Regular season of Italian Serie A1 2012/13

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pearl 1003 11
12 anni fa

E devo dire che mi ricorda tanto l'Italia

Ragazza, che fai mi quoti?? ? I've been saying this thing since WC can read it in ShoutBox too: i just wrote it last night LOL
Kk15Author 1301 11
12 anni fa
Raylight, I was kidding ? But I think that comment was a bit silly...

About Birarelli, I agree. More than for the points he would have score, for the importance in blocking.

About Burgsthaler serve, I really can't see it as a Stoytchev tactical victory. If Zygaldo would have score an ace when Rado put him in court to serve (and set, considering that Sokolov was in for Rapha), that would have been also Rado's victory, but in the case of Burgsthaler I think he is the one that deservs all the credits (with the help of Parodi distraction)...

raylight 3006 15
12 anni fa
All the credits for serving go 100% for Rado, even for Juantorena, for everybody, who saw him playing before 2009
Kk15Author 1301 11
12 anni fa
You were pointing out that Brughstaler run serve was a Stoytchev TACTICAL victory, and this one is the specific point I disagree with, not with the fact that Stoytchev trained his player well in serve!

And I think that the coach can perfectly made a hell of a tactical studies and tell the player where to serve, but then it's all up to the player, if he serve like Lebl (or in the middle of the net) he will hardly grab smth... If he serve like Birarelli, that can may be make the difference.
BTW, I honestly think that the tactical of the serve isn't that complicated compered for example with block-defence! I mean, I guess a player can easily makes a good tactical serve choice even without suggestion... But of course if the coach tell you where to serve it isn't a good idea to do what do you want without listening it ?

raylight 3006 15
12 anni fa
I was referring both, Kk15, didn't write it clear ?
casamodena 505 4
12 anni fa
Saturday afternoon's match San Giustino-Casa Modena 3-1 (25-20,18-25,28-26,34-32), another defeat for a team against which everyone can win now. Players arguing with the coach and between themselves, supporters who stop cheering and showing their shoulders to the team then whistling: situation totally off control.
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 anni fa
pearl 1003 11
12 anni fa
Roma=free fall ?
Piacenza=fall and rise again ?
raylight 3006 15
12 anni fa
Piacenza plays very good lately ?
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 anni fa
tomorrow next round
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 anni fa
Record coming soon:
IDuring Season: Vladimir Nikolov – 5 points to 2500, Hristo Zlatanov – 2 points to 8000 (Copra Elior Piacenza).

8k point... take that Fadel =P
raylight 3006 15
12 anni fa
What will I receive when I hit 8k?
pearl 1003 11
12 anni fa
About Rome's last round result: it seems that things are not going fine at the moment for the club...and i'm not talking about the impressive series of defeates for the "Capitolini"only. A Roman friend of mine told me that the atmosphere within the team seems to be pretty tense and, most important and seriuos, many players look as they have lost any confidence by now and don't trust the cause any more. She described their last performance this way: no game, no team, no soul. ?
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 anni fa
in this moment Ivan is the right man in the wrong place (sportivamente parlando, non voglio offendere nessuno ovviamente)
pearl 1003 11
12 anni fa
@Kjeld: are absolutely right!!
NightFox 1457 14
12 anni fa
hahaha true, true - Fadel has to keep up
pearl 1003 11
12 anni fa
I'm about to watch Monza-Macerata.
OMG, tonight Rome has to play vs Trento o_O
casamodena 505 4
12 anni fa
Casa Modena - Sisley Belluno 1-3 The worst match I remember of last 5 years.. All people in PalaCasaModena " Bagnoli go home!" " Esko go home!", whistles from everywhere , very poor Anderson never replaced with Kooy clearly saying (and wawing his hand) to Bagnoli "F*ck you!" . Modena seem to be dead . I personally can't stand this situation any more. In the next hours big changes must (and I hope will) be made.
NightFox 1457 14
12 anni fa
Kaziyski + Sokolov 33 points. Osmany MVP 22 !
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 anni fa
Sisley 22 block!!!!!
raylight 3006 15
12 anni fa
Ravenna - Piacenza 8:25!!!
pearl 1003 11
12 anni fa
@casamodena: what a pain reading your words mate! Modena is related to my sweetiest recollections of when I was a little girl and I was just starting to be interested and involved in this sport. Modena to me was, is and will always be "Panini Modena" and some names as Bertoli and Lucchetta, Travica sr. and Cantagalli come to my mind on the's part of our story (a significant part i'd say) and seeing this team having so many problems now makes me feel so sad.

