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hahaha nightfox, are you serious? Have you ever seen warm up smashes, have you ever played volleyball yourself? This ball isn't better for a person than any other ball they smash. I might even argue that it is better since hitting a ball cross "out of the shoulder" they call it in Dutch, that is what ruins a shoulder. It even destroys little mussles in your shoulder. Anyway, if this is bad for his health anything on the court would be, you'd know that if you played volleyball yourself I would imagine. Oh and by the way. The reason why not every player does this when they have the chance to, is because it is incredibly stupid, since hitting the ball deep gives you the same ensurance that you score the ball and you don't have the small chance of hitting a block that is low but extremely late, since you would hit over the block if that would happen. The best players won't do this for this reason. That is why Matey is so much better than Kurek, almost every ball is deep, or to the line.
First of all: Did somebody just write "plus if you agree", damn this is turning into one of those sites like youtube where everybody wants to get plusses (sad). Second: That set is so great, especially since now they broke Juantorena's serve, which is SO important.
Saku what you just said made absolutely no sense whatsoever. I have a feeling you thought you understood me, but in reality totally didnt have a clue
I'm confused by you guys.
More rotations means: higher numbers, percentage wise.
Cause usually more quantity of plays mean lower stats (again percentage wise).

I am only interested in the percentages and if you rotate, you should actually be able to get higher percentages, since you play less and be more efficient.

And I will state it again, they finished second, so they were almost better then everybody else, so the stats are good enough, but it is not impressive.

I am impressed, when an outside hitter has a higher percentage then 50% in attack, which no one had in the team, (well Ruciak had, but he didn't really play that much which emphasizes my point that less plays means better stats).

I guess all you guys looked at total numbers, which I absolutely never do, since well, that indeed includes rotations. I do look at averages from time to time, as in block.

But don't put to much load on my words. It are good stats, great stats even. Im just not impressed, thats all.

Nothing as in corruption or something.
With volleyball alone I mean skill wise and only looking at the thechnique part and such.

Not volleyball (all though still part of it), like fitting in the team. Creating the right atmosphere, being loyal to people, all that kind of stuff, or just being an evil person, but the right person that is needed for the team. Are you motivational. That is what I meant if you get what I mean.
With all do respect, considering how long this tournament was and the second place they ended at, and the pace at which games were held. The numbers are not impressive.

That is probably cause of the stated reasons above, since they still ended up higher then almost every team in the tournament!

Great job
Damn, don't take this to seriously.
This man is just chauvinistic as hell. But the reality is. All the receivers from Brasil got outplayed by those of Poland, Russia and maybe even Italy. Dante never played much, Murillo had his good games but had really bad ones when it mattered and Giba is playing under the level he used to play.

Compare that to what Kaziyski has won the last couple of years and how he played on every level and it's pretty clear he would be really valuable to a lot of teams. And although, he does have his weaknesses, people make them out to be as if he is the worst in the world at it.
He can block, but isn't the best at it, nor is Giba or Murillo. Passing wise, he is good at it, allthough not as good as Murillo. But he so makes up for that in all the other aspects of the game.

Last thing I would like to say: Giba, Murillo and Dante are all great players, and I can even imagine that coaches would put Kaziyski in fourth place compared to them, for reasons that might not even be about volleyball alone. What I am trying to say is, if I had to be choosing between those guys it would be hard as hell, since they are all great players. Nobody knows what the outcome would be if I choose to select Matey above them. The only way to find out is to put them in a team and see which one wins the most when you rotate them. But they'll probably win everything so even that would probably not be the right solution
and Qi ren is standing on the other side, so eventually the mvp can stand in the middle. For commercial reasons
Lasko should have won eihter best scorere or best spiker.
How tall are you??? vor 12 Jahre 0
Poland - Serbia vor 12 Jahre 0
Lol Michael Ball, my bad :D
Poland - Serbia vor 12 Jahre 0
thanks for the upload. Zagumny, what a hero. Only one that comes close to his level is Michael Ball, but he is not at the WC.
Russia - Italy vor 12 Jahre 0
Im just watching the game, and it is a BAD game, at least the first two sets. Zaytsev, Savani, Lasko, not up to their standard yet. Damn, Savani's attitude is afwul. I like confidence and all but he is going to far. This seems like arrogance. Overexagerating every mistake he makes by running in the net, or making a pirouette, which seems like he wants to state that the set was so bad that's why he made the error. This is just my feeling, i dont have hard evidence for it though.
Georg Grozer (6th movie) vor 12 Jahre +1
3 things: -Lovely movie,nice music, nice actions, lots of close-ups. -I love 4:21 till 4:35, which other people will probably hate. -Sometimes when he is cheering, I actually think he is gonna cry??!
Uuuuh Tysia, that is bad news for the national team.......
Good news for Kurek personally though.....

