


TVP... what an old school :D
Champions League 2011/2012 vor 12 Jahre +7
Okay marchst, you're right. Sorry guys, that was my last post directly to Raylight.
Champions League 2011/2012 vor 12 Jahre +6

kate who never ever said any thank you for my work on Russian volley uploads

since when anyone should be grateful? Maybe she should send you flowers as well?

Congratulations dude! You’ve maybe reached the lowest point of your turbulent and desperate career on v-movies. Calling me stupid makes you feel better? I hope so because you seem to have this urge of battling against everyone. You and your quotes out of place, your “friends” found by convenience as they get rejected as you are, your crazy attempts to impress with a knowledge you lacks… Keep calling me stupid, it’ll make a huge difference in my life and in my participation here.

So you’re number one on v-movies? Wow! Do you wanna a medal? Another flowers? Maybe you want your nickname in green, as you already complained about that, which is pathetic actually? Please, give us some break from your whining and behave like a man, starting by treating girls decently. Neither Kate nor I have given you a reason to be so rude.

You said you have a life outside here… I don’t give a damn too, but it’s hard to believe now when you brought the subject. I remember last Christmas, when you were posting like a freak, but said at some point you had just finished watching a movie with your family. Ray, you had been posting something every five minutes, some of those posts were really long ones. It’s hard to believe you exist outside here, but I don't care anyway, just saying this once you mentioned that while talking to me.

You can stop using YouTube videos to mock those who oppose to you. We all know you’re just copying once again a guy you really want to be, but he’s so much smarter than you.

Peace & love.
Champions League 2011/2012 vor 12 Jahre +6
Ray okay no one can stop you saying this crap. But don't expect later that people will take you seriously.
Champions League 2011/2012 vor 12 Jahre +1
I think Trento will win next match 3:2, but Macerata will save their asses in golden set.
Champions League 2011/2012 vor 12 Jahre +4
That's why Kate we are friends ?
Champions League 2011/2012 vor 12 Jahre +2

Still spike by spike attempt he is loaded like Zaytsev in Roma, not like Savani in Macerata

you've got to be kidding me right now. Zaytsev when it comes to choose most loaded player in the team during the match has no opponents at this point. He passes most of the balls and spike most of the balls and there is nothing to compare, because as you said Matey has some support right now. Besides I did not say he is in bad form because he doesn't score 30 points per match. But again we coming back to how you see this sport and I don't want to discuss this point.
Champions League 2011/2012 vor 12 Jahre +5

Out of the midst of Moscow, Radostin Stoychev and Matey Kaziyski came on Italian ground.

Ja, ja and saved this ground from scarcity. Got it.

Trento won their first scudetto having no traditions at all.

As far as I know, from watching vball, players play and winning, not traditions.

HCLT is right. You are totally desperate. You have no answer for my arguments, so you brought me shortcut of Trento's history, which is not the point right now, as we don't talk about Matey being special (gotta add this to my list and change it to TOP7). Moving, totally.
Champions League 2011/2012 vor 12 Jahre +5
God? He can barely be called an angel, his powers are really limited. With those limitations the best teams would put him in square for subs. He's okay, can be useful sometimes...

if he is tired, someone else's freshnes is not an argument not to give him a rest

did I say he does not deserve to have some rest? No. He does. And I feel sorry for him. I really do. But talking all the time only about him taking rest like no one other need it too is just making him such a poorly victim. And boring.

he gets the toughest points and spikes hard, which is much more tiring than low block-defense oriented technical spikes of normal spikers.

just like mentioned Savani doesn't care such points. No, no one basically. Only Matey cares about these actions and points. In every existed team maybe, huh?

PS. Volleyball is not a simple game. It takes time & dedication in order to understand it properly. Why cant you (pro fans) help us with that? :-) .... or at least help me, please!

hahahaha. I will try do my best.

