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Sllaveq 790
2011-07-25 • 11726 megtekintés • 66 replies
What do you think?..
Stoytchev is one of the best coaches in the world for the last 4-5 years and it was logical for him to take the national team of his own country, but there are so many critics... (or just call them pessimistic)...
Was Silvano Prandi better choice?

#Bulgaria #RadostinStoychev #SilvanoPrandi #coach

Stoytchev better than Prandi?
RevanExtasis 746 11
12 évvel ezelőtt
you can,t compare this right now , prandi have bad luck, they was already to pass to semifinal in the WC and the screw up and they simply have bad luck, in the Last Wl in 2010 doesn exist the final 8 and well the team dont response. even whit Stoychev Bulgaria have serious problem to win Germany and qualify to this Final Round. maybe will get a better idea when the European Championships comes and welll. maybe stoychev can maje the diference because they have one thing that prandi doesn have he is Bulgarian like is players that count to.
shab11 33 2
12 évvel ezelőtt
I think main reason of Stojeczev's brilliancy is his team Trentino. They have great players in many positions and work with them is easier than work with Bulgarian NT. In my opinion he knows how to work with great players but he cant put together team with 2-3 good players and other a little bit worst.
raylight 3006 15
12 évvel ezelőtt
It is too early to tell. I will wait for the end of the Olympic tournament to make any conclusion, but I share my thoughts nonetheless

1. Battles vs. strong, but not strongest teams
He leads Bulgaria worse against good - to- medium teams like Germany. With Prandi Bulgaria won vs Netherlands four times without losing single set.
2. Crucial matches and sets
On the other hand, Bulgaria wins crucial matches with Stoychev - we won 4 pts from Russia which qualified us at the WL. With Prandi Bulgaria lost two times 0:3 from Russia in World League 2009 in crucial games with full squad, even with Plamen Konstantinov receiiving. The losses were with 2 points difference in each set. In world League 2010 Bulgariia lost all matches vs Brazil with 2 points differences in sets.
3. Tiebreaks
After ECH 2009 win vs Serbia 3:2 Bulgaria never won any match with tiebreak and looked helpless in ever single one of them (every single tiebreak). With Stoychev we won 2 out of 5 tiebreaks and stayed until the end of the lost ones.
4. Battles with Poland
With Prandi Bulgarian second team beat Poland first team 3:1 in gym full of Polish fans. Later in 2010 Bulgaria beat Poland by the same margin Brazil beat Poland. With Stoychev Bulgaria second team lost 2:3 with Poland second team although the team shined in the third and in the part of the 5th set.

Stoychev as coach:
His strongest quality is to take players with great potential and transform them into great players. Juantorena, Visotto, Stokr, Sala, Nikolov transformed radically under his coaching.
1) Juantorena now is with the most consistent serve in the world EVER. He wasn’t like that in 2005. He got it, he showed part of it, but he wasn’t that good.
2) Visotto in Trento and Visotto in Brazil championship are totally different players. He played like alien with Trento in finals and in Brazil while in Trento, but after his return he is unrecognizable.
3) Sala started to serve like that in Trento. He not only made great serving, but spiking too there (although it is easier to spike with Kaziyski and Juantorena looking behind your shoulders).
4) Stokr was good player who played so– so half of the year with Trento and then he accelerated to reach MVP in the final in Italy
5) Nikolov after Tours wasn’t in such great shape he was even let go after WL2007 but when he got in Trento, he improved a lot and he shined in Serie A and in the World Cup. After that he got tons of titles and cups. The year in Trento revealed his full potential, to be one of the greats not just to shine for a year and to disappear.
6) Matey Kaziyski – he learned how to play without wasting his powers and getting injured. He is used for key points mainly and after Juantorena’s arrival he doesn’t push his serve to the maximum unless if it is really needed. Same is with the jump and power.

