
I'm 26 years old volleyball fan from Poland, right now I live in London. In my free time I always try to find some time for my hobby, to make some new movies. Hope that you enjoy my work, more info about me you can find on my facebook page, cheers.

Kişi bilgileri

University of Rzeszow (Physical Education)
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7 ay önce

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@rafaello94: Maybe this camera they didn't check, the Italian system challange has a narrow range of view I don't know why not benefited from Polish system ?
So it probably looked like:
Becouse in Italy challange system camera on the 9 meter show only small range and the ball was so in the court that system challange didn't show this ball ?
great movie !!!, which show how big potential has Agamaez :)
It's not my info, I was only copying this, if I had it all check probably I will lost whole day, also fixed ?
@pearl: fixed ?
Volleyball - Feel The Love 10 yıl önce 0
@eRKa: Unfortunately not
Volleyball - Feel The Love 10 yıl önce 0
@chrison: In my opinion new layout not everyone liked it, I don't know why, but we should have more and more users, movies, visits and we have quite other situation. Sometime movies could have 50-60 thumb's up and now it is hard to get 20. Sometime at the same time on the site was 20-30 users, now max is 10. I don't know why is like now. From my side, I try to do everything what I can for this page, maybe we should make a poll about the new layout ? But if we won't do nothing with this we will be have less and less people who visit this page :(
Volleyball - Feel The Love 10 yıl önce +5
@Wilfredo_is_Marshall: I don't want to have anything in common with Youtube ;)
Volleyball - Feel The Love 10 yıl önce +4
song: Rudimental-Feel The Love ;)
Volleyball - Feel The Love 10 yıl önce +2
Thank you guys ;)
Marko Podraščanin 10 yıl önce 0
I don't understand any word of this song :D but I really like this movie, especially for a lot of materials, good job ;)
@Wilfredo_is_Marshall: I just wanted to add these actions in one movie and don't add them each separately, because it made no sense ;) p.s Block with 6 players not 5 ;)
Nikola Grbić (2nd movie) 10 yıl önce +3
wow :O really great movie ;) good job :)
Oh my god :O
eRKa's few actions 10 yıl önce 0
nice :)
@chrison: Thanks, now everything is more easy on this website for new users and of course us ?
@przemek16: I'll try to do better (2nd part) but I don't know how it will be ? we will see for some time ?
Great job guys !!! Now I have more power to make my new movie Thanks ?
szkoda że nie ma pomiarów prędkości nie tylko zagrywki, ale także ataków tak jak jest w tenisie :)
USA in The Olympics 2012 10 yıl önce -1
Only 16 likes ? come on guys :) stop kidding ;)

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