just said Kaziyski isn't far better than Kurek(not Kurek is better)." I'll try to be as polite as I can: you're being a good joker. "Also Kaziyski had the best phisical shape 3 years ago. Do you think Matey will reach 370 in age 30" Wrong, he's the same, but in his case general exhaustion is the problem. In fact volleyball players increase physical abilities through all their career to the point where injuries start to limit them, or they're really old. So if he stays relatively healthy he will keep his reach. @proud I remember that. By the way when it comes to courtesy Rezende and Giba are the ones who should feel conscience-stricken while falling asleep. Just imagine how many people were given illusory hopes :p
The only reason I wear them is because I hate when my knees get cold during the game. It's annoying, especially combined with jumper's knee injury. They have nothing to do with jumping higher/lower though (unless you are talking about medieval knight's iron knee pads).
Giovi behaved like a dickhead, he blocked them on purpose, not sure about Berruto.
Fei wins.
Champions League 2011/2012 12 yıl önce +2
When talking about lineups Trento and Macerata are beyond all the rest, but having in mind Macerata or Cuneo presented drastic drop of their game level during last year's CL Trento still remains the ones with the biggest chances and their biggest threat comes from their country. When I hear our volleyball "experts" saying something about Serie A getting weaker the only thing I could tell them is look at all last year's european cups winners.
@wendelscs22 The fastest Stanley serve in Beijing was 120km/h (in the final) and I'm pretty sure I didn't miss any faster by him. The fastest one at the Olympics I saw was 126km/h by Kaziyski in the quarter-final.
First of all Bulgaria was better today overall. They were much more efficient in difficult situations, and that's where they started to take advantage over us. I wonder how it's gonna look like when Bulgaria beats Germany tomorrow (3:0 or 3:1). We all know 2nd place means facing Russia, so if Bulgarians manage to do that I guess we're gonna see the second lineup of Poland against Slovakia, what means second place for Vlado & COO- quite risky. Sad to say that but it's getting too much different than the prime idea of SPORT was about.

The hosters should really take care of that floor, cause I've never seen players being convinced so much by condition of teraflex. Not only in today's match but also yesterday. As proud said I think there might be no sufficient isolation what causes very high steam condensation on the court. I'm not talking they should have a maple floor imported from Canada like in Bolzano during Champions League, but at least some fair isolation.

proud my favourite player didn't disappoint yesterday either ? Today he had some nice backup, that's what this sport is about.
I feel sorry for Bulgaria, as a team I always support the most because of players like Matey and Vlado (sometimes even too much compared to our national), but it's an obligation to beat Slovakia if you think about winning the whole tournament (of course they still have chances).

Matey did what he could today but even his great game is not enough for a solid team like Slovakia. Bulgarian MB lack firepower, Zhekov lacks precision, unstable reception, i might say nothing new, as those are the most common problems in Team Bulgaria, but today... it was a really bad match. I can't even imagine quarterfinals without Bulgaria, that would be strange and sad.
Bulgaria - Czech Republic 12 yıl önce +2
Great to see Matey back on track.
Raylight who owns that record? I guess someone passed you a bad info because the fastest serve at the olympics I saw was 126km/h by Matey (against Russia).
How could the referees get so high? I thought drugs were illegal in Poland. Now seriously- nice from the hoster side for some free drinks, but why methanol?
During the first day they made over 20 mistakes, only a few of them were acceptable (if you can say so). They aren't any better today.

Sometimes I have a feeling they have their own competition.

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