Stoychev developed also Sokolov and Bratoev and we all saw what they can do in this WL. It is easy to think that he is coaching great players and it certainly looks easy for him, but he MAKES the great players. I have to say that Trento had numerous stars in the club before Stoychev’s arrival, including Brazil NT stars, but achieved nothing. After Stoychev arrived the club won 2 Italian titles, 2 World Club Championships, 3 Champions leagues and 1 Italian Cup in 4 years period. A team with no tradition, or tradition starting from 2007-2008.
Roninho 758 13
12 évvel ezelőtt
You've written very nicely, but one I disagree:
"With Stoychev Bulgaria second team lost 2:3 with Poland second team although the team shined in the third and in the part of the 5th set"

The second team of Bulgaria? I ask you, you write me what is the first composition Bulgaria? Only Salparov injury and for you now is the second team?

Stoychev in Trento is doing a great job. But Trentino this is not the representation of Bulgaria. For Trentino Stoychev can buy anyone. In Bulgaria, it is not so easy task. Prandi in my opinion did a great job of Bulgaria. I will not be surprised if with Stoychev Bulgaria will play worse.

raylight 3006 15
12 évvel ezelőtt
Also with Kaziyski without shape, Nikolov on the bench, missing Nikolay Nikolov to replace Todorov who didn't play well, missing Bratoev as replacement of Aleksiev...
raylight 3006 15
12 évvel ezelőtt
Don't forget that Bulgaria NT has better libero (Salparov) and MB's than Trento. Bulgaria is missing in form Kaziyski and second great OH, who makes the difference
saku 1032 9
12 évvel ezelőtt
Oh raylights, you started again, you only see bulgaria problems, in WL 2011 you had full squad without salparov like roninho said, in 2010 we had same problem as bulgaria this year, best players but without form, like bulgaria this year
RevanExtasis 746 11
12 évvel ezelőtt
Btw bulgaria vs serbia right now by BNT internacional , Serbia whitout MilJkovic
RevanExtasis 746 11
12 évvel ezelőtt
Bulgaria have lose quailty in the last two years. they are there but they dont up. and they have all the condicion to be one of the best.
raylight 3006 15
12 évvel ezelőtt
Of course you didn't see Nikolov playing good vs Poland, you've watched only your victories

Second set was terrible for Bulgaria.The team played like retarded. Only Ananiev impressed
raylight 3006 15
12 évvel ezelőtt
Third set was better. I like Skrimov, he is Murilo type of player, although not Murilo. Nikolov started to play in attack and we took it
raylight 3006 15
12 évvel ezelőtt
Fourth set was brilliant. I want to see Bulgaria to play whole match like that! Vladislav Ivanov defended excellent. Overal team organization was finally OK!

BTW, Serbia have insane MB's, Podrascanin spiked hard with left hand!
Kovacevic impressed me with his intelligence in several occasions. I hope someone will upload this match to add it in my youtube channel Both teams had great moments today and our even had some comic plays at the second set
saku 1032 9
12 évvel ezelőtt
niestety takim osobom nie wytłumaczysz ?
raylight 3006 15
12 évvel ezelőtt
raylight 3006 15
12 évvel ezelőtt
Saku, you and qwerty don't know how to behave and I will not talk to you. You don't respond with arguments therefore you don't respond in my language
raylight 3006 15
12 évvel ezelőtt
Саку и куерти се държат като пълни идиоти. Всички ли полячета на по 15 са невъзпитани и нахални като тях и говорят на по - умните, по - образованите и по - силните от тях така в мрежата? Силно се надявам, че не, защото си мислех, че Полша е по - развита държава от нашата и там не излизат от гората. Като си помисля, че давах Полша за пример на приятели как там има умни и възпитани хора, не като нашите балкански диваци, а то - пълни и озверели националистчета, които смятат себе си за новата висша раса и ако някой каже нещо хубаво за своя народ - следват вопли, ридания и псувни. Че те са по - зле от Путинската младеж :Д
SllaveqAuthor 790 10
12 évvel ezelőtt
I agree Stoytchev can buy anyone in Trentino, but Bulgarian NT has such a great players.. At that moment we can't see the difference between the team before and after Stoytchev but his name says so much about what he can do with our NT.
And You Poles, I don't want to bicker, but why you only see our bad games? You won't even get place in the final 8 of WL if you weren't hosts.
And don't say you have kept your strength for the finals.