Yesterday was another suffering day for me: Rome lost, Vibo lost ? and Macerata was about to loose as well (they were eventually able to grab a tie-break win, which is not much...but at least something is better than nothing).
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 anni fa
pearl, roma lost it's true, but they played a good match
pearl 1003 11
12 anni fa
@Kjeldhor: i've seen from the set scores that they actually fought hard. Glad to hear that. Despite this, the negative aspect remains the same: as I wrote to Raylight some time ago (talking about Piacenza if i'm not wrong) even if you play very well and score tons of points but at the end of the day you always loose 3-0 or 3-1... you get no points at all and your standings position doesn't change or gets worse and worse...and Rome is currently in third last position!! They're standing with one foot in Serie A2 and the other one slowly shifting from A1 to A2 too.
raylight 3006 15
12 anni fa
Pearl, as I said before and Piacenza proved I was right - small pts difference means mentality, not quality problems and as soon mentality changes the outcome will change. You saw what Piacenza did in the last 7 rounds, right? ?
pearl 1003 11
12 anni fa
Vibo won yesterday ? Rome and Macerata won today ? This week-end was pretty good for me ;P
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 anni fa
for me too... trento won the regular season ?
raylight 3006 15
12 anni fa
I watched the game and I liked Sokolov, Zygadlo and Lanza ?
NightFox 1457 14
12 anni fa
Sokolov 33 points MVP against Cuneo.
pearl 1003 11
12 anni fa
Since Kjeldhor didn't record Trento - Cuneo (questa proprio non me la dovevi fare ragazzo!! LOL) is there any chance to see a video about this match by someone else here (NightFox, Ray)???
Daniel_e92 51 3
12 anni fa
Sincerly i think that some things should change in this championship. In the afternoon Trentino won playing with the team B against BreBanca Lannutti Cuneo, who had the same points as Macerata, before this round. To me it's unbelievable that the third team in the championship isn't capable of winning against the team B of the Trentino. It means that there's more then the usual difference among the Serie A 1 teams, even between the first and the third one.
I hope to see something better in the playoffs.
raylight 3006 15
12 anni fa
Zygadlo, Sokolov and Juric are not B-team players
pearl 1003 11
12 anni fa
@Daniel_e92: as a matter of fact it's pretty impressive that Cuneo didn't win with trento's B team....on the other hand if you consider who actually play as Trento B team (Zygadlo, Sokolov, Della Lunga etc.) we cannot exactly say that trento's second team is weak o_O

Guys, can you tell me one thing if you know that: what happened to Marutti last match with Trento. All I know is that he and Osmany hit and Gabriele got injured in his ankle. What did occur exactly??
Daniel_e92 51 3
12 anni fa
@Raylight. You're right, but they're not in the Trentino A team and to me, the A team of the Cuneo should have won the match, no matter what.

@Pearl I don't think that the B Team is weak, i haven't said that Pearl, but i expected a lot more from a team like Cuneo. Dai, da Cuneo ci si aspetta di più. xD
pearl 1003 11
12 anni fa
@Daniel_e: hai ragione, da Cuneo ci si aspetta di più anche da Roma io mi aspettavo mooooolto di più e invece stanno "muro muro" (come si dice dalle mie parti) con la A2 ? Diciamo che questo è il bello (e il brutto) del nostro campionato ?

And before our friend Raylight posts something like "Ehi, what's this Italian Job here?" I formally apologize with him and all the other foreigner users for writing my comment in italian ?
Daniel_e92 51 3
12 anni fa
Hahaha, per il fatto dell'italian job, dai, ho visto tanto di quel polish job qui su. Pur studiandolo, non capivo una cippalippa xD E comunque speriamo davvero che ci siano serie più avvincenti nei playoff, anche se vedo le cose già scritte fino alle semifiniali. Speriamo bene!
marchst 244 2
12 anni fa
@Pearl, Maurotti has taken the classic distortion to the ankle falling from an attack has invaded by going with the foot on the leg to Osmany ,sin was playing a good game.
Cuneo today has not played to the best, Trentino with Dore and Lanza was more concrete in reception and then a great Sokolov has done the rest served by an excellent Zygadlo. The Trentino went on the field today is worth at least a sixth place in season.
raylight 3006 15
12 anni fa
Please, go on in Italian, just put translation for the other users ? We all love Serie A1
casamodena 505 4
12 anni fa
After 7 defeats on last 8 matches Modena finally won a game! Surprise! We were able to win 0-3,even, but we've still impressive play and mental disconnections. In the new year we literally throw in the rubbish the CEV Cup, Coppa Italia and 99% the 4th place in the regular season (our minimum target) .. not bad xD
Now, please, stop bullsh*ts and wake up guys!
pearl 1003 11
12 anni fa
@Daniel_e92: guarda, la faccenda dell' "Italian/Bulgarian Job" è una vecchia storia tra me e Ray LOL ... tu frequenti poco e, relativamente, da poco quindi non ne sei a conoscenza...magari un giorno ti racconteremo ?
Daniel_e92 51 3
12 anni fa
@Pearl Va bene va bene, mi hai incuriosito xD
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 anni fa
@daniel: io so qui da prima di pearl e non li ho capiti cmq U_U ?
raylight 3006 15
12 anni fa
Аз отлично ви разбирам италианския, ама вие дали ми разбирате Българския език? По - труден е от другите славянски ?
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 anni fa
i undersand u raylight (or google translate understand for me ?)

