Andrea Anastasi: I want to see my players in this mood whole tournament.

Andrea Anastasi: I want to see my players in this mood whole tournament.

blokaut_net 2011-11-20 • 5429 megtekintés • 11

- Did you expect such quick victory?

Andrea Anastasi: To be honest, no. I expected the match against Cuba will be more difficult. The same players won Norceca Championships, fighting in final against USA. In Pan American Games they have lost only against Brazil. Today we won and for me it is important to start the tournament good. I was a bit afraid before the match, because during the last practise my players didn't show their best. Perhaps they focused on this victory so much, that they couldn't train normally. But when it came to match they have played smart, with no many errors, especially on serve, so I am satisfied with our game and score.

- First match won. What about pressure now? Is it smaller?

We are calm. World Cup is a long tournament and we can't waste our energy on things that we can't control. We are going to focus now on match against Serbia. I have heard about their poorly game against Argentina, but I don't want to look at them like that. I want to prepare my team for match against Serbia, which I saw in Vienna on European Championships. We are playing at 3:00pm which is perfect for us, because after we have time to prepare tactic for next match and get some rest.

- How is Kurek now? Is he feels better?

Situation is the same like when I said at the beginning, when we arrived to Japan. I don't want to use him and hopefully it it's possible he won't play for next 2-3 games. Now he will have session with physiotherapist because of his arm and he will back to good disposition soon. This guy is tired and we all know that. If I would let him play all the time here, that would be not good for him and for team in the second half of the tournament. Luckily, we have good players on his position, Winiarski played very well today, so for now Kurek can stay on the bench.

- I have to ask about Kubiak, as yesterday heart of probably every fan in Poland stopped when we found out he is injured.

Kubiak is incredible. Yesterday his finger protruded an angle of 90 degrees, doctor set the finger straight away and put some plaster. I asked what happened and Kubiak just answered 'Nothing, coach, everything is fine, perfect and there is no problem.' Today he played and that's the most important, but yesterday when that happened I just thought "Oh my God!".
I'm not surprised polish fans were worried too. In the first set he has had some problems in attack, but later used his skills and technique to help the team.

- Shortly after arriving to Japan, Ivan Miljkovic during press conference said, that formula of this World Cup is catastrophic and he is not surprised that players from their women's national team have had some injuries during the tournament. We know situation of Kurek, Kubiak can play, but still are you afraid about players?

Of course, I am afraid. Maybe other coach would leave Kurek in the country. We are here also without Kosok and I really count on this player, he is important in my team. Kubiak is here, but after european Championships he spent whole week in the hospital. I have to hope, that those players I have here with me can handle this tragedy, because this is a tragedy, not a tournament (laugh).

- I noticed good atmosphere in the team. They motivate each other not only on court, but also from the bench. I heard even you are trying to shout something in Polish. How lessons of our language are going?

With your language is hard, of course I caught few words, but for sure I'm not giving them tactic tips in polish. It's quite a weird situation, because six from seven titular players speak Italian fluent. At the beginning of my work with this team I decided that we gonna speak in English, but then your players speak in your language, it's not hard to forget about your decision. And sometimes when I give some tips in Italian I notice that Nowakowski look at me confused, so I ask him "Piter, you don't understand?" and he say "No", so I have to come back to English.
I think we came to Japan in very good mood. Guys listen before match strong music, rock music, to motivate themselves and I am happy when it helps, because I want to see them like that whole tournament.

Interview from

#AndreaAnastasi #MichalKubiak #Poland #WorldCup2011

11 hozzászólásai

Fadhel AbbasBH 1513 14
12 évvel ezelőtt
Poland has become better when he became a coach for them
kapitan_bombaPL 910 9
12 évvel ezelőtt
I think you made it Andrea (good mood in NT)...after winning bronze medals in WL and EC they feel much stronger now...moreover NT have Zagumny now who is brain of the team. He can give a calmness in important moments...So like spanish people usuall saying - A POR TODAS POLSKA!?
KjeldhorIT 1059 17
12 évvel ezelőtt
or mabye it's normal... and isn't normal all the palyer that never stop for 2-3 years
[except for Kaziyki, after the NT he usual got 1 holyday week]
proudBG 722 9
12 évvel ezelőtt
It's not normal,he's too young to be tired.If he's not feeling well at that age,then something in his training or regime needs to change.It's good that Anastasi is taking precaution and won't use him for 2-3 more days.
KjeldhorIT 1059 17
12 évvel ezelőtt
good luck to kurek, i hope he'll com back for the important matchs
raylightBG 3006 15
12 évvel ezelőtt
That's normal, Kurek is human, not Cyborg
proudBG 722 9
12 évvel ezelőtt
If he's tired at 23,that's BAD...
pearlIT 1003 11
12 évvel ezelőtt
Poor Kubiak: he and "Miss Good Luck" aren't good friends, considering how many health problems he has had in his carreer!!
raylightBG 3006 15
12 évvel ezelőtt
See, Polish players listen ROCK! ?

Dante is my favorite Brazilian player as well - great personality and skills in one, powerful player AND smart!
proudBG 722 9
12 évvel ezelőtt
I'm sad to hear that...Dante's my favorite Brazilian player and after we saw so little of him in the WL,I was hoping we'll get to see him play more at the WC.This tournament is indeed very hard on your physicality,so fingers crossed all teams stay away from any serious injuries and show their best level of volleyball for us,the fans ? I wish fast recovery to both Dante and Marlon ?
proudBG 722 9
12 évvel ezelőtt
Rachel,is there something wrong with Dante?
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