shab11 33 2
12 évvel ezelőtt
raylight, You said that Kazijski wasnt in good form Could you tell me how he look when he is in? I dont see diference of his playin in NT and club
Roninho 758 13
12 évvel ezelőtt

We always see your weak game? We simply do not agree with Raylight. Raylight says that Bulgaria in World League play second team. This is what the composition played Poland? Bulgaria played without Salparov and Poland without Winiarski, Pliński, Wlazly and Zagumny. Kaziyski is without form, and therefore raylight says Bulgaria has played second team? Nonsens. Bulgaria with Prandi played very well. At the world championships have good form and lack of happiness.
So you do not say that we always see a bad game of Bulgaria. Just sometimes raylight writes nonsense.
saku 1032 9
12 évvel ezelőtt
Raylights, you are strange person, first you wrote that we speak in our language so we dont know how to behave and next toy started writing in your language, one more time you change your mind

SkyloIoannes, just lokk what thing raylight write, try to be objective, always in his opinions are opposite things, I think he dont have his own opinion so he is traying to find it and dont see that he write opposite to things he wrote earlier
SllaveqAuthor 790 10
12 évvel ezelőtt
Don't mess me with raylight please! I am different person and I have my own opinion..
I ask if you think mr Stoytchev is better coach (for Bulgarian NT) than Silvano Prandi, not if Poland is better team or Bulgarian. Also NO! Bulgaria did not played with the second team.. of course no!
Only Salparov and afterward V.Nikolov (from our first team) weren't in the finals..
Before we go to Gdansk R.Stoytchev said it "We will play with what we have"!
Many of the players (From all the NT) were tired from WCL with their club teams..
It's not the right excuse at all!...
Still can't see comments about what Stoytchev can change in our team after Prandi.
If you have something on your mind, please share! ?
zver 995 13
12 évvel ezelőtt
Bulgaria is a navel of the world? LMFAO
raylight 3006 15
12 évvel ezelőtt
shab11, Look the the final game Trentino - Zenit in CL, the final Trentino - Cuneo Serie A1 and compare his spiking with the spiking in NT. Club championships are stronger than the National, IMHO, excluding Brazil team
raylight 3006 15
12 évvel ezelőtt
Missing Salparov, Missing Nikolay Nikolov, stressed Teodor Todorov, missing Vladimir Nikolov in the first two matches, Matey Kaziyski with 34% in attack.Missing Valentin Bratoev, the best OH in that moment after Matey Kaziyski in our team. When your best spiker covers the libero in reception, the team is not the first team. May be between first and second, but not first, come on. And without the leader of the team, Vlado Nikolov Bulgaria is different, like Poland without Zagumny
raylight 3006 15
12 évvel ezelőtt
Who ever said that Poland is weak? Brazil and Russia are the best, Bulgaria, Poland, Cuba and USA are the next level. Italy can join them with Savani, Parodi and Zaytsev together.
NightFox 1457 14
12 évvel ezelőtt
Roninho, you are not right. Not just Salparov was "offline" - Nikolay Nikolov,Valentin Bratoev and Matey was injured before the competition and he wasn't in shape.I think Stoychev does better job done Prandi - most of all because he's bulgarian and the comunication is better. We will see at the European Ch. but don't forget that we are in the baddest group at the tournament - among with you of course ?
SllaveqAuthor 790 10
12 évvel ezelőtt
Don't forget the bulgarian fans all wanted Stoytchev, because he has such e great career in Italy and there definitely was public pressure for our federation.
As I know other national teams also offered Stoytchev to be their couch but he couldn't refuse to Bulgaria (By his own words).
raylight 3006 15
12 évvel ezelőtt
Creator of great players
OyeaH 158 3
12 évvel ezelőtt
I really liked the work Prandi done with the team but something little is missing...Hope Stoytchev can find it ?

