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Todor Aleksiev 13 jaar geleden +1
2:39 smart ;) I heard he reach 360.
Dmitriy Muserskiy 13 jaar geleden +5
kate he always must mention simon PS. Revan if you want to see dimitry vs simon, go to the, there is a match from F6 of World LEague 2010 between Russia and Cuba and you can compare your idol with that "just tall" guy.
CEV Cup 2010/11 - Semi-finals 13 jaar geleden 0
round from those days in PlusLiga will be moved to different days, so they won't play every two days.
Volleyball humor 13 jaar geleden +3

Sychev had plastic surgery? :P
CEV Cup 2010/11 - Semi-finals 13 jaar geleden 0
I would say that more chances to reach finals has Zaksa than Resovia.
Dmitriy Muserskiy 13 jaar geleden 0
Oli4 He is 218cm, details on FIVB are old.
Trento played semi-final in Italian Cup earlier and it was quick 3:0 for them, Cuneo had battle with Macerata for 5 sets, so they should be tired and won. Also of course they are breakable on serve, but this year it didn't happened [during Serie A Osmany killed 6 times Patriarca not Wijsmas or Henno on serve], maybe because their serve is not so powerful like last year, btu still strong, if you know what I mean.
Skra last season should had more energy as a host and they were at home and what? They lost with Dynamo who was crushed by Zenit in play-offs if I remember correct in Russian League.
Of course everything is possible, but all you say is fit to last season, my opinion is based on matches from this season.
I wanted to say if they will start with Kurek he will be shoot, that's why they should start with Antiga ?
"For a Russians who had very good and high block, Skra need player like Kurek"
Loko for example has the same high block and Fenerbahce with Marshall and Ivan lost with them, Tours with players who use technique won. That's why I still would say is better with Winiarski and Antiga, because they have much better technique than Bartek.

he is not in good shape now, you don't know how it will be at the end of February.
why impossible? Skra need technique and reception for Zenit, especially that second one can give them Winiarski and Antiga, Kurek will be shot by serve in first few actions, I'm pretty sure they will try to take him off from court, like Trentino did.
Cuneo and I hope both polish teams but it will be hard, for me Skra is not favourite, they must play with Winiarski and Antiga, they need reception and technique, if they don't want to be shooted like ducks like Bled today by Maxim's serve.
You mean he is leaving Budva now? O.o
Noliko won 3:1 with Budva
Dmitriy Muserskiy 13 jaar geleden 0
Definitely the best block, there's no doubt. That's why I'm so satisfied Volkov is in Cuneo now, together with Mastrangelo for me the best couple of middles in Serie A this season.
Dmitriy Muserskiy 13 jaar geleden 0
Volkov 210cm, Musersky 218cm - the tallest couple of middle blockers from all NT and both, especially Musersky with his height has great coordination!
Ngapeth is amazing, I won't be surprise if he will go next season to Serie A, for sure some clubs would be interest to take him.
Dmitriy Muserskiy 13 jaar geleden 0
It gives good effect during group round, but that tactic wasn't a problem for Cuneo, Musersky had 45% efficiency in attack in this match.
I'm not surprise that German Federation is happy, with him German becoming really dangerous.
Roninho - w Czewie to Zibi mial jeszcze przeciag w glowie, zreszta wciaz chyba troche ma ;) Fakt, Guma nie cwaniakuje na boisku, jest liderem, ale ja jednak zwracam uwage na to co jest poza boiskiem, bo podejscie do fanow moim zdaniem etz okresla charakter sportowca. Tak, mamy ja kim zastapic, Glinka powiedziala juz dosc, na pewno nie bedzie jej w przyszlym roku, Kaczor mial zle leczona kostke i ma problem z achillesem, ciekawe czy bedzie wyleczona i jesli tak to czy bedzie grala na odpowiednim poziomie w reprze. Zostaniemy za chwile z Zaroslinska. No ale to on tu jest kolczem, grunt ze beda miejsca 5-8, no bo Matlak "zna swoje miejsce w szeregu" ;/ Szkoda dziewczyn, bo potencjal nam sie marnuje. Wiem, ze czasami sie jest zminusownaym, zartuje sobie tylko, ze moze trafilam an tych, dla ktorych Guma znalazl czas po meczu :P
JRios and Henrique -> Bulgaria could play better on WC for sure, but they didn't get to the F6 of World League just because FIVB changed rules, that was really unfair, so I can't agree they failed on WL. I mean also how team changed with Prandi after last coach, in my opinion for better, they stopped arguing and blame each other.

"Poland should have kept Lozano." I know ?
Nie maja po co juz stac za nim murem, nic to juz nie zmieni, a PZPS ostatnio robi totalnie odwrotnie niz oni mowia, a druga czesc na to nie wskazuje moim zdaniem, tylko Daniel opisuje sytuacje jaka spotkala i Daniela i Raula. Wow, ale zescie mnie zminusowali, no przepraszam, cenie Gume jako gracza, ale podejscie do fanow malo przyjazne, chyba ze trafilam teraz na tych dla ktorych byl mily i usmiechnal sie do zdjecia :)

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