
World Championship 2014 (Decoration)

Wilfredo_is_Marshall 2014-09-22 • 3340 Aufrufe • 3
Decoration of the best players and the best national teams in World Championship 2014. Let's see explosion of joy by a Polish fans after prize for Mariusz Wlazły for the best player of that tournament. The MVP received $30,000 in prize money while each of the members of the Dream Team were awarded $10,000 each. The MVP of the World Championship 2014 decided that this is the right time to leave red and white shirt behind him. He said: "This is something that every player dreams of. To win the world’s gold for its country. I think that we are still not aware of what we have just done. But, my mission for the National Team has come to an end. I am glad that I was part in something this huge, but it is time that I tell to myself it is enough. This team can play against the best and I hope that it will continue to make history".

#JeniaGrebennikov #KarolKlos #LukasKampa #MarcusBohme #MariuszWlazly #MuriloEndres #RicardoLucarelliSouza #Brazil #Germany #Poland #WorldChampionships2014 #decoration

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3 Kommentare

fedepasIT 29 2
vor 9 Jahre
... i'm a little taken aback regarding some of the awards... maybe they look only at the numbers in statistic, but Bohme and Kampa? I have nothing against Germany or the 2 players in particular (instead I've had a pleasant surprise for the 3rd place), still i think that is wrong only looking at the numbers.
Wilfredo_is_MarshallRSAuthor 4186 20
vor 9 Jahre
@fedepas: what would be your team?
fedepasIT 29 2
vor 9 Jahre
@Wilfredo_is_Marshall: I would have chosen only 2 different players: Lucas instead of Bohme and Bruno instead of Kampa.... i have nothing against Germany, as i said, but still I prefer the 2 brazilian players i mentioned from a technical POV. There's no denying that are better than the germans.
And there is the matter of Murilo. Here I don't really know. This year he did only 4 or 5 points per match, but he, as always, is almost flawless in reception. What Brazil lost in serve and attack, gained in reception and, that, everyone knows what it means.
But i also liked very much the Kaliberda's performance. Since he played in Piacenza, he had a leap in quality as a player (this is my opinion). A strong serve and attack, good both in blocking and receiving. He is a well balanced player. For the second wing spiker i cannot decide between Murilo and Kaliberda. Well, it depends mostly about what kind of play you want to make your team do.

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