P.S - For me Prandi did hell of a job with our blockers, Stoytchev must concentrate on the receivers ?
raylight 3006 15
12 évvel ezelőtt
Personaly I expect to drop the level of unforced errors like in Trentino or in some of the games in WL, when we made twice less errors than our opponents. I expect Bulgaria to have strong serve without many errors, the solid block from Prandi to stay, to have better counterattacks and attacks from second line
NightFox 1457 14
12 évvel ezelőtt
Bench or not we don't have so many options when someone is playing bad ... and Nikolay Nikolov is definitely not on the bench. But most of all we miss Salparov not only for his reception and defense, but because he's the spirit of the team.
raylight 3006 15
12 évvel ezelőtt
Some retards gave me minuses on my normal opinion: "Personaly I expect to drop the level of unforced errors like in Trentino or in some of the games in WL, when we made twice less errors than our opponents. I expect Bulgaria to have strong serve without many errors, the solid block from Prandi to stay, to have better counterattacks and attacks from second line" Can comeone explain me why this opinion deserves minus?
raylight 3006 15
12 évvel ezelőtt
In the games with Poland and Argentina Bulgaria played without Vladimir Nikolov, Teodor Salparov, Valentin Bratoev and Nikolay Nikolov. These are four, FOUR MAIN PLAYERS. Nikolov is better than Sokolov still, he can decide games in a way Sokolov will be capable in couple of years full time play. Nikolay Nikolov was nowhere near to replace the inexperienced Teodor Todorov, Valentin Bratoev was nowhere near to replace Aleksiev, and Bratoev gave us the semifinal at the ECH 2009. Salparov is our best receiver and in his absence the INJURED Matey Kaziyski had to COVER THE LIBERO in reception and that made his attack percentage very low. How many times do I have to explain you OBVIOUS, SIMPLE FACTS?!
SllaveqAuthor 790 10
12 évvel ezelőtt
Qwerty you're not the one who can define Stoytchev as fool or not.
Don't show your miss education and stupidness here, please.
Your comment is beneath criticism...
SllaveqAuthor 790 10
12 évvel ezelőtt
All I see and can admit is that you don't know what our 1st team is..
shab11 33 2
12 évvel ezelőtt
@raylight "Matey Kaziyski had to COVER THE LIBERO in reception" - ARE YOU KIDDING ME??!!
proud 722 9
12 évvel ezelőtt
These kind of discussions are pointless,guys...You beat someone you're better,that's it!
Physical form,injuries,available players,staff changes,etc.-those are problems that every team has to cope with,that's sport! ?
raylight 3006 15
12 évvel ezelőtt
qwerty, you still can't get over the volleyball lessons of 2010, can you?
raylight 3006 15
12 évvel ezelőtt
Not one, two times if you remember Hubert Wagner Memorial. Poland was in full squad, while Bulgaria played the first three sets with second. Sokolov against Wlazly, Gotsev against Plinski, Ananiev against Winiarski. We won 3 out of 4 times in 2004 World League, we won in ECH 2007 against you, we won two times in 2010 against you.
raylight 3006 15
12 évvel ezelőtt
Who is speaking the language of hate? Who is talking with primitive language about the other teams? Who can not use arguments and insults other users? Who has no manners? Who doesn't remember his team history? When other Polish users say something racist like "Our public is the best in the world, our tournament was the best in the history of World League" We were polite enough not to point you some facts and arguments. Every person has the right to think nice things about himself, his identity and his nationality no matter if they are true or not - that is his personal universe. The problem is when someone is stupid enough to start thinking that only his Universe has right of existence and start harassing the others. Do you understand what I am talking about? Because I am wasting my time with you, so far, qwerty, and my time is EXPENSIVE!
SllaveqAuthor 790 10
12 évvel ezelőtt
Stop it!
proud 722 9
12 évvel ezelőtt
This is getting seriously ugly!!!!!!!!!Raylight,SkyloIoannes,spiridoncheto-you're turning people against us,our country and our team in your consistently failing attempts to make them respect us!As I said before-if our team is stronger than another one,we're gonna beat it,if not,they're gonna beat us-ENOUGH SAID!Yes,we beat Poland in the WC and what happened-Polish users congratulated us and said"Yeah,you guys played a better match."Was anyone whining about it looking for excuses like"Well,we lost the match with Brazil the day before,our team was down,bla-bla"-I don't think so!I see how it looks funny to people...We have great players,respected around the world,that have great club careers and our NT has traditions in this sport,BUT we have NOT won a tournament of importance-there's your precious fact.This could change,or not,it doesn't depend on you,me or anyone else outside the team.Stop with the racial slurs-IT'S DISGUSTING!!!!And for the record -yes,raylight,Poland was a great host for the F8 this year ?I'm sorry if reading my comment cost you anything,you know...with your time being expensive and everything.
SllaveqAuthor 790 10
12 évvel ezelőtt
Мисля,че в случая поляците обръщат хората срещу тях, но...
Доста са горди,че с 2рия си тим победили нашия 1ви. Ще им го *(&@*&!^ ей са на европейското и пак ще плачат с наведени глави и няма да пишат из форумите.
Подпираха ги на св. лига щото е комерсиална и ако отпаднат няма кой да пълни залата (загуби за милиони), но на европейското няма да е така..
saku 1032 9
12 évvel ezelőtt
Our mate Proud wrote true, qwertyuiop next wrote true and you spiridoncheto continue your..... Opinion

