
First Tempo | Mark Lebedew (Part 1) | Episode 4

Volleyball Explained 2020-02-13 • 1838 defa görüntülendi
Mark Lebedew is an exciting volleyball figure and a head coach of the Australian national team (men) and Aluron Virtu Warta Zawierce in the Polish Plusliga. In his website https://marklebedew.com/ he explains plenty of aspects of the beautiful game from different perspectives.

1:05 - How Russian knowledge make Australia a volleyball country?
4:28 - The Philosophy of Vyacheslav Platonov
7:00 - Is there any conventional wisdom in volleyball?
9:15 - Errors and risking in volleyball
11:56 - The biggest change in volleyball in the last 20 years
13:30 - The influence of statistics in volleyball

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