
Sean Rooney amazing block substitution

eRKa 2013-05-06 • 5491 Aufrufe
Sean Rooney is 31 years old American player. He made his Olympic debut at the 2008 Olympics in Beijing, where USA won gold medal. He played beach volleyball and went on AVP tour in 2005 and 2006. His highest place was fifth, which he achieved three times. He started professional career in Hyundai Capital Skywalkers (South Korean League), where he was the biggest oponnent of William Priddy, who played in Samsung Bluefangs. In match against Russia in London, Rooney changed his friend and gave good substitution. Take a look on his two blocks in a row on two wing-spikers of Russia NT: Sergey Tetyukhin and Dmitriy Ilinikh.

#SeanRooney #TheOlympics2012 #block #seriesofblocks

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