raylight, spiridoncheto and skyloioannes, yes poland is the worst team ever, we sholud better stop play volleyball, is that ok for you? Yes? Ok, so please shut the fuck up
raylight 3006 15
12 évvel ezelőtt
"Our mate Proud wrote true, qwertyuiop next wrote true and you spiridoncheto continue your..... Opinion

raylight, spiridoncheto and skyloioannes, yes poland is the worst team ever, we sholud better stop play volleyball, is that ok for you? Yes? Ok, so please shut the fuck up "

Here is my opinion, posted in this tread earlier:

Who ever said that Poland is weak? Brazil and Russia are the best, Bulgaria, Poland, Cuba and USA are the next level. Italy can join them with Savani, Parodi and Zaytsev together.

P.S. If you want to "shut the fuck up", be a man and come to Sofia to make me to. Take your friends too. If you cant support your bad words with your hands, don't insult people.

raylight 3006 15
12 évvel ezelőtt
Summary: What was my thesis: Poland and Bulgaria are teams from one level. They were at one level at the final 8, because Bulgaria had worse reception and transition due to missing players, players without shape and new coach. Bulgaria still should have won the match, because we controlled it - from 0:1 to 2:1, but Poland with Anastazi were smarter and more determined and they took the match.

That started the flame war. So horrible crime that deserves to hang me here. I feel so guilty right now FOR HAVING AN OPINION

SllaveqAuthor 790 10
12 évvel ezelőtt
Тия само дават минуси на коментарите ни и се чувстват силни така.. хахахахахха
NightFox 1457 14
12 évvel ezelőtt
Ban him already ...
Zyta 1332 11
12 évvel ezelőtt

Not just Salparov was "offline" - Nikolay Nikolov,Valentin Bratoev

oh please, since when Valentin BRatoev is strong part of your team?

and Matey was injured before the competition and he wasn't in shape

so it shows that without Vlado and Matey your team is not so strong.

Kaziyski had injury before WL

but what injury exactly? I'm aksing, because we had in Poland only info about his backache.

