Glenn Hoag: "Set the goals, but don't predict the future"

blokaut_net 2012-03-09 • 5419 defa görüntülendi
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Glenn Hoag: "Set the goals, but don't predict the future" After club season you have to come back to Canada, to prepare the national team for olympic qualifier. What are your chances against USA and Cuba?

Glenn Hoag: My team is growing slowly. Is a very young team, except maybe Dan Lewis, Fred Winters and Steve Brinkman. I think our chances are good. Last year, at NORCECA we have lost 2:3 to Cuba, it was very tied, there was a difference with service only. Obviously we don't have much time to prepare and USA is an experienced team and they play at home. This time I think my team can compete with these teams. Before it was more difficult, but now when the guys have grown at the good level of maturity our real objective is 2016, but we will fight hard and we can succeed even this year. But we only have the one chance.

What are your goals for World League?

What is the most important for us we gain valuable experience. If we go to the Olympics it would be a great preparation period, but if not it's great for the group to play high level matches. In the past we couldn't because of the budget and now we gonna have perfect pool for me, very strong pool with Finland, Poland and Brazil. That's what we want! We used to play with Mexico, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico and when you play with them all the time you're missing something. Now every time when we will step on the court it's going to be a difficult match and that's great. That's what we need.

I remember when I was in Japan for the World Cup and I've had a chance to talk with Julio Velasco. He told me that the main problem of Iran is lack of strong opponents to play against. They have a many players, many talents, but no high level matches. All the need now is to get to the World League. They have some friendly matches, but it's not enough.

Last World Championship we've had a tough pool with Poland, Serbia and Germany. That's what my young group needed, we've had to fight hard and these are the matches we need. If you play against weaker teams you won't learn anything. My objective is to make my team understand and feel what the major competition is. Twelve quality matches in World League, this is excellent for us.

So what are the strengths and weaknesses of your team?

What you mentioned in your article, my setting is one of my strengths. Dustin Schneider is a real tactician, he's a very intelligent kid, he has very good hands, a very accurate especially to position 4, which is the toughest ball to set. He is growing well, he had a little issue with he's knee, but I think he's gonna be okay. Also our strong side is Gavin Schmitt who is really big, physical opposite. Our young guys are growing, I brought two here to Turkey - middle blocked Justin Duff and left side John Perrin. I told them to come with me, so we can work together. When they passed the University they are not ready to play high level. These guys will be valuable for our national team in upcoming years. Fred Winters, Dan Lewis and Steve Brinkman, these guys are a great support for me with this young group. I think that our strength is that our group believes in the system we create and play. We believe that together we can accomplish things, we have small results that help us, like the victory over Serbia and that was a big psychological step forward for the group. Last year with the World League qualifier there was a lot of stress especially against Slovakia and we got over that. With Puerto Rico was a little bit easier and they were missing some starters. Then playing Cuba and we were just right there… Service makes a difference. We were setting wise, Dustin had almost 70% side out in every rotation, he had a great game plan. When I talk about the performance, there were a lot of positive things. All these little things make me believe in what we are trying to accomplish.
When I start working with Canada in 2006 I created a sport centre for players to come. We have some young upcoming players, our junior team went to Junior World Championship last year, so we have some young players who are pushing the other guys, which is important, which we didn't really have, there were always the same guys. This will help us as well.

You mentioned Perrin and Duff, who came with you to Turkey. How important for you is to have more Canadians in European leagues?

It's important, because that's where the best volleyball is played. For Duff and Perrin playing against Russian team (Novosibirsk) is something very important in the development. When you see players like Ryan Millar you learn from him. He is a physical kid, but he has a lot to learn. Later we can come back to this game and talk why did this happen etc. Is the same with Gordon (Perrin), he did a pretty good job but he can play much better.

But do you think there is a space for them in European teams? Are they talented enough?

I think they are. I'm a big believer in first contact, serve and receive. Receivers like Gordon is still young, in Canada and U.S. "young players" means different age, they are growing later. But I think Gordon will be a very good players, he is steady in reception and a very good blocker. He needs to work on his attack but that is coming along and I see the growths within the months I work with him. Same with Justin, he was just an attacker, not very good read blocker, but he is learning the game of reading and trying to move on the net and I see a progress there as well. If the team takes them they will benefit from these guys. They are also very disciplined and hard working kids. That's kind of our mentality too, Canadian are hard workers.

Do you think Canada has a chance to develop volleyball to create a professional in the future?

It's very difficult. Hockey is our game. In North America we have football and hockey and that's where money is put. I know that Puerto Rico has small league. There was some project with U.S. in the past. But people like volleyball. At the World League gym will be packed, there is a big polish and brazilian communities in Toronto, so they will come.

At the same time there will be Canada Open.

There is going to be a lot of fun. Atmosphere will be like in Poland. Kids are going to be there, Brazilians and Polish will come. For me it's perfect to promote the sport.

Formula this year helps a bit. There won't be no 3 weekends, but one tournament with all teams in one place.

Fans will love it. We are going to do some seminars too. I will ask some coaches if they can do something for about an hour, just answering the questions. This is very good to develop the sport.

What would say Canada plays. Are you trying to get similar style to Brazil or maybe Italy? Do you think this is the way to succeed in modern volleyball?

I really like the way Serbians and Brazilians play. Very global game and this is what I try to teach, because we don't have the best athletes, so we need to be good technically, we need good relations between block and defence. That's my approach. Also I was highly influenced by French volleyball I was there working with them at Olympics 2004. I compose with that, it's not like I follow one of them. I try to look at our strengths and weaknesses and try to work something. So far we are growing slowly, but I'm really happy.

What you can say about Gavin Schmitt? He is scoring a lot of points in Korea, sometimes 57, even 58. Do you think e has a chance to find good club in Europe?

I would like him to make a move, because I'm worried that he may get injured getting so many balls. I don't think they have a good care of him there. Obviously for Gavin it's a great money, league is okay, maybe block is not as good as in European leagues. It will be his decision, I'm not going to press him to leave, but I think he wants to leave and experience and continue to grow. He is only 25. I wish for him that maybe he would need to go and play somewhere he doesn't have to hit 100 balls (laugh). I told him "hey, you play 2 seasons in one and it's dangerous". But again that's his decision. I will give him advice, because my players come to me for advice. It's pretty important decision for their life, it's a professional life, now they make salary on it also. I have to respect that they make these decisions. Gavin is a great kid, hard worker, he never stops