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Champions League 2011/2012 12 yıl önce +1
same to you NightFox...i have to say thank you my asics sensei III to keep my feet in one piece
Champions League 2011/2012 12 yıl önce +1
@Nightfox i'm with you...twisted ankle (bad twist)...2 weeks ago and still have my ankle in bad condition (ice-gel everyday, and taping;()...injuries sucks. Take care
God touch;)...moreover - he had better backhand than Roger Federer - for sure;)
4:04 - Rodrigo Quiroga w "bydlęcej":P
Champions League 2011/2012 12 yıl önce +1
Ruciak played well...he have a something to play well agaist Italy or Italian teams...Zagumny for me is a proffesor...
Really good transmission...i would love to know what that Japanease commentators said;)
Nevermine;)...good Italian "disco-polo". If someone want put that music in movie - ok:P...for me is more funny
Mistrzowie ciętej riposty?
First of all smart quote. You have to remember: It is the province of knowledge to speak, and it is the privilege of wisdom to listen. You need listen mait, because you can't talking with people. Only offensive things. Use your inteligence if you have. I was thinking that something was changed with you, but i was wrong. So remember that quote and start listing too, then maybe i'll give you another chance to talk with me.
Yep you don't remember don't ya...like pol-bra games. you said i'm not very smart - maybe but still smarter than you if i won. And double smarter than you if nobody banned me...lol. Goodnight. P.s. Bring me some coffee for a breakfast (in bra you have a lot this - good one?)
One more thing...like i said we have complex of bra team so you don't have to tell me that cause i know this very well?...BTW if you are talking about history make you homework more precisily, cause you have F now. When pol beat in 2002 you didn't already qualify. Remember 3:0 in brazil, then was 2:3 and then two 3:2 games in poland. And bra team lost the tie-break similar than we lost against russia. I'll be back tomorrow cause in poland we have now 1AM and i feel tired. Meanwhile you can go eat something.
I'm allways easy. And stop fighting with me (again) cause you will lost (again)
Dear henrique...first off all you can't fight against "national sentences" (if grandmother...) cause sentences was written by people much smarter than me and you. Let's me explain my point of view. I hate word "IF" if someone use this word about past. Everything already finished is history so if grand mother had a mustache would be a grandfather. i suppose that only in pol people are used to complain, but i was wrong. But if you use "if" word for the future is ok for me. seconond off all: talking about games pol-bra and pol-rus. This is not new information that we have bra "complex" and after 2-nd set we was already in london, you NOT. That mind could make some problems. About russia: you have right. Pol should won this tie-break. 100% our fault...

if Wcup was a champ with semi-final and final facing Brazil, both Russia as Poland have failed

We have in Poland one sentence for that kind of words..."If grandmother had a mustache would be a grandfather"...
World Cup 2011 Highlights 12 yıl önce +5
The BEST World Cup evaaaaaaaa...
Gooooooooooooood movie;)...really i can't believe that this tournament is a history now...One of the sweetest unsleeping nights in this year
The Olympics 2012 Trailer 12 yıl önce -2
Can't wait too...i really hope so that London 2012 will be our 5-th medal in a row;).
yep NightFox You're right. For others - rest awards is for players who was on the first place in statistics. Łasko was 2nd in best attacker and 2nd best scorer, so he coudn't take this awards...
Congrats for such a great tournament...we had everything in Japan. Especially for winners, Poland and Brazil for OG qualify. Like i said in the beginning: "Poland and Russia are leaders, so they deserved for wild cards? Don't answer is retoric question". Now you have full answer.
After WC new world ranking will be held. I suppose:
1. Brazil 300
2. Russia 270
3. Italy 226
4. Poland 199,5
5. Cuba 193,5
6. Serbia 167,5
7. Argentina 132,5
8. Bulgaria 112,5
Nikolay Apalikov headshot 12 yıl önce 0
On your face David:)...after my first headshots compilation in near future i would like make vol.2. I can't complain now about materials:D

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