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1129 ( 1)
Cracow (Poland)
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Something like Andrzej Kaczmarczyk's casus from siatka.org forum - http://forum.siatka.org/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=531&hilit=Andrzej&start=5100#p197535
AJR002, did you create an account to write about this rumour? Sorry, but I think it's a red herring and you're from Poland. ?
Well, I think YOU are funny cuz I wrote "A new power in the volleyball world?", not "A new power in the volleyball world". Have a nice day. ?
So next time write "I wish" or sth like that.
@luck191, ten filmik zostal wrzucony przez uzytkownika reprezentacjanet (mniej wiecej rok temu), a to, co jest tutaj, to zwykly hotlink z YT. ;P

for God's sake read carefully. At the bottom of the page is written "source: Przegląd Sportowy". So lets go to http://plusliga.p...ul,134110,1,908.html You can read there "– W naszym zespole w tej chwili aż dziesięciu zawodników nie ma ważnych umów na kolejny sezon. Walka o medale jest najlepszą okazją, by zweryfikować politykę transferową – przyznaje prezes ZAKS-y Kazimierz Pietrzyk" Onet.pl journalist can't even re-write article - and you don't know that onet.pl is based on sloppy work. BTW please, write in English.

"for 10 players in skra contracts are about to end after this season"
In ZAKSA, not Skra - read carefully.
casamodena, thanks ?
He couldn't finish any of his attacks, lulz.
casamodena, any source?
Berny, yeah, the worst player in the yesterday game.
Champions League 2011/2012 12 yıl önce 0
There won't be any draw. Semis are Skra - Arkas and Zenit - Trentino.
Hmm... But in nba was lockout, wasn't it?
Me too, but you wrote "it talk only about sportman in Poland". ?
Kjeldhor, so Henrik Sedin is from Poland? ?
Poland in World Cup 2011 12 yıl önce 0
@Berny, this song fits perfectly to the movie about polish volleyball. "Do przodu, Polsko" by M. Torzewski comes from some World Cup in football (2002?) and it was our main theme of the tournament. ;) So, you know, maybe it's not fit for you just cuz you didn't know this song before (n don't understand lyrics - "C'mon, Poland. Fight, Poland lalala"). ;)
1:30 Who's that guy on the left? It's Cupković's manager?
Aleksandar Atanasijević 12 yıl önce +9
Ale ta "muzyka" daje po uszach. :/ Gdybym chciał pójść na dyskotekę, to bym poszedł.

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