Will it be a revenge?

Tony Gabriel
1 yıl önce

With one more trophy to dispute in exactly 9 days, the obvious question that comes to every Eczacıbaşı fan is: in the case of winning the Champions League, will it be a revenge for the heavy loss (0-3) against Fenerbahçe?

Certainly, only the players and the staff can answer that question, but I think the focus should be placed beyond the fact of winning or losing. We all (players, staff, fans and management) should think about if this is the way we want to compete.

Once more, Eczacıbaşı played with lot of heart but with little intelligence; many of the stars of the team underperformed and collectively, there was a general feeling of lack of concentration, especially at the key moments of the series.

There is people with far more knowledge about volleyball than the one writing this post, but I definitely believe Defne should be given a chance in the first squad next season. She could be a very useful back-up opposite and, as she grows up as a professional player she may also help the team at moments where our captain looks a little lost and unconfident.

Probably, the biggest challenge for Eczacıbaşı will be to find a reliable pair of hitters. This has become quite an issue for a team where the two reserve hitters ended up being more productive than the starters.

Hopefully, we will lift the most important trophy against a Vakıfbank team that is not going through their best time, but still is an opponent to respect. In any case, the key to success depend on which decisions will be taken to face the 2023/2024 season.

As always, Cmon #EczacıbaşıDynavit ?