
Japan women's indoor. Magical. Joyful. Beautiful. Fun.

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I really don't know why this site is so frustratingly slow. I'm streaming two 1080 streams simultaneously right now without hiccups (The HS Championships!) and yet I couldn't even make the comment above without copying my text and reloading the page and trying again ?

@Volleybox I'm not fan of this new design at all. It puts the rosters (which is what I'm interested in when I click the Rosters TAB) way below the fold. I didn't like the “Best players” taking up space to begin with, especially when the pics are so small you can't tell who they are anyway. I know I can hover over them and wait a minute or two for the popup to occur but I don't have time for that. 

Now to get a quick glimpse of how a team has done over the past few years you have to take notes while scrolling the page.

Frankly, even though I love the Roster Photos they take forever to load (on my 200Mbs internet connection). This Roster's page is breaking every Hicks law there is ?. It's too busy!

What does “See Tournaments” (in orange) mean in your snapshot?

Wrong squads 3 évvel ezelőtt +2

@CHN_HRQ_FAN We've discussed this “wide roster” vs who “makes the cut” thing a few times. It's not perfect, especially when the 14 (or 12) can shuffle throughout a long tournament, (especially VNL) but it seems the best solution. I believe in VNL's case we might see 18 players on a roster even though each week is limited to 14. In that case some of the ‘stragglers’ get some love, but the ones who never make the 14, don't. 

One thing I suggest is to make a News item, noting the wide roster using #hashtags . That way it will get buried and lost in a barrage of Tweeterbag videos but at least when you visit a certain player's profile you might bump into it and they'll get a little love.

Wrong squads 3 évvel ezelőtt +1

@Volleybox It's a “bummer” that strange people fill out Olympic rosters with nonsense but it's a “problem” that they get accepted.

I assume, in this case, that theses additions just sit there until a moderator visits the page and sees “such and such waiting for moderation”? There's nowhere else that it would be known that Olympic rosters were waiting to be moderated?

Sources. My kingdom for sources before moderation! ?

Wrong squads 3 évvel ezelőtt +2

Japan's roster has three retired players and one who is pregnant ?

Wrong squads 3 évvel ezelőtt +1

Can players be added to those rosters without moderation? 

How many players retire each year? 3 évvel ezelőtt +1

@Volleybox  LOL I don't think putting it right there in front of my face and me not seeing it is a problem with the navigation of the web site. ?

I have seen that, too, but what I want to do is filter it by country (or club/league?, but that's less likely) so I can get a picture of how many players come in versus how many go out for the teams I'm interested in. 

Ideally … somehow, but not likely … integrate it with the “Clubs View” of the Transfers page, which is very cool as it is now. If I filter it by “Club Country”=Japan and “Transfers View”=Club View" and scroll to ‘Brilliant Aries’ I see they have 9 players coming in and zero going out. 

“Retiring” doesn't have anything to do with Transfers, but the “data picture” I'm looking for would add the fact that five players retired from Brilliant Aries (so they are 9 in 5 out). Even if I had to go to the “Retired Players” readout and filter it by Japan and then sort it by team. 

Is there maybe already a way to do this that I'm missing?

@Sherlock Indeed it is. Ha! I must not be as busy as ya'll. I think I've seen it before but never needed to see ‘all user actions'. I might change that to say “Show all Notifications”

Speaking of ‘actions’, underneath all the videos on the home page it has “Post Impressions” (which I assume is ‘views’ because the icon looks like an eyeball) and “Post Interactions”. What are “Post Interactions”?

I gotta admit I don't know where half the stuff we're talking about today is located ? I just spent five minutes trying to find the page located in the screenshot above and came up empty ?

Adding MIP to Award List? 3 évvel ezelőtt +1

Update on Korea. The Korean (KOVO) Cup awards to a “rising star”, I imagine that is a best newcomer. I'm unable to find the korean v-league awarding either the MIP or newcomer.

@Volleybox  would the list of FIVB Federation Codes be helpful?

Let's eliminate the points system! And down-voting (but that's for another thread).

I imagine, I hope, there are a lot of people here who are interested in complete and accurate information, sources for that information … and quality photos! I also imagine, and hope, that nothing would change in their behavior if the points system was eliminated.

Who are these people that add a bunch of information to a web site to get points? What does that benefit them? They brag to their friends? Hey! I got 10,000 points …. 

It's a non-starter, so … moving on. Adding "Match Reports" was probably the first request I made to @Volleybox when I joined this site. I want sources. Being a sourced web site is the best thing to be ?  I mentioned this to @Volleybox  a long time ago: If volleybox.net could make it to the level of being considered a reliable third party Wikipedia source …. Gold Medal!

I agree with @Gerdy  that match reports are a 10 point gain. And agree with @Sherlock  that they are a 2 point effort. Existential Crisis! Do we give it 10 so a bunch of point hunters will add them? We end up with more match reports that way. Is 5 points a compromise? Full disclosure: I'd give it 2 points, but don't really care.

This issue keenly illustrates the balancing act @Volleybox  has to make between ‘growing the site’ as a crowd-sourced fan bag and being a reliable third party wikipedia source. I bitch at him for something about once a week, but think he's doing a bang-up job walking that tightrope.

@VitaliiLatysh  I believe there is a resolution sweet spot, like 1280. You can see in the screenshot I posted above (unless I'm completely missing it) that the video takes up the full width — at ~1280xXXX. My screen is 1440 and looks like your screen shot. I don't know anything about the programming of dealing with that.

I notice a similar issue with wallpapers. The stretching stops and white space takes over. What is the resolution of your device?


Adding MIP to Award List? 3 évvel ezelőtt +1

@Volleybox  I meant to add that as far as I know it's only a Club thing, not a U-Squad thing.

Adding MIP to Award List? 3 évvel ezelőtt +2


Fighting Spirit - MIP Award:







https://women.volleybox.net/women-kanto-university-autumn-league-tt1233 (There are other university tournaments I may add to the database that will have it)

Basically everything female in Japan (including Summer Leagues) except the High School Championship and Empress Cup gives the award. I assume it is the same for the man version.

Best Newcomer Award:



Best Newcomer/Rookie isn't as prevalent in Japan (that I'm aware of). They do give it for summer leagues but I haven't added those here yet.

I, personally, give a new face award to Japan Division 1 each year called the Cute Rookie Alert Girl Award. It's for a player, usually a HS or Uni star who joins the V.League mid season and whose camera time is disproportionately out of line with their playing time. But you don't need to include it ?


@Volleybox  I think it “looks” better in a screenshot without the descriptions, but you know how I am about UI that looks better in a screenshot :) 

Frankly, I'd almost vote for showing only the descriptions and hiding the video. I want to know why the person posted the video, why they think I might want to watch it. 

When I posted that screenshot in the above message, I can't find a way to get the cursor below the image to continue typing something. Am I missing it? All I can do is type a caption. I can't get the cursor below the image

@Volleybox  I don't see how eliminating descriptions “widens” the video:

Adding MIP to Award List? 3 évvel ezelőtt +2

@Volleybox  okay, I'll get to work on it, but I can only share with confidence Japan women (I imagine men mirrors women, though). Maybe @HappyWithVolleyball and @breakingice can help in other areas. 

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