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I hope Argentina will, I like them=)
btw, it's hard making pronostics after only 2 weeks, may be after the third weeks the situation will be more defined...

Ale, I agree=) Korea was a great surprise to me, I thought they didn't had chance to get the final8. But i like it, it's make the things more interesting (but i won't like it anymoreif they will beat Italy!!)
Bartosz Kurek vs Brazil 13 lat temu 0
also that slow replay that makes really obvious that the ball was in, wonderful=)
unfortunally in italy we have to imrpove it, sometimes they give 3 replayes but no one large enough to show when the ball falls!
World League 2011 intro 13 lat temu +1
? I was surprised I could recognize 13/14 XD

Andrut, I remember his name but I have no idea how to spell it (and I was too lazy to look for itXD but he deserved it?)! so thanks=)
World League 2011 intro 13 lat temu +1
let's find all the player that are in!

For Italy Parodi (ehm..) and Zaytsev.

Kurek, Murilo, simon (another ehm...), starovic, stanley, musersky and m..russian opposite, kaizisky, Facu, Tille, Henno (third ehm..)

who is the n5 from USA?
Bartosz Kurek vs Brazil 13 lat temu 0

btw, I really like the camera on the roof, wonderful scene!
leonardi and vernhammen probably on loan to ravenna; Todorv probably third MB in Trento; Gallosti (Trento) asked from Modena as second libero
yes i will upload it but not before tomorrow evening=(
@ Zyta I tought the same, but now the most equilibrated is the one with Arg, Por, Fin, Srb, the only one where nobody won or lose 4/4.
But, assuming that Russia and Brazil will get the first place, even this is not such easy for them, I think that Bulgaria, Usa (if Poland don't get the second place) and Italy (if we don't get the first place) will manage to reach the final8.

@Jrios I though the same. But honestly Leal his replaced well, the real problem is the huuuuuuuuge different Simon-Albo. really, it seems almost a joke trying to comparise themO.o
that's why it was a nice play, he definitly surprised Paparoni! it makes the point even smarter!!=)

really sad what he wrote in the end "if Sisley won't exist anymore, last Sisley match will be match5 of play off quarterfinals"

That match was a 3-0 for Macerata.
Revan a lot depends on Korea-Italy result of next week, btw. But of course Cuba have to win vs France
Revan I think that if Cuba will play as today they will beat France. Hernandez, Bell, Leon played very well in attack (I really like Bell*_*), Leon also did 2 very good serve runs in tie break; albo closed 2-3 good attack, but in block he still didn't understand nothing at all... exept savani's pipe at the end of 2nd set!! usually is hard blocking savani's pipe, imagine how hard it can be if you aren't a good blocker, if the opponents have a free ball and if the player you wanna block is serving very well ( =he is in a good agonistic moment). My God, I hated himXD, he chose the worst moment for Italy to understand Travica's set! Diaz improved a lot,was more charismatic

Good match in attack for Zaytsev, unfortunally he wasn't so efficient in blocking, and in serve. Savani played quite great expept in part of the 2nd set, it was really a pity that he didn't close that pipe on 23-24 of the second set after serving with such courage!!Lasko was missing smtime but in tie break he did great, also with 2 very smart aces (while he didn't play well in service the rest of the match, expecially during 2nd set)! Travica wasn't enough precise, but he played with a lot of heart and wonderful enthusiasm. Birarelli didn't play very well, he committed few free mistakes, also that serve on 20-23 in third set, but he always "come back"=). Buti good match but that's it. Very good serve run of Baranowicz, while I didn't understand Berruto's choice to send Sabbi on serve when we were like 22-24 in 4th set, I don't like when you give to a player that wasn't fighting on the court the responsability of serve (if it's jumping serve. it's ok with jump-float)
Italy-Cuba 3-2!!!!!!! tie break 18-16!!!!!!

Travica again closed the match vs Cuba=)=)
there are few links in the topic of the WL, btw if you need more matches you can look here: http://www.inside-volley.com/wbb/index.php?page=Thread&postID=95205#post95205
ps sorry for the off topic
I don't understant volleymaster... sorry... btw the link I know the link below because I uploaded it by myself...
"hope still in the ressurrection of Leon and the boys today -.- " I disagreeXDXD
I'm kidding?, of course I want italy to win but if it will be a tough match I will prefer=)

Unfortunally the only live streaming that i found of Brazil-Poland didn't work well, so I didn't see the match, but according to the result I imagine it was great... I'll download it as soon as I find it=)
Ivan Zaytsev block 13 lat temu +1
I thinks is an exageration speaking about "moral sense", it's just a movie=) And I apreciate that even who doesn't like a movie doesn't ignorate it but explains why he don't like it=) Of course nobody can just said "it's suck" because it's rude and useless, but sharing opinon is always good=)
wonderful!! but I'm so disappointed when agreat actions like this ends with an error=(
yes, usually a libero takes a point only when he did it by chance (actually, I've never seen before a libero scoring on porpuse!), and because this time it wasn't, Legavolley system registeres it as opponent errors! about that I loved the article on GazzettaXD
Kovar closer to Macerata, but also Rome is interested.
Aleksiev close to Monza
Rauwerdnik to Sang Giustino from Monza
Alves Thiago probably to Vibo (in diagonal with Cernic, + simeonov-coscione, barone, N.nikolov, Fanuli)

no news about Sisley

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