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Fin-Arg 2-3 ?
thanks for explanation=)
from M Roma official site, last two rows: Poey "...also because I still have to years of contract with M.Roma"

I don't know what to think doki10...

O.o I read today for the first time that Portuondo was just on loan in CSKA and that he has 2 years of contract, but about Poey... Honestly I'm quite sure, but of course I can be wrong...I'll check later=)
I hope the next match will be more exiting...
Farina to M.Roma Volley (official); Cisolla and Corsano will be confirmed, Lebl not, Yosifov may be. If Fei will go to Rome Sabbi will probably go on loan. no news about Poey and Portuondo (they both still have 2 years of contract with Rome). Cesarini to Sir Safety Perugia. Kovar, Fei, Bjelica still with undefinited destination, almost sure one of Rome or Modena.

So, seems that Sisley will actually stop to exist, because they are sending away all the players. Someone suggested that they said they wanna play A1 to rise the prize of the players...
why is muserski in tribun?
why is muserski in tribun?
the line beetwen lucky and smart is thin =)
Lucas Diviš leg dig 13 lat temu 0
Ops Rachel I was about to give you a "minus" to mean "noo, I'm sorry about that, I don't like it"XDXD

"go Italy 3-0 for korea." --> I wish=)=) This time we will follow the same team?

France, 5 match, 0 points O.o

I checked the result, 27-29, 27-25, 23-25, 31-33, I have to imagine it was a fight match!!
Samica on the tribun! Tuia still in the starting six.. Rouzier is back (was it a choice of Blain to don't let himgoing to Korea or he had some problem?); Exigà still on the bench.
he was on loan there, actually he still has two years of contract with Rome, but nobody talked about him staying... Rome is looking for a first opposite from the end of the season (few names: Milijkovic, Fei, Dennis), and now also has a second opposite, Sabbi (actually they didn't say he is the second but I guess he will), so..
He was also on surgery for an injury to his knee
in this period there are a lot of rumors about Kovar in Macerata and Fei probably in Modena (the alternative can be Rome), but nothing new about Horstink...
seems that Bontje signed with JW.

N.Nikolov confirmed in Vibo.

http://www.dallarivolley.com/IT0383012327001.asp (last rows)

seems every day harder that Sisley will sing for A1
I'm sorry for Giba but I don't think Brazil will have such great problem to find a "sub"=)
@VK, I've already written the source, is www.dal15al25.gazzetta.it (Pasini's blog)

I think the coach is still Lorenzetti. but be aware, these news are not official (but if he wrote that is probably true that there are contacts between these players and the club)
Todorov more closes to Piacenza than to Trento (Piacenza made an offert to CSKA) and Piacenza still interested in Panchev (as third OH). BG Piacenza is comingXD

Itas is looking for a foreign MB, they has been offered several players like the spanish Subiela. Probably Matteo Burgsthaler will come back to the first squad as $th MB (to replace Leonardi, but Padova'd like to keep him another year), and also Filippo Lanza will probably come back as 4th OH

Cesarini (libero) from M.Roma to Sir Safety perugia=( I don't know if Paparoni will come in Rome or if Farina is supposed to be our first Libero...

he is on loan, but since th beginning it was quite probably that this will happen, expecially after Della Lunga signed to 2015=)
In Dallari they wrote that Fei is interested in Modena but he doesn't want to go in Rome (as you knowhe was in contact with both). Now I don't know what he will do.

About Saitta, agree=.= Actually he was supposed to be in Club Italia... Don't know..

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