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Giba retiring! vor 12 Jahre 0
Lets hope so. He was one of the best players of his era and he probably still is.
But I don't want to see him go downwards while he is playing.

On a side note. If he is still having fun in playing volleyball on such a high level, I am not the one to say he needs to stop obviously
Only thing I don't understand about YOUR statement Nagor.

You say Wlazly lied about the health problem and that I should read his statement in english.

Nxt thing I read is that Wlazly had a problem with his health, plus he didn't get help from the federation. (concerning his health BTW)

Now where did he lie exactly?
I think you are the one lying to be honest
Dear Saku.

The sad thing about your statement is that albeit the fact he didn't talk he still took all the hits from "fans" like you.

But he took those hits, cause he respected the federation, their wishes, but also cause he knew he could ruin the reputation of the federation of his OWN country. The worst thing is, he initially didn't wanna say anything.

But because of judging people like you and MANY others who just went after their own assumptions, he had no other choice then to ruin the reputation of the federation. This whole thing probably would have stayed inside the chambers where it belongs and it would have been settled between the persons involved. But because of the fans it became public and now there is way more damage caused then should have.
Also there is a big chance Wlazly will stay out of the NT even longer.

I will say it again. Don't judge someone before you have heared both sides. Let that be a lesson in real life to.
When reading this story, I kind of get angry.
Not at Wlazly
Not even at the federation (they will have their motives, or lack there of)

No, I get pissed at the people that judged Wlazly even without hearing his story.
They blatently assumed to know what Wlazly, thought, did, should do, will do, had done, said and decided to blame him for whatever they felt like.

Let rationality prevail in a matter that is highly emotional, so we can judge clearly.
Damn, Im surprised Kaziyski didnt get the MVP, for some reason I thought he deserved it more. But him and Juantorena are to close for comfort.

Biggest let down in the tournament was the audience.
I think every tournament should be held in Poland, then at least you know there is gonna be enough people in the audience.
Is Jarosz still playing in this team as well?
Quadruple Block vor 12 Jahre 0
You can jump wherever you want, aslong as you don't touch the ball, ABOVE the net AND playing it over the net. Otherwise it would be very diffucult for a setter to jumpset the ball coming from the backcourt wouldnt it guys?
Im agreeing with czilikd, don't know what other people are on about, saying they have the proove its really high
David Lee vor 12 Jahre +2

Althoguh I do agree that David Lee isnt the best middle blocker, clearly cause of the other good ones you stated, but saying Simon is close to van den Goor, or better then Masterangelo and the likes?

I like Simon and all, but he isn't that all around player van den Goor was. Remember that man, could pass, block, kill, running pipes, defend he did EVERYTHING.

Also I think Simons serves are good, but overrated.
Men like Volkov serve better.
Simon is impressive and all with his hard hitting.
And he can block high, but is it better then Volkov?
Is it better than Endres?
Those men have one hell of an technique when it comes to blocking.
Simon lackes that, cause he can't even close his arms cause of the muscles he has ?

Considering so many people agree with me, I conclude that more people like that girl in the picture.
I demand somebody to make a mix of her just to please all the fans ?
I always have the tendency to give Zver a +1, and im afraid that is just cause of his picture
Let me clear this up FAST.
Quote me where I said it is was bribing.
I only said, there could be a suspicion of bribing and so it is wrong.
It is wrong for a federation to give money, wether you like it or not.
It adds suspicion. So I'd rather see commercial sponsors.

This is a quote from k-is-for-kate however:
"Our Federation usually sponsors many (if not all) competitions, big or small, our teams take part in, because it has money, which countries-orginizers sometimes lack"

So how am I not to argue aganist that?
How are people saying I have to prove anything?
I am not the one stating it is just a sponsor, without any prove.
Like I said, I am not the one saying it is bribing either, just that I don't like that the federation is giving money.
You see it there? That is my opinion. Just as I have the opinion that giving money could unconsiously give somebody an advantage. That is just my opinion.

I am not argueing the intention of the Russian Federation cause I have no prove of that, so why are you guys trying to pinpoint that on me?
I am just against it, wether it is a legitimate sponsor deal or bribing.
I am entitled to that opinion and so all you guys should learn, that this is a discussion and stop being so offended please.

I am not gonna state my argument again cause I made it and it is up to you guys wether you guys argue against the moral issue or not.
The true interest I have in this discussion is the moral issue and it is there I believe.

So move away from the prove part, I only started that discussion cause k-is-for-kate, tries to defend a fact, which means you have to defend that with prove, since, well it should be a fact otherwise you can't really defend it right.

What I am trying to defend though is my opinion:
The opinion that Federations shouldnt sponsor since it could add rumours about bribing, unconcious bribing, and so could either give an advantage to Russia or could add negativity if itis a legitmate win.
(Not trying to argue its bribing, just my opinion on what if a Federation would give money to an event it participates in by itself)
Bribery, a form of corruption, is an act implying money or gift giving that alters the behavior of the recipient.

Meaning: Giving money so you get something benificial in return

To sponsor something is to support an event, activity, person, or organization financially or through the provision of products or services

Meaning: Giving money to support an event.

Now we all know that the money is being giving, we just don't know the latter.
You try to sound very convinsing k-is-for-kate, but where is you proove that the money is not for bribing.
I mean if you look at the explanation of bribing and sponsoring, it goes hand in hand.
Both is giving money, period.
For a federation to give money to the European Championship is at least questionable until you have prove nothing else is done with it, then just to support the event.

You haven't given me the prove, nor will there ever be any prove since the only prove you will ever have is, they said so. There is not physical evidence of not being bribed, since bribing is persuation that can even be unconscious.

You see where I am getting at?
Federation shouldn't give money to events, since there are for one, doubts of bribing.
Which takes away from the winning of Russia if they actually do win it legitimate.
And two, bribing can be conscious or unconscious. Now lets say I give you money before a match and tell you to still be objective if you are the referee.
You will favor me most likely wether you like it or not.

Getting money from the federation is just not a good thing, wether it is used as real sponsorship and the intentions from the federation are good, it will always raise questions, raise doubts, can influence the recipient party unconsciously.
You don't know that k-is-for-kate, nor can you give me any prove otherwise, but thats obviously not your fault.

Just one quick note: I am discussing not trying to offend anyone
You guys are all contradicting yourselfs.
First you say, Russia doesn't need to buy matches since they won the World League.
And then all of a sudden k-is-for-kate states that the Russian federation sponsors all competitions they participate in.
Meaning: the argument that they don't need to buy matches to win cause they won the World League is based on nothing more then mud, since they probably sponsored that too.

Now Im not the one here saying Russia is buying the matches, just stating, the arguments you guys are using are contradictive and not constructive by any means.

So my own standpoint is that I disgust that Russia sponsors these competitions, since it can start a fire that was never intented, like what is happening here. Even for the players of Russia it sucks, since their wins will always be doubted, even if the matches weren't bought and it was just plain sponsoring.

Sad thing is, we will never know for sure, so the doubt goes on.
And most sad of all, these competition would probably not even be held if it wasnt for those sponsors. But that is just how the world is these days.
Poland - Bulgaria vor 12 Jahre 0
They are losing cause of Kurek, he has shown he cannot handle the pressure of being the guy that has to carry the team. He will in the future, but he can't yet.

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