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Film spoko, tylko trochę długi początek jak na film 2,5 minuty ;)
"But i don't treat words of Trento president seriously, since he's entered ridiculous pleas to organizers of final four in Łódź, for example he said that in hotel rooms where lived his players wasn't warm water. He wrote that in official complaint for CEV, really funny guy." How did you know it wasn't a true? I would not be surprised about those gift from host team for other teams [vide every tournament in Japan], it actually fit to that version about gift - easy road to FF - for Cuneo from Trento ;-)
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make it so long, but it was impossible to say it shorter ;-) Don't give me minuses just for length of comment :P
If one club has in '6' almost all NT is not good for whole league. For example to try win with Skra, Resovia took foreign players, some people said Grozer will beat on it's own Skra like he did with Friedrischafen and they still can't beat Skra. Zaksa took Swiderski and Zagumny to fight with Skra, but as you can see without Swiderski something is not working there. This season level is looooow. How many good matches you've seen this season? Honestly, good matches with nice level? I need only one hand, only five fingers to show them. I can't say much about Greece and Turkey, because I have no opportunity to follow matches over there, so I won't say if they are better than our league. What I can say for sure, Turkey has more money and they can take more better players than PlusLiga and strong players are one of the parts which make league strong. Maybe French league has no big stars, but players there have great technique, which would kill some of our players. If French league is stronger? Hard to say, I'm not watching French team this year except Tours in CHL. But it's hard for me to believe that Stoychev wanted to play with subs on CHL finals. Well V-day just few days after finals give that possibility, but to be honest, he played with one '6' whole season, they wanted to win everything so would he really after whole work during season ruin it by playing with subs in finals? Where is the logic? Of course there is nothing more important in Italy than scudetto, and that's true, Italian teams care more about scudetto than CHL, but it doesn't mean they don't want to win CHL as well. "And When Trento get CWCH Kaziyski was asked by polish journalist what meaning it has in Italy, because in Poland it isn't so important, they said that he is surprise because in Italy it's very valuable." Once again, don't believe in everything what people say in interviews. They won't say anything what polish journalist don't want to listen. As I said before, there is nothing more important in Italy than scudetto. CWCH are valuable, but if you would ask Kaziyski after lost final last year if he would change gold of CWCH and CHL for championship of Serie A, I'm pretty sure that I know his answer. But this year I would say european trophy's may be more important for Italian teams. Not the most important, but more than before, I don't know if you agree with me Henrique. But look: Trento lost two titles in this seaosn already, both with Cuneo, I heard opinions that road to Final Four for Cuneo is a gift from Trentino ;-) But we can see, for now that's not a problem for players from Piemont. So Trento has final at home, they can win in third time a row, they actually, with their ambitions must win CHL [show Cuneo, if they gonna be there, that they haven't got any syndrome of Cuneo, even if they lost three titles - two this season against Cuneo]. Treviso lost sponsor, after next season they staying without main sponsor. Team with such a history, traditions, titles. For them this season better results give more opportunities to find new sponsor, so they play for something more than just CEV Cup. Cuneo? Well, that's their first time, if I'm wrong tell me, in Champions League, so it's hard to say that they have more motivation, but they showed they can win everything this season and little revenge for easy road to Final four ;-) We can say something more about strength of PlusLiga after finals of european tournaments. Skra met only one strong team till now, because Friedrischafen has different squad since matches when Germans beated Skra in last few seasons, with Knack they can win and they did it, with Trento they won 3:0, but they lost in Italy [I'm talking only about CHL, not about Doha], so 1:1, but we can say something more about Skra when they will face Zenit and here problems start. Zaksa lost w CSKA but they have big chances to win now as a host. Jastrzebski has definitely big chances to win with Noliko if they won't play as bad as in PlusLiga. Resovia lost because of stupid errors with Treviso, who played nothing great except Bjelica [the best player of Resovia was actually Fei ;)], next match in Italy, it's gonna be hard, especially if Treviso seriously has motivations as I mentioned before, but there is still little chance. But for me final results are important. No one will remember teams from best 6 or 8 from both european tournaments, everybody will remember winner. PS. "Roninho, how could I forget Cameroon League? My mistake, I’m so sorry. It’s the best league ever, but please let’s avoid talking about it once Zyta cries every time we mention Cameroon – hope she doesn’t read this." Oh you... I'm going to get wet my pillow with tears now. What men's are you both? Make girl cry? That's not what gentleman's do... :(
NightFox but you can mix, for example make one movie with only few but great whole actions and next time more only hitting, you know just try and you will find out which one are better ;)
Well in every country we have stereotypes, but if every Russian person is just like Kate, I would definitely find myself really great in Russia ;)
Easy people, that was for just one match, don't change his position after single situation ;)
His twin brother is setter.
Alessandro Fei 13 jaar geleden 0
No worries NightFox, you added so many movies in last few days that you can go for awhile for holidays ;)
Alessandro Fei 13 jaar geleden +3
For me together with Nikolov ;)
Alessandro Fei 13 jaar geleden +1
There should be one action of Parodi for balance :P
Obecnie rywalizacja będzie jeszcze o 3 miejsce, Czewa z Zaksą walcza o uniknięcie Skry. Polibuda nie ma już co liczyć na 4, może przy jakimś cudzie.
Serie A - 20th round 13 jaar geleden 0
10 of 11 ?
Also Volkov has ankle injury, so he wasn't in match '12', but I hope he will recover for Dynamo.
No Wlazły na przyjęciu, atakujący z pipe'a i Możdżonek z lewego - to jest warte filmiku ;)
Valerio Vermiglio one-hand set 13 jaar geleden 0
JRios but still we can drink together one day, make a meeting of our clubs! :)
Valerio Vermiglio one-hand set 13 jaar geleden 0
JRios I'm in the club "Movie creator with no accepted videos" :D
Marco Falaschi leg set 13 jaar geleden +2
All one-hand sets can hide!
Simone Parodi 13 jaar geleden +2
Oli4 oh ok, sorry ;) "1:50 i think this is Fei" Well... NightFox said few days ago: upcoming videos - Fei and Parodi :P:P:P
Valerio Vermiglio one-hand set 13 jaar geleden 0
"Waiting for movies " somebody's one-foot set" ? ;]" I added once action, when boy set by one leg, but chrison didn't accept it ;( But Nikolov set by dig by leg in match Cuneo - LB and Wijsmans finished that ball, so if someone has match Cuneo - LB, go for it! ;)
Simone Parodi 13 jaar geleden +1
Don't worry NightFox, problem with music is known here not from today, so it will happen again for sure.

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