anyway, De Cecco is injuried and Kooy must be operated
casamodena 505 4
12 anni fa
@Kjeldhor Yes, Kooy had surgery on today (everything ok) so as Viktor Yosifov, end of season (for Kooy maybe the last one here). In a difficult moment seem the bad luck is on our side as well.
What about De Cecco? Very bad news for Monza...
pearl 1003 11
12 anni fa
@raylight: ако използвам Google Translator, аз мога да разбера на вашия език LOL I can't guarantee about the quality of this translation ?

@Kjeldhor: non ci hai capito perché non presti attenzione ragazzo...l'amore ti distrae LOL

@Daniel_e92: molto brevemente, mesi fa in questo stesso topic io e Kjeldhor aka "lo smemorato di Trento" ? stavamo discutendo di qualcosa inerente Trento e lo abbiamo fatto in italiano; ad un certo punto ray ha lasciato un commento dicendo "ehi, cos'è questo italian job qui?" ed abbiamo ripreso a scrivere in inglese. Poco tempo dopo, sotto un video relativo alla nazionale bulgara, si è sviluppata un'accesa discussione tra gli amici bulgari, fatta in bulgaro...ed io, per scherzare, mi sono intromessa chiedendo a ray "ehi, cos'è questo bulgarian job qui?"...da allora non è più finita hahahaha

Sorry guys for my OT
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 anni fa

For De Cecco no problem!!

if a player got a little injury 1 years ago, and it still hurt.... i call it PROBLEM
marchst 244 2
12 anni fa
Let's say a small problem with respect to a fracture that operate as appeared in several newspapers.
raylight 3006 15
12 anni fa
A lot of injuries in Modena, it can't be all bad luck
casamodena 505 4
12 anni fa
@raylight If I tell you how did they happen, you wouldn't have any doubts..
Zyta 1332 11
12 anni fa
Hey, I heard about Monza loosing sponsor next season. Our Italian friends can you tell us more? Any rumours about new sponsor?
pearl 1003 11
12 anni fa
San Giustino vs Padova è appena finita. 3-0 per i veneti. Ci credete se vi dico che, malgrado abbia seguito la partita dall'inizio alla fine, è come se non avessi visto niente?!...sono talmente sottosopra per Vigor che tutto il resto (i punti, la classifica, chi si salva e chi retrocede) mi sembra totalmente irrilevante ?
pearl 1003 11
12 anni fa
I've seen Macerata's match yesterday...not the whole match honestly 'cause streaming left me at the beginning of the 4th set, but what i saw was interesting. Good news for Berruto: the worst on court was Travica.
Luckly for Macerata, Drago's sub there is Monopoli.
Unluckly for our NT, Drargo's sub there isn't Monopoli.
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 anni fa
Belluno got the first fail in this playoff
casamodena 505 4
12 anni fa
Yes Kjeldhor, what a surprise! Sisley did lots of mistakes in the hottest moment, and Latina with a super Jarosz won the game. Really an ugly match as of level of plays, hope our guys won't miss this favorable result with another poor performance!
raylight 3006 15
12 anni fa
Jakub Jarosz with phenomenal play!
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 anni fa
but i can't understand the rules...

first match best team VS worst team
second match: the team who lost first match VS middle team
third match: middle team VS the tem sho win first match

So, the middle team MUST play 2 matches in 2 days, the worst team can have 1 free day (if they win the first match, it's hard but it's possible) so at and of regular season is better be the worst team instead the middle one -.-'
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 anni fa
Roma-San Giustino 3-2

what a battle *-*
casamodena 505 4
12 anni fa
@Kjeldhor Me too. In our pool, just to say, Latina is the closest team to the semifinal after ending at the 9th place the regular season and saving from the A-2 on the last few rounds. CHE SCHIFO!