BTW, Zyta, in the last match vs Macerata Matey played quite well ?

this is what I'm talking about. I'm saying during this season - WHOLE SEASON - he is shining like before. And you must admit that (I'm not talking to you Ray). And then someone is talking about ONE MATCH. I don't care. He played better, okay, sometimes he will. But three days earlier he played terrible. Which shows he has ups and downs, while in the past he was quite stable at this point.

PS. We becoming masters of TOP6 topics. Discussing two of them in one conversation, hell yeah.
owszem z tych filmików co ja rovbiłęm

to jaki jest sens robienia kolejnego filmiku na podstawie akcji, które już kiedyś były przez ciebie używane?
Champions League 2011/2012 vor 12 Jahre +4

Zyta, I already looked there, but I guess the stats have not been updated yet.

what stats you talk about? Stats from this match? I have seen them, so yes, they are there.

But let me say... WHAT? This is being professional for you?! Putting Bulgaria interests upon Trento while he is training Trento???!!! Now Stoytchev MUST think in Trento prospective, not in Bulgaria prospective!!! Right now he have to forget he is Bulgaria coach!

It's not exactly like that. At this level if someone is coach in the club and NT must think about both. He can't say "okay screw NT right now, you play everything" and then be surprised Matey is crawling on court. Also he needs to think about guys who plays in the other clubs, keep in touch with their coaches etc etc. Of course he has some guys for him to care about this, but that's how it looks right now. And it's not always perfect, but there need to be cooperation between clubs, otherwise players will be in trouble.
Besides come on, is Matey so necessary on court right now? Before Raylight will come and throw stats in my face (BTW do you know that most titled team in this decade - Brazil - doesn't care that much about stats like Italians/Bulgarians/Russians/Poles? And look when this tactic took them ?), even he must admit that Matey is not shining bomber right now and he calmly can spend some matches on a bench to get some rest, while Della Lunga will beat Ravenna for example. I'm not saying give him a rest against Macerata (but seeing his performance on Sunday I would say why not), but weaker teams yes. Osmany and Stokr can handle that, while Dore will just help in reception.

Michal I get your point, but as you said there many players who carried much more. And for example in Brazil they play twice a week + they have to traveling long distances. Do you think anyone there complain or fans crying because of those poor guys? No. If they cry it's now only about Giba, because there is a risk he may not be able to play Olympics.

It was not related to you, i have understood what you mean. It was Zyta not to appoint these Matchs.

okay 5 matches of club champs, 1 of supercup. Still 6 < 11, got it, dude?

There are more interesting things to be discussed in this topic for sure :-)

really? ? so why you started? But I should get use to that in this vball world some topics will never end (even we have said everything, there is nothing new to add, but we will still discuss some points).

Short, quick list of TOP6 never ending stories:
- Kaziyski and taking rest
- Kaziyski and being god
- Bulgaria and being top class team
- Bulgaria against rest of the world or Bulgaria as a victim of cheaters
- Rado and being bad/good coach
- Simon and being the best

Then some topics which are mentioned here, but they are not such popular like on webforums of countries they are about.

- Wlazly and NT

- Ricardo vs. Bruno

- Russia and mentality

- Italy and behaviour on court

Forgive me if I missed any point. I don't have anything in my mind about the rest.
Champions League 2011/2012 vor 12 Jahre +2
champion I am calm. But keeping saying this all the time is boring.
Henrique point is we have so many commentators and all of them has some stupid things. Except Mazur, he is intelligent and funny I loves his comments. And he is the only one who help those annoying guy be not so annoying. even Mr Whadelse sound better when they are both together. But for you most known is Swedrowski (ViZotto and KubiakAAAA), he has some standard sentences during some actions (list made by my two friends): 1. player makes a tip over the block, opponent dig it: "This tip was too high!" 2. player makes error on serve when team leads high, for example 16:11: "he could let this happen" 3. team checks action with system challenge: "I would like to rmeind that challenge is independent from our (Polsat) cameras" 4. Jarosz scores point: "Jaroooooosz!" 5. Kubiak doesn't score the point: "But this player is very brave, real fighter, we all remember his dig from World Cup" 6. player makes error on serve after technical time out/time out: "this is always error after time out" 7. Kurek makes error on serve: "Kurek is getting closer to have ace serve" 8. Nowakowski hit over the block "his spike reach is unattainable to any middle in the world!" (Musersky laughs)
Champions League 2011/2012 vor 12 Jahre +4

Matey deserves brake.

