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for me it was the same, I saw him playing in WC, and I could see he was good but he wasn't outstanding. With Modena he was simply AMAZING, he made the team reborn, it was really impressive.

Zyta, I'd like to have you opinion about Travica? (because you were speaking about new generation setter). Do you (Zyta and anybody else) he is good? ?
and Bellei for Yoga Forlì to Modena (I don't remember if it's official or only "almost sure")
@Revan, I won't exagerated, one match loss it's not out of ordinary.
and if a team A beat anoher team B, you can't generalize and assume that A is stronger in gnereal (or I have to suppose that Verona is stronger than Trento, so Verona is the strongest team in the world ?)

Btw I agree with you about the age-topic, I'll prefer to see a younger team, that's way I'm really enjoing seeing my Italy, or Argentina for example. But it's also true it's hard chosing someone younger when you know what champions are you leaving at home/on the bench... ?

I think Sisley will change completly. Papi, De Togni, Bontje, (Pujol), Boninfante, Maruotti, Farina, Marcelinho have already signed with a new team; it's almost sure Bjelica, Kovar, Fei won't stay (it's a while I don't heard about Horstink that was close to Modena, but I don't think is staying too)

It's still a mistery how they can build a competitive team. And if I'm not wrong tomorrow is the last day to sign the club to the championship.
They have a month before the market will be closed, we will see, but honestly I'm a little bit sceptical.
ooooh Brazil was so close to tie break, two error of Wallace and 3 points for Usa!
nooo I want him in Rome!!
So Russia is the only one with 18/18 points.
yes, but I had the impression is not a bad injury, I hope I'm not wrong. Also Kovar got injuried playing with the B NT, so if Savani can't play vs France (probably he won't, so I read) I imagine Colaci will be used as 4th receiver... I also read that Birarelli will probably be out for turnover the next week, but I don't know if that will happen, expecially if we have to play without Sava...
yes he had to stay on the bench part of second set and all the rest of the match, he felt pain (probably only muscolar) on the left (I think and hope) shoulder after a dig. But he has to wait to get in Messina for the analysis...

I'm glad you care of?
Paweł Zagumny nice set 13 lat temu 0
bye bye opponents block!!
thanks for uploading!! I couldn't beleive he set this pipe when I saw him doing that!!
Korea-Italy 2-3
We play almost perfectly in the firt set, and well in tie break exepct at the end, but we lost focus and character in the other sets, also in the second, that we won, we weren't so determinated... And we let them won the 4th set when we can close the match with less troubles.

Today, Korea defended really better than yesterday; Jeon kept playing well, while Zaytsev was good but definitly less than yesterday (he was blocked three time! and he was also well defended). Travica other 3 aces! 13 total=)

best players... I'll say Buti for Italy (or Travica...) and Jeon or Yeo (the libero) for korea...
Samica wasn't even on the bench... short life for him as capitan... Marechal played as C.

Serbia won 3-0 overo Portugal, alleluja!
Fin-Arg 0:3 =)
Bra-Usa 3:1
5th victory/5 for Brazil, all for 3 points

Did Nikolov injuried?O.o
Matti Oivanen (Yoga Forlì) to Nizhny Novgorod
Zyta, I understand you ?, I was about to falling asleep during Korea-Ita (1:3) third set!

The match wasn't so exiting, in the first set - even if point to point - nothing special, because there were only short rallies. Korea deserved it, jeon was great and we played quite good but we didn't serve really hard. I have to say that I expected great things from Korean defence but was probably the less interesting thing (while their reception surprised me). I still don't like how we block (and defende) other team MBs, they scored to often. If we wanna fight vs team like Russia (hoping we will get the final8) we really need to improve it.

Amazing match in attack of Zaytsev, while I wasn't impressed by Birarelli performance.
Srb-Por 2:3
Giacomo Bellei (Yoga Forlì) will be the second opposite in Modena

Troy (USA, K of junior NT) will be second opposite in Latina

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