Said that, another embarrassing performance by Modena, who wasn't able to win a match played against Belluno, a team already aware to be out of semis (and where we've never been leading in the score except on the 1-0). As fan, I really hope to lose on today for finishing this once more pathetic season as soon as possible (for being able just to compare point ratio with Latina's,we must win 3-0 only - very unlikely). Several supporters criticize players who say them " Wanna play on my behalf? " (Manià, ndr) , I don't want to comment that, it speaks for itself...
pearl 1003 11
12 anni fa
Latina vs Modena 3-1!! Wow...i'm so happy for Prandi, who's a real gentleman as well as a walking Bible of italian volleyball. And i'm happy for Latina: they have been able to do what Roma should have and didn't!! Great match for Sottile!!
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 anni fa
what a surprise!!!

trento did his work: easy 3-0 to roma
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 anni fa
Cuneo won 3-0 vs Piacenza, but should was a great match (26-24 32-30 28-26)
casamodena 505 4
12 anni fa
First words of GM Bruno Da Re in the post-match press interview " Who's actually confirmed for next season in the whole club? " answer: "Nobody, and if players don't hurry to take the shower, they're also going to remain in here" . Thunderstorms in sight...
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 anni fa
uhmmm...... dennis will be a wing spiker in trento? ???
casamodena 505 4
12 anni fa
@Kjeldhor I do not understand your post, anyway, he'll be "on sale" soon, so if u're interested, make an offer xDD
raylight 3006 15
12 anni fa
If Modena could serve better they will win in the same matches they lost this year
casamodena 505 4
12 anni fa
Let's say COULD have won SOME matches more among those we "played" (did not) this year
Right for Latina and Belluno us to get out, finally, this revolting season is over.
Happy for Silvano Prandi who knocked out the team which dismissed him last year for just a couple of bad performances, well done!
raylight 3006 15
12 anni fa
Well, looking the matches here and the stats Modena lost most of the matches with good attack and defense, decent block and too many errors on serving. This kind of game can up some levels if the serving can get more reliable
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 anni fa
yep, this year Modena usually scored 20 serve errors/match
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 anni fa
first finalist is Trento
pearl 1003 11
12 anni fa
We must wait a little longer to know the second finalist instead!! Cuneo-Macerata 2-3 (25-19; 23-25; 25-18; 22-25; 13-15). The "war" between these two teams goes on!!
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 anni fa
marchst 244 2
12 anni fa
This is the end point of the Italian championship!

In Poland would not ended well!
raylight 3006 15
12 anni fa
Stokr should get subbed in third set in which he had 0% in attack, the match would be 3:0 if Stoychev could do the obvious
raylight 3006 15
12 anni fa
It is not only that in, called out, (there are at least 3 more such ball, two in the third set) but the fault is on Stoychev
Kjeldhor 1059 17
12 anni fa
the biggest error was letting Osmany on the court, i like when someone want still play whit a problem, that's the correct mind to win, but when u can't attack and can't defend u're not only usless, u're a problem for your team, Rado ask him 3 times if he would come to the bench and he refuse, but shouldn't was a question in that moment should was an order
casamodena 505 4
12 anni fa
Totally agree, Kjeldhor
pearl 1003 11
11 anni fa
First match of 2012/2013 Season: Italian SuperCup, Macerata vs Trento 3-2. Exciting match! Super Zaytsev (23 points); Savani 20 points, Kazyiski 21 points.
Kjeldhor 1059 17
11 anni fa
i agree with u handan that Macerata is the favourite for this match, and they are more spectacular, but spectacular doens't mean effective... in this moment Raphael is serving often Jan cause is so much effective than osmany atm
Kjeldhor 1059 17
11 anni fa
about Mikasa u're right, but we know that long time ago... in ECL Osmany never got so much aces as in the league, but he can learn how to serve ... just be patient, and at the same moment, floating service are more difficult to receive...

about the setting.. the fact is: trentino actualy won 28 set, lost 0 set. and in this month Stokr is in a great shape with a straordianry efficacy

and BTW Stokr attacked 113 balls, Osmany 72, and Matey 107, last year 681-552-576, the % are about the same...
Kjeldhor 1059 17
11 anni fa
statistic is only about our league and regular seasion (w8out cup and playoff) but it can be orientative
Kjeldhor 1059 17
11 anni fa
I remember some years ago .. Trentino got in his roaster Stephan Hubner and Ryan Millar... we got something crazy like 5 block/set.. i'm missing that time T_T
Kjeldhor 1059 17
11 anni fa
no, but for the first 7 matches Stokr was unstoppable

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