Creator of great players

We can say he created maybe twp great players - Juantorena and Kaziyski [as he works with him since Slavia sofia]. To early to say it about Sokolov, all the rest - Vissotto, Winiarski, Grbic, Raphael, Stokr, Riad, Nikolov were great before they started train with him.

Not one, two times if you remember Hubert Wagner Memorial. Poland was in full squad, while Bulgaria played the first three sets with second. Sokolov against Wlazly, Gotsev against Plinski, Ananiev against Winiarski.

Year 2010 shows not names gives results, but hard work and real team. We haven't got real team in 2010, you had, I loved your team with Prandi, really. You ca'tn be sure if huge name - Stoychev will give you results. But I understand why you took that risk, I'm curious what Bulgaria will win with Stoychev. But for now I preffer still Bulgaria with Prandi.
raylight 3006 15
12 évvel ezelőtt
1. Since 2009 ECH, when he helped very much against Netherlands. In 2010 he wasn't important, but in 2011 in WL he showed couple of very strong games against Japan and Russia as guest (him and Aleksiev actually). We rely on him, because he has strong serve and block, very good attack lately and runs like hell in defense and he plays with heart (and he receives better than Aleksiev, not that it is too much of achievement)
2. This is true - the team relies too much on them. Stoychev played too conservatively in games when he could have put younger players or more inexperienced - as guests against Russia and all four games with Japan.
3. Back injury - some problem with nerve on his back, he couldn't jump without feeling pain
4. Stokr, Visotto and Nikolov improved a lot with him
5. Bulgaria with Prandi looked better overall, but couldn't win match like with Russia in Varna. Only if we could combine the two coaches in one team ?
Zyta 1332 11
12 évvel ezelőtt
Nikolov improved? He was 31 or 32 when he left Trento, in this age you are not improving, you just show your class ?
I think you need more someone like Skrimov, Bratoev only as sub for Matey, but if you get rid of Aleksiev, I see no chances to not take Penchev for ECh. BTW I like this kid, you found a real pearl on this position. But first some more muscles and strength ?
SllaveqAuthor 790 10
12 évvel ezelőtt
I think Nikolov needs to be replaced with Sokolov in the near future.
All the power Sokolov has will be a great impulse for our NT in the European Ch. in September.
Anyway we're not the once who decide... Now let Stoytchev do his job. ?
raylight 3006 15
12 évvel ezelőtt
Zyta, Nikolov was in a hole, before coming to Trento. He had bad season with the NT, but when he came there, he return to his best shape and improves his play against the block for the World Cup. He needed very little to improve and he got it.

I hope Penchev can add 10 cm jump and power, these days our youngsters look like barely survived starvation, nothing in common with previous generations, like they have never seen a gym.
In 2003 when Poland got gold and we bronze at the junior WCH, our generation had Gaydarski, Kaziyski, Aleksiev and Milushev - all powerful players. Later generation included Tsetso Sokolov, who was 205 at age of 14 and looked like demigod to the dutch side acording to HeelMooi. Now nobody has hand more than 20 cm ?
raylight 3006 15
12 évvel ezelőtt
I've uploaded some of Teodor Todorov serving against Japan, which is effect from Placci analysis and Stoychev's training

fiore 142 3
12 évvel ezelőtt
I liked Prandi but Stoychev is way too good. He has the ability to make a player show his best at crucial moments and can develop his potential to the max.
raylight 3006 15
12 évvel ezelőtt
His philosophy is different - his teams make very few errors in the games and that helps them to keep their rhythm constant during the matches.
SllaveqAuthor 790 10
12 évvel ezelőtt
That's why his team is the best in the world.
Fadhel Abbas 1513 14
12 évvel ezelőtt
I love this coach really
casamodena 505 4
12 évvel ezelőtt
Bulgarian José Mourinho ?
As loved in teams he trains at, as hated and insupportable for opponents.
He has a clear idea about how psychological aspects affect his and other team's players and how to take advantage from that.
proud 722 9
12 évvel ezelőtt
Wow,thanks casamodena,that's a really high praise coming from you ?

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