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Quote (Kjeldhor)
Our technical commentator said (I don't remember if he's Lucchetta or Galli) he will show Simon videos to his child to teach how to spike and how to don't translate on the court

Galli said that.
@Pascual_Lima_Kiraly: well, more or less it's the same that happened to Macerata - they should have won everything and actually won nothing! Bad season for both teams...that's sport! You can't always get what you want! Excellent choice for your nickname btw: Rafa and Karch are two of my favorite.
Alberto Giuliani is not Piacenza's coach but Macerata's. Piacenza's coach's name is Luca Monti.
Italian squad for WL 2013 11 yıl önce 0
@hanes - today I've read an official release from Buti: he said it was him who refused Berruto's call due to personal reasons.
Serbian squad for WL 2013 11 yıl önce 0
Dunno guys: Kovacevic bros may the surprise! Uros had a very positive year in Modena: the injury at the end of the regular season affected his performance otherwise imo he would be first string in NT now.

@Vatreni: I also think that Atanasjevic will be in the starting six in lieu of Starovic; Sasa didn't play in his club with the same continuity as Alexander, besides he still doesn't seem he has fully recovered from his injuries. Vatreni, will Serbia take part to the Mediterranean Games (I presume they will)?

One more thing: I think Stanko and Potke won't play the Whole WL; it's better for them to take some rest in order to be 100% in shape for the ECH.
Argentina NT 2013 11 yıl önce 0
Pereyra played as an opposite in Brolo this season. Maybe Federico will be used as a "jolly", in case one of the opposites chokes.
Italian squad for WL 2013 11 yıl önce 0
@Joachim: as a matter of fact I also thought that De Pandis might be on Berruto's list. Have no idea why he is out (also Marra - Piacenza's libero - deserves a calling imo).

@Vatreni: Sabbi had a great season, that's true, but I agree with Daniele: Vettori seems to be more reliable at the moment. He doesn't choke when he makes a mistake and he's Always in control, a quality missing to Sabbi sometimes.

@dude: yeah, I knew about this interview; more or less, it's what I wrote in my previous post.
Italian squad for WL 2013 11 yıl önce +2
I agree with Vatreni: It's time to change. Berruto's choices are interesting and in accordance with his project for Rio. He needs to test new players, and the best occasion for him to do so is the WL. Daniele you have to take into account that there are 4 important events for our NTs this season: WL, Mediterranean Games, European Championship and World Championship U23. I'm sure Berruto will set his sights on ECH and WCH U23, so imo he'll use WL and Mediterranean Games to test and try new players and new solutions. As for Mastro: how can you call a player who hasn't played for half of the season?? I was surprised instead that he didn't call Buti, who was the 5th best MB in Serie A after Simon, Holt, Bira and Potke; but maybe his absence is just temporary and he'll be called next; Lasko, as far as I know, asked Berruto for a break. Fei has said many times that he's not interested in playing the WL.
Anyway, I'm curious to see what solution Berruto will adopt: three spikers (Zizzo, Sava, Parodi/Kovar) or two wing spikers and a young opposite (Sabbi or Vettori); I personally prefer the second option and, in such case, I would really like to see Vettori in the starting 6 'cause this guy is our future.
Italian squad for WL 2013 11 yıl önce 0
And liberos are: Andrea Giovi (1983. Sir Safety Perugia), Salvatore Rossini (1986. Andreoli Latina).
Kurek have a lot offers from Italy, Turkey, Poland, Russia etc. He is young and want something new and propably he will choose Italy or back to Poland cuz Turkey dont have strong league.

Well, if all rumors about next transfres in Turkey are confirmed (Savani, Grbic, Celitans, Winiarski, etc.) plus the official ones (Guma, Fonteles) and the big names already playing there, I think the level of Turkish League will definitely be higher and higher from now on.
Interesting rumors about movements in Serie A: Ravenna is interested in Bari and Stokr; Macerata is interested in Celitans; Kooy and Pajenk have already left Lube and Sasa Starovic is about to leave too; Silvano Prandi may be the new coach of Vibo; more and more rumors about Simon in Trento and De Cecco in Macerata. Source
Alessandro Farina (libero) from Vibo Valentia to Latina (replacing Salvatore Rossini)
Matteo Martino tribute 11 yıl önce +1
@casamodena: oh c'mon mate, why are you so surprised with Matteo's words? He's been talking the same nonsense for years now, every year is the same story, only the place changes: Macerata a couple of years ago and JW now; his mood depends on the season: from april to september his mantra is "i only wanna play beach", from september to april his mantra changes into "my job is indoor volleyball but i can't wait to play beach again" and the story goes on like this again and again: we all know his character!
Giani is officially the new head coach of Verona
@samueleke: I think that your starting six is the most probable; my only doubt is related to the opposite, Van den Dries can be the first option but also Van Walle may have a chance imo.
old or modern volleyball 11 yıl önce +3
It’s not possible to make a comparison, mainly because personal opinions strongly depend on the age of the person who expresses them; I mean it’s like comparing music downloaded from i-tunes to the vinyl records: how can I explain to nowadays teenagers who only know i-pods and maybe cds the beauty in listening a song from a vinyl (listen to pearl jam “spin the black circle” to get an idea)? I like current v-b but the old one will always be my fav: i loved when sets ended at 15, no rally point system, the white mikasa, no liberos on court, middle blockers who were terrific also in defense and not limited (or specialized as some of you have said) players whose only job is to block….sometimes modern volleyball is so boring, only based on muscles, relying on cannonball services with the result that usually you watch matches with tons of errors when serving and 90% of rallies which are not even rallies ‘cause they last less than 20 seconds. I think that people over 30 will always love old volleyball more, and people under 30 will always love modern v-b ‘cause it’s the only volleyball they’ve ever experienced, full stop.
Sokolov Or Stokr? 11 yıl önce +2
As far as i know, Tsvetan has no intention of going back and being the sub of someone else once he has (successfully) played the whole season. Of course he wants to play for Trento again but only as a first string. As a support of this opinion of mine here is a link with a short interview to Alessandro Antinelli (tv volleyball journalist/commentator - and trust me, this guy knows a lot!!) at 0:58-1:20 he talks about Sokolov's situation and says exactly what I've written before.
Best actions: USA - Germany 11 yıl önce +2
Alix, are you serious or just kidding us??? Do you really mean that you follow volleyball and never heard of Destinee Hooker????
Well, Macerata won over Latina last night so the semi is Lube vs Piacenza: Fei vs Zaytsev, Simon and Holt vs Potke and Stankovic, Zlati and Papi vs Sava and Parodi, De Cecco vs Travica (*.*) .... can't wait to see that!!
Tomorrow at 20:30 CET

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