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ale Wanio podnosi swój poziom jak mu dołoża Mazura i nawet inteligentniejsze żarty wtedy ma ;)
Modena with Diachkov and Kooy as a middles [depends on position on court], I couldn't watch but but I heard Modena had crazy situations when Diachkov received serve standing on '6' and then quick run to '3' and attack as a middle. I wanna see it!
Dick Kooy funny attack 12 yıl önce 0
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Andrija Gerić left Fenerbahce.
raylight those push-ups were during match with Italy, not Russia, so why you mention Mikhaylov?
whole team did this at the ceremony as well, so I guess it's a "team joke" ;)
Kooy shows he won't go anywhere so fast and for sure he won't give back Martino place in starting six so easily, 82% in attack!

And Sava... I have no words for him ?
Kk15 could u record matches from next round, I mean 1st and and of october, because i'm not sure if i'll watch it
final will be tough match, hopefully for 5 sets!
those beloved Wlazly, Zagumny, Winiarski and Plinski played last year on WC and what? we played worse than now, they are not guarantee results, focus on your team as you don't know much about mine. And as you want to know maybe Poland won first set against Russia in match for bronze, so actually yes we're trying to win medal now and we won on WL bronze, while Cuba won what on WL...? we've been 5th on Beijing while Cuba didn't even get there, we had silver on WC 2006, gold on ECh 2009, so yes we have some results. One silver medal of WC don't make your team the bets in the world and don't let you offend other teams.

Henrique is my friend and I know for what he was banished, it wasn't worse than calling any team shit. As I said if you would said that about Russia, Italy, Japan, Cameroon my reaction would be the same. Every team deserves respect, not calling them shit.

PS. let me clarify now, I respect other opinions, but I don't respect people who offend others, for example calling ANY TEAM shit.
Someone I played some sports too and sometimes when it comes to emotions and adrenaline it happens that you may not feel such little thing like gentle touch of ball, as it was really little.

anyway the fivb have to think give the wild card to rusia instead to poland cause poland with that team is a shit

dear boy, you may have not like Poland NT, but we never showed your team disrespect, so I expect the same from you. No one never called here Cuba shit, so don't call other teams in the same way. And i'm not saying this just because you called shit my team, but because every team deserves for respect!

Chrison you let people to call other teams clowns, you kicked off Henrique due to racists jokes, but you let people to call any team shit? It's disappointing.
NightFox I said, Nikolov said this to polish journalist, how bulgarian media could have that? Also Volleywood translated it and put in their FB page, check this out.
NightFox Nikolov said to polish journalist "I knew Poland will be cheating" ? I respect your team, but as I said I don't like hypocrisy [saying about us as a cheaters, while your team did similar thing - sending subs last year], but you showed now are not hypocrite saying the last sentence.
NightFox but my opinion is they didn't playing for victory.
Today your team new, that for 99% they will get second place in group, so the best way was just win and then talking about themselves as a heroes. They are smarter than last year.
To be clear, I'm not accepting what AA did at all, but I don't like hypocrisy. Your boys fought for victory? Have you seen their reaction after every ace, which shouldn't happened? They played as they saw Brazil will loose it anyway, but it wasn't fight with heart, not at all.
Did you dear Bulgarians forgot last year when your team sent subs against Brazil? Oh, yes, you won, because Brazil took better tactic how to loose, but sending subs was on purpose, when Giba said that on press conference Nikolov didn't answer, because what he could say?
So don't call us loosers now. You wanted to loose last year, we wanted this year. It's clear. Also Slovakia defeated you, Germans and who knows if they wouldn't beat our first squad if we've lost with you?

Besides, c'mon, you have Ananiev, didn't raylight said with Ananiev in good form he can beat Russia by himself? So what's the problem?
No nie rozumiesz, że nie mogli, bo mieli zaległości w kondycji fizycznej i by nie podołali trudom turnieju? Przed LŚ trenowali z AA, ale nie wyrobili się z siłownią, a PZPS chciał medalu, więc AA nie mógł sobie wziąć kogoś kto odstaje od grupy, tylko bierze najsprawniejszych w danym momencie i ich przygotowuje do turnieju głównego, ci z kondycją zerową odpadają na starcie, bo by się nie wyrobili. Dlatego nie mogli z nim przepracować 2,5 miesiąca.

NightFox Съжалявам, oioi започна на полски език ?[is it correct?]
I tak wyjdziemy z grupy, Gruszka odzyskuje formę [jeśli ktoś uważał, że będzie miał formę życia jak na ME2009, to podziwiam za optymizm], Kubiak szaleje kiedy trzeba. Największym problemem są błędy własne i powolny środek.
Jeśli AA jest taki beznadziejny, to może wróćmy do DC? Wtedy to już w ogóle będzie cacy.
is that it? upload every Volkov's attack then, he hit in 3rd meter like this almost every time, how special is he then? and if I can cook and you can't, it's mean cooking is special? :)

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