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4 yıl önce


Uh...I had forgotten to post here that Azzurre won The WC!! Let's celebrate!!!
Latest news about Italy: Bari's recovered from his shoulder injury almost completely and Berruto has decided to keep him in the squad along with Maruotti (and that's the real surprise) in lieu of Mattia Rosso who is going to fly back to Italy! Mauro said that he prefers to rely on Gabriele's experience both in defence and reception rather than the inexperience of Rosso! Mah...sono più confusa che persuasa !!
Latest news about Italy: Bari's recovered from his shoulder injury almost completely and Berruto has decided to keep him in the squad along with Maruotti (and that's the real surprise) in lieu of Mattia Rosso who is going to fly back to Italy!
@Nagor: no problem ;) I'm sure we all support fair-play here: that's the reason I decided to join you on this site. We can discuss about our favourite sport no matter where we come from :) As regards the libero and the whole rally in this movie: I think that the action is very nice considering that we're talking of a fourth league (so a very very low kind of competition) and not Italian Serie A1 or PlusLiga ;D
Or, even better: the best IN the world :D
@Nagor: what a bad word you used, my friend :( "enemy" :( :( Let's call it "opponent" or "rival"....but 'enemy'?!? It's not a war...just a game: no enemies when you play sports ;)
I understand...what a pity :(
@ivolley: I like it! It's complete, clear and you can read it quickly and whenever you want!! For me it's the perfect solution since I do not buy sport magazines or traditional papers (like "supervolley" or others) anymore :) Why are you asking that? are you a journalist for IVolleyMagazine? :)
@Kjeldhor: I don't have Sky either, but I have a computer so I'll try to find a streaming to watch the Azzurri :) You can do the same :D
Uahahh... I had already seen this phenomenon on YT :) And there's also an interview with him about this rally...I don't remember where exactly, I think it's on "ivolley magazine" but I'm not sure...I have to check :-)
Kjeldhor: 1) let me understand you have a movie about Italian All Star Game 2011 ready to be uploaded??? Thank you mate...Maybe I'll finally have the chance of watching something about it :D 2) and you'll try to upload your video during lesson....ahahahahah...M.I.T.I.C.O :D 3) You're welcome. I'm glad I've prevented you from wasting your precious time at the bus stop on Sunday... btw, if you have to wake-up at 6.30 then go and watch Italy's first match in WC ;-)
@Kjeldhor: do you attend school/university also on Sundays?? Weird :D
@proud: what a pity :( As Kjeldhor wrote, I was waiting for that video too!! :)
@ivolley: ti ho risposto "in privato" :D
World Cup 2011 - first round 12 yıl önce +1
We're going to start with fireworks, my friends!! Italy v Russia, OMG what a kick-off ?
Hope I'll find a decent streaming to watch something ?
@proud: do you mean you can upload the whole match of "the Fellowship of the Rings" vs "the Nazgûl"??? :D Wow, my friend...where did you find it??? :) :D
1. @raylight: when you do a 8 minute (or even longer) movie, may I suggest you to use longer songs as well, like G'n'R's "November Rain" or Iron Maiden's "Rime of the Ancient Mariner" or something from Metallica's earlier songs? Just to avoid that "hole"in the soundtrack just in the middle of your video :-) 2. I can't see well guys; at 1:43, is Vermiglio spiking the ball and scoring the point?? if so :D 3. Valerio, Valerio...I'm still a bit upset when I see him wearing Zenit's shirt ;)
Kk15: ti volevo dire (e scrivo in italiano 1 perchè tanto 'sto thread non se lo fila - giustamente- nessuno e 2 perché non mi sembra il caso di coinvolgere gli amici stranieri :-D) che 'hair', con il significato di 'capelli', è singolare, conseguentemente il verbo va al singolare :-) Non per fare la maestrina, tutto il contrario: ti esprimi in un inglese davvero ottimo ed è un peccato cadere per una stupidata del genere :-)

Anyway: maybe you're right Kk15, but I remember he cut his hair very very short last year also just after the World Champ. and when his hair started growing again it was fairer (and summer had ended months before). That's why I suspect he has dyed his hair.
Update about Bari's condition: it seems his injury is not so serious as it seemed. Consequently, Maruotti won't be part of Italy's squad.
World Cup 2011 - first round 12 yıl önce +1
I post this info here for Kk15 :-P and also in the discussion on Italy's lineup for WC: it seems that Bari's injury is not so serious as it seemed! So, poor Maruotti has flown to Japan to watch the WC from the stands of the Japanese Sports Halls instead of watching the matches from his house :-D

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