
275 ( 2)


Bąkiewicz za co?
spiridochento his reception is better than Mateys, Aleksievs or Bratoevs...
Ralight Nawrocki is wining everything in PlusLiga as well. Talking like some blind fans of Skra (not all of them are blind) he won bronze and silver in CL. But are you gonna call him a great coach? No, his successes depends on his players. NightFox and I said we will see real strength of Stoychev with the national team. How many great players he created there so far? Penchev who was called to NT before, by Prandi? Or Skrimov, who was ignored by Rado so long? Wining with Matey, Osmany, Nikola is not artistry. Getting to Final Four with weaker teams which you improve and motivate, like Hoag is artistry. Doing something from nothing like Velasco in Iran is artistry. Winning for ten years, even without Ricardo, like Rezende is artistry.
Being "fresh" coach and handle and keep together such difficult character and experienced players like Grbic, Mastrangelo, Nikolov, Henno and Wijsmans is something big.
Guidetti said few days ago in interview for one polish website, that great coach is not only this one who wins a lot, but the one who every day teaches his players something new.
About this creating great players, you already lost yourself in your own opinions. Once you said Rado created Nikolov, then you said Nikolov was already a big star when he came to Trento. And before you will mention Riad, or even Winiarski, you should remember about their injuries which they got thanks to this coach, same with Kaziyski now, after this season with NT he will be shadow of Matey from the past. Creating new players is great, but not destroying them is even better...
Don't forget that this is his first season abroad in which he is leader of the team and they achieved something - historical win vs Belgorod /Gazprom didn't win one of the 12 matches with Belgorod before/ strong game vs Zenit, win vs Ural Ufa as gusests. In his previous season in Russia he was in weak team, later in Turkey he lost form and made some fails in important moments.

Tell me if any of those matches was important? Was it semi-final of the russian cup or play-off? Match, which score will decide about anything? Ace at the end of the match in the middle of league is nothing special, even Kurek does it, but he never did it in such important match like the one against Zenit. Historical win against Belgorod, what they got with this win, except "wow yay first time for a long time!"? It's like being proud that Cuba won over Brazil in group round of WC 2010 and forgetting they've lost in the final. What do you think which is more important and shows strength of the team?

Aleksiev has the quality to be big if he overcomes his mentality issues.

Like I said, guy with acrophobia on Mount Everest...
Vigor Bovolenta farewell vor 12 Jahre +2
Whatever Trento fans and players say about Blu Brothers, these guys are always act like that for a players who leave the club without any affair. They did the same in Rome after match for scudetto, to say "goodbye" and they did it now to say "nice to see you again". I would be not surprised if they did it for their golden boy, Parodi.
Pesazi we talk about Aleksiev, because his fail was epic. But we don't forget about Zhekov. Anyway discussion about his limits now, when Bulgaria has no alternative is pretty much pointless. Discussion about alternatives for Aleksiev is much more interesting, as we have few young guys to observe and share opinions about them.
I think that he's a good, stable player... but not always. He has some problems, when the team is high on emotions and he's not doing very well then.

He has weak head, just say it out loud. You know what Hubert Wagner said about guys with not very strong head and nerves? "Someone with acrophobia won't gain Mount Everest."

Funny one, Zyta! I heard Cubans built him a statue in Havana. ;-)

They should put his picture right next to the one with Castro ?
Very important player for Bulgaria national team!

Aleksiev? For Cuban NT for sure.
If you do not want to be the alternative to Rapha, you can give on loan!

...or not sign bond with Trento, but go somewhere where you will play as a starter...
Vadim Khamuttskikh nice tip vor 12 Jahre +2
If we can see onthis website thousands of 3rd, 4th, X-th meter spikes, what's wrong with another setters tip?
Lol even Alekno smiled.
eRKa who is nervous? Can't we make some jokes? Don't be so serious mate. Website of federation should be updated every year don't you think?
If you wanna see difference between enfant terrible and a kid, compare Poltavsky and Spiridonov. One day the kid will get lesson of humility when he will try to provoke someone like Semen.
oooo to Jarosz jeszcze w Kędzierzynie?
@angelosAlexiou on the website there is a short cut from this match, but I don't think you can find whole match on YT :(
Whoever helped Skrimov, good that Rado listened this person and took Todor instead of Bratoev. Hope Rado won't forget about the guy this time...
@HCLT: I already changed it, can't ask chrison to change it for Dutch now :D I will stai zitta and keep polish flag, still being a Dutch Princess.
Hoag praises him a lot, saying he would not be able play this volleyball with other setters even if they are taller. Dustin is one of those smart guys, who always think during the game. Hopefully he will find club in the stronger league as he deserves to play in better one.
Shall I change my nick now? :)
Aren’t you British anymore?

Did you forget? I'm a Dutch Princess.

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