Are all of you gonna keep saying this now? Okay he needs rest, so as Savani for example. Played as many matches or even more, because:
a) he got to final round of ECh
b) he played at WC in Japan
and before some freak will try to reply for these points don't compare friendly matches in Italy to 11 matches of WC in Japan. Even those I think two matches in Serie A when Kovar played instead of him, still Savani played more.
And Savani is older. So as you see there are a lot of players who need break. Okay we all know Rado is makes him play every match and that's sucks. But how many times we gonna say that?
Champions League 2011/2012 vor 12 Jahre +5

Trentino needs some rest,

just like Macerata doesn't.

Where could I see the pdf??
Aelinn don't even remind me defenZywa :D hate it as much as you ;)
Polish Cup Final 2012 [HD] vor 12 Jahre +5
C'mon, no one said movies must be cheerful and happy all the time. If anyone wants to do sad movie, okay, that's something different after all. But this almost "ironic" remark about bullshit was not necessary, not everybody must jump and scream with happiness and excitement after seeing your movies, like teens seeing Kurek ;)
Henrique I know that, that's why I'm surprise he's still trying and thinks we will believe.
pearl thanks, but I saw them together before ;)

We are not Brazil, Russia and Poland to have 4 quality players on every position and not to count on one or two stars to win the games and medals.

I bloody wish, dude O.o

We are like Serbia without their pride and confidence and we need to have their level.

No, you are not. You play simple, based on strength volleyball, while Serbia left it long time ago.

Sending bad vibes is not directly mentioned in your words, but all these speculations of Matey's injuries and the poorly covered joy made me bad impression. I hope I am paranoid about it.

Of course you are paranoid, you are going way too far. You know why I'm always talking to you and made fun of your love to Matey? Because you are paranoid. We have a lot of freaks here, but not as big as you. And today you showed that like never before. Even if anyone here, me or Henrique doesn't like Matey, it's not the reason to feel joy when he is injuried. Many times we have been saying how good player he is, but how much he needs to improve. Talking about his injuries was showing he is not alien, but just a human, who has right to be for time to time in worse form, be in a bad moment. No one here wish him bad, so stop, because actually now you are offending without using a bad words.

Ray's ifs and buts came back. Took a while...

To be fair,though,I know what injuries raylight was referring to and they were really serious(no “cut-while-shaving” extravaganza ? ). But again,I don't think they've been our main problem and especially since this is a problem that every team faces,can't be an excuse.

Few weeks before World cup Kurek got back injury. Don't know how much anyone here knew about this, but I remember in Poland we actually freaked out. Getting medal without him? After all, not healthy, but feeling better enough to start play from match with Argentina, Kurek helped us. Today I can say that actually bigger problem over there was bad form of Kubiak. He played okay in first matches, but then it was worse. That's why Winiarski had to play actually every match. Anyway what I mean that every team faces problem with injuries. Kurek injuried but played, Giba injuried but played. Don't know if we would find excuse in Kurek's injury if we lost. Perhaps, but after all this situation could help us find new players for NT and keep on working and winning. If you really looking for problems in your team except Zhekov, mentality and Aleksiev, I agree it's a short bench. But Serbia is not much bigger I think and yet, they find more talents. So it's not about quantity, but quality of schooling.


The third one by Skrimov. We only heard about Skrimov's mistake..... how objective and unbiased.....

Skrimov! My fifth column! Such a good boy!

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