bitka 673
2013-04-13 • 6205 views • 18 replies
It has just ended 3rd match of the PlusLiga final between Resovia and Zaksa
Resovia is leading 2-1 and soon we will have a winner but are you satisfied with this final?

We can hear recently that PlusLiga is 3rd league in the world/europe, many famous players want to play here but looking at the final i'm really disappointed. Both teams have BIG ups and downs, in one match they're playing nice and the next day it's just awful.
I mean, c'mon it's FINAL!! we should watch 2 best teams fighting for life and death! not this...
i really miss matches like this in italian league, when there are 2 teams which are showing their potencial in each game - not playing bad and saying "well, it wasn't our day..."

is it only me or do you feel the same?

#Plusliga201213 #GrupaAzotyZAKSAKedzierzynKozle #AssecoResoviaRzeszow

PlusLiga 2012/2013 Final
Someone 875 10
11 years ago
ZAKSA just didn't stand the pressure. I mean not mentaly, but phisicly. Not all players are in their good shape. They try to play as they played couple months ago, but they can't. But... the final matches haven't end yet. They can show us a real uprise. We'll see.

But the most important matches aren't always on the biggest level. Just consider the CL final four in the last years. There were great fight sometimes and sometimes we felt that teams, which are not in the F4 would play a lot better.
Nagor 1445 14
11 years ago
I have to write this: we have the worst referees ever. The worst! Even blind man from abroad will be better referee than we! Main referee had own world, but he wasn't the biggest star. The only one big star was line referee... I cant imagine where he lives...
Nagor 1445 14
11 years ago
And what about match - ZAKSA without zagumny, gacek and rouzier cant beat sovia, thats all. Sovia play good, without senseless errors, just simply, efficient volleyball. Tichacek play nothing magic (Nowakowski had 2 spikes in 3 sets Oo) but he didnt make errors.

I expected more... I think that tomorrow we will know champion.
11 years ago
About the refs : I think it is bad that so many actions are solved with challange and even worse that some of them are wrongly called. For example there was a challange call when Rouzier was spiking and on the TV replay I saw there was a block but challange system called there wasn't block. I can only imagine how situations like this are depressing for team. And there is way too many situations when teams use challange system - there was a moment when Resovia won several actions not becouse the played good volleyball but becouse they called challange. I mean they saw opponent mistakes and they had rigth to do so. It was fair. But instead of waiting for challange call I would like to see more volleyball.

About the yesterdays result : I'm glad that ZAKSA won. It makes this final game more exciting and we will see grand final on Saturday. Hope it won't be like some team had worse day or something. Personally I will be supporting ZAKSA as they really deserve to be a champion this year after a wonderful season for them. I mean Resovia deserves it too but I think they don't use their all potential. Having players like Kovacevic on the bench is strange for me. Could anybody explain why is that so ?
bitkaAuthor 673 10
11 years ago
about Kovacevic - at the beginning they were changing with Lotman a lot, i think that coach didn't know who is better. meanwhile Lotman started playing better, so we could see him more often and of course Kovacevic was on bench. now i think that because Kovacevic wasn't playing as much as he needed he is not in right shape and even if Lotman has worse moments Kovacevic can't help because he is more worse than bad Lotman ? that's how i see it
11 years ago
Well that's too bad, I thought Kovacevic will be one of the best transfers this year and it turns out his transfer isn't much better than M. Martino. For sure I can tell Fonteles is the best transfer on this position this year and I hope he's staying for longer. I mean he brought some new quality to ZAKSA and PlusLiga as well.
RevanExtasis 746 11
11 years ago
wow all polish people talking in englihs, this are good news ?
bitkaAuthor 673 10
11 years ago
yeah, 20th at 18:00
i may forget to do it so remind about that on chat - for sure polish people (maybe others to) will have link to it
doluss 60 3
11 years ago
Today big final :) 5 match Zaksa-Resovia.. 17:45
bitkaAuthor 673 10
11 years ago
i've got also these links :P

personally, i recommend drhtv (doluss posted link) quality of stream is very good
Nagor 1445 14
11 years ago
One question to ppl not from Poland - have you ever seen worse referee ? ?
John17 151 7
11 years ago
I dont understand why polish fans love Rouzier...He suck really...
Overlook 280 5
11 years ago
Which part of fans? Maybe you mean some teenage girls? Even if we don't account his tragic game in finals matches (it was disaster, but every player could have worse times), Rouzier makes mistakes in decisive moments of matches, what is worst thing on his position.
After four weak matches everybody expected finally good level, but fifth match wasn't very interesting too. In a certain sense season ended after Resovia-Skra quarterfinal and the winner of this fight get the title like somebody said. And indeed referees were horrible.
Andrut 215 8
11 years ago
see one match, judge the guy.
oioi 370 5
11 years ago
@John17 Rouzier was actually good up until Final Four, after that he cracked and played very miserably. Somewhere I read that he struggles with personal issues but either way he shouldn't play this crappy in finals.
John17 151 7
11 years ago
Its everytime the same things in big games with club or national team he play miserably...
Nagor 1445 14
11 years ago
Yup, Rouzier and Gacek are definately to change...
bitkaAuthor 673 10
11 years ago
Rouzier posted on his twitter "I love ZAKSA but today my shoulder was out... I try my best but it was too difficult... I'm so sad tonight..."

i haven't heard that he had injury - did you?
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