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Zenit just not like Zenit with serve, Winiarski and Zatorski receive good, so Kurek has holidays ?
Revan we missed you, where did you been? :)
Earvin N'Gapeth 13 jaar geleden +3
Pearl of French new generation, pretty good technique in his age, good job N'Gapeth senior! ;) Trener trójkolorowych strzelił sobie w stopę usuwając go z repry.
szczerze, to gwóźdź jakich wiele, ale słyszałam, że nasz Bartosz K. ponoć walnął gwoźdź sezonu w meczu z Bydzią, może ktoś wrzuci, bo nie miałam okazji widzieć?
Hector Soto 13 jaar geleden +1
very smart guy, 1:37 love it!
C'mon Michal and Henrique, of course Kurek would play in first squad in HEAD clubs in Serie A. That's why Trento asked for him, who wouldn't put Kaziyski or Juantorena on the bench to make place for Kurek in first squad? That's so obvious. "Fabian Dzkaksjkdhsjajs" :-D Well I think you can call him just Fabian, that will be easy for you and we will know who you mean ;-) Grankin is pretty good, I like him as well. But what do you think about Dragan Travica - second setter of Italy, who will become first when Valerio gonna leave and same with Vlado Petkovic - second setter of Serbia [hard to say he is from new generation, he's 28 years old, but if you play in one team with Grbić... ;-)]?
Rachel no chance, he is back to normal trainings but he still not jumping, so no chance for it.

eRKa in CEV Cup is always like that. But good for Zaksa to have second match in Poland, I'll cross fingers for them.
Of course I'm not saying he has only bad moments, he is the best setter you have for a moment, but nothing special with his setting, that's it.
Yes we all have seen only bad moments and only you have seen good. Is that what you want to say?
SuperExpress and Fakt are unreliable, but I read about for example Skowronska's salary in May/June not in those two, but on vball websites, so if SE wrote about it and confirm it actually, I believe about the rest on the list. koles I don't know if Wlazly had any propositions from Italian or Russian clubs in last few seasons, I think he had maybe straight after 2006. Same with Zagumny, I don't know if he had any, so is hard to say if they don't want to go there or no one want them. There was some rumours about Sisley wanted Kurek, but instead of Ricardo ;-) The only one rumour which Bosek - his manager confirmed was about Trento. But why he is too young? Bartman and Kubiak played in Italy and that gave them a lot, remind season in Czestochowa when Bartman back from Verona, if I remember correct. Another thing, perhaps Winiarski has better manager than Wlazly, Bosek is pretty good as a manager.
koles Skowronska's contract is known from the moment Fenerbahce asked her to play for them, she said she would be stupid if she would say "no" for such salary, it was the same with Zagumny who said money are not the most important, he choose Zaksa even if he will earn there less than in Resovia. If he is more valuable why he has less for that 20-30 000 zl than Winiarski? :)
koles why Wlazly should earn more than Winiarski? What do you think why Winiarski changed Trento for Skra? Yes once because of health and injury, but Skra seduced him with money good enough for polish conditions. Besides Winiarski has bigger titles than Wlazly, when he back to Skra he back as a star of Serie A and huge star of polish vball.
"the problem is that Zhekov can't combinate with the centers and can't use their full potential and when one team doesn't play with the centers - the block is concentrated to the OH" True, he could play much more with MB, for example yesterday I watched match Roma Volley - Cuneo, where Paolucci in first two sets set balls to Yosifov from 3-4meter and he finished with no problem, but could you imagine Zhekov setting to MB from 3-4 meter?
1,2mln PLN has Skowrońska, boys have less in Skra, there's no secret about that.
and BTW Andrea Zorzi said that Bulgaria together with Russia is favourite to gold on straight after Brazil, so I wouldn't listen to him so much.
They had different roles in Trentino, Winiarski kept reception, Matey has been offensive power. Winiarski would not stand another season in Italian league with his health, same in Russian league, that's why the biggest clubs don't hire him in this form and with this health. As I said, Kaziyski is more effective and Winiarski isn't playing at the same level like in Trento. Another thing do you know any other player who would stand as many games as Matey? Zenit with Michajłow and Kaziyski would be unbeaten in Russian League, there's no doubt about this. For me still hard to compare them, they are in a different moments now. Maybe Winiarski could be much better, but his injury stopped his progress.
NightFox Matey is more effective, but when they played together in Trento Winiarski kept reception, Winiarski has no such high reach in attack and block, but he is more complete, he is as good in reception as in attack and also nice feeling in block, especially in single block. Maybe he has not so powerful serve, but he has also more technique. But he didn't back to his disposition from Trento after his injury. Is he better? Hard to say, it depends what kind of player you need in your team. For one team Winiarski would be better, for the other Matey.
Henrique c'mon that's normal, when your team suffer because of formula/whatever is bad, but when you have some benefits from that is ok. Is not only in Poland, for example Wladimir Nikolov, whom I respect and like very much said polish journalist after ECh 2009 squads of groups in next round after group rounds were unfair, because in one half there were Serbia, Italy, Russia and Bulgaria, in second half the strongest were France, Poland and maybe Spain, so Poland had before semi-finals one serious opponent - France. During WC 2010 he told polish journalist after match with Brazil that formula of tournament is better for old players, because they can choose when they can play, so they can have some rest, actually for match with Brazil... I'm curious if he would say that formula is ok if he would knew how match with Cuba will end for them. What about Serbia? They complained about formula in Italy [famous word-fight with Bagnioli during press conference], but they didn't complain about wild card for World Cup. Everybody do that. BTW do you have any links to watch Asian leagues in the internet? koles we will have place on world Cup if we will won or have silver on ECh 2011, not 2009. And I think we can get there from ECh, without wild card. As far as I know our players, if they know now they will get to World Cup no matter what gonna happen on ECh, that thought will take off pressure from them. And we know how they play without pressure ;-)
Poland - Egypt (Highlights) 13 jaar geleden +1
Bardzo dobry filmik, Twoj najlepszy póki co, plus za muzykę, mało znana [chrison się ucieszy, że nie amerykańska ;)] i ładnie wpasowana w film. Dobra robota, piąteczka idzie.
saku there must be something in Henriques words, situation with Fart Kielce and their american opposite may confirm that, he broke contract and went to Asia before season, so he probably think that [it was probably Korean league] is better than our. I'm not saying if I agree with you or with Henrique, because I have never seen any match form Asian leagues, so I can't compare.

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