Honestly I found it good motivations for your points in the matter.
I think were not totally disagreeing with each other.
It is just always a thin line when to start playing with younger players and when to hold on to the "old" guys.
So it will always be up for debate.

Personally I think Fei is a great addition for the NT.
At least he isn't the arrogant player that will start to wine when he is sitting on the bench.
@Kk15 I'd like to respond on this please:

So, I would like more opportunities for Sabbi. And I think that a player shouldn't stay in the NT forever... (e.g.: Petkovic isn't good as Grbic, but look at who is the ECh champion... Travica isn't good as Vermiglio - at least in setting - and look at who is the ECh vice-champion)

So I kind of see where you are coming from, but it also seems so vague. My respons to your answer won't be a disagreement nor will it be an argument against it. I just don't fully understand what you are saying, nor do I got the answer, so I will break it down and see what I think about it.

-First this is what you said: "So, I would like more opportunities for Sabbi."
Agreed, but is the WC the moment?

-Second thing you said: "And I think that a player shouldn't stay in the NT forever..."
Now here a disagreements begin to appear, cause I think someone should stay in the NT as long as he makes the team better, if that is till he is a 100 years old I couldn't care less. I kinda see what you mean, you need to refresh your squad, get new blood to stay at the same level and be as motivated as young new players are, but if a person of a 100 years old can bring something refreshing or is simply better then the rest I coulnd't care less.

-Third: "(e.g.: Petkovic isn't good as Grbic, but look at who is the ECh champion... Travica isn't good as Vermiglio - at least in setting - and look at who is the ECh vice-champion)"
Here you lost me. You say Grbic is better but still Petkovic is better? You lost me here. Please colaborate. What makes Petkovic the better player for Serbia and who says Grbic wouldnt have won the Ech. Your argument seems false, nor do I have any clue what you are trying to say with it.

-Last but not least: "should always train a new generation that have to be ready to help the old one..."
Again, Im gonna use something I said earlier. The best players of your country need to play in the NT.
In my opinion the NT shouldnt be an institution to make younger players better, since it's the epitome of being the best team of your country.
You can't think about training younger players in the NT team, it is simply the best team.
And again, maybe I see what you are trying to say here: don't forget the young players so you have something to build on, but is that what the National team is for?

Oke maybe when you know with the current generation we are not gonna win the WC, so we will start building on the next generation. But I think Fei and Mastro, will give you a good chance to win the WC, plus it will help traing the younger players. As soon as those players aren't capable of winning the WC anymore (although the better players) you can start to switch.

Hm.. my story begins to lose some cohesion, ill let you respond to what I said now, since it seems an interesting subject!
It is strange how people say that Berrutti suddenly wants an extra experienced player, like he doesnt trust his current players.

If you ask me, by getting Mastro in, he proofed that the dynamic of the team just changes slightly, just to get that extra bit you need to perform at the highest level.
For me, Mastro was the difference.

Why would he not call in an extra experienced guy like Fei.
And to be honest, he can't be ignored, he still is one of the best.
Plus he seems like a very humble, trustworthy guy, that would like to help other players.
This last statements is just by the looks of it, i am not sure.
This is awesome, and did I just spot van der Veen over there?
Glad to see the best setter in the world in the line-up.
It sucks that Bartman plays opposite though, I would like to see him as a reciever together with Ruciak.

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