About me

My name is Mihai and I am 27 years old. I like playing tennis with my friends. I also enjoy volleyball and basketball, but tennis is my favourite sport. I live in Timișoara (Romania). I like traveling a lot.

Fan data

Job title
test technician
Emanuil Ungureanu Timisoara
Ranking points
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for taking 1 place in the ranking
for writing 200 comments in one month
for being here for at least 5 years
for adding a link which has been commented 15 times
content added by user has been commented 20 times in one day
for adding at least 1 comment for 5 days in a row
for adding a movie which has been commented 15 times
for adding news which has been commented 15 times
for writing a comment that reached 10 score
for voting for 400 items
for writing 30 comments in one day
for reaching top score in one round of a prediction game
for writing 100 comments
for winning prediction game
for taking part in the prediction game
for adding the highest rated comment of the month
for adding 3 items which appeared on the homepage in one week
for adding highest rated item of the month
for adding 100 photos and wallpapers
content added by user was liked 100 times in one month
for writing 2 news in one month
for voting for 100 items in one month
for voting for 20 items in one day
for adding 20 items that appeared on the homepage on the "Popular" tab

Period awards

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Most points scored in month
Most points scored in month
Most points scored in month
Most points scored in month
Most points scored in month
Most points scored in month
Most points scored in month
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Most points scored in month
Most points scored in month
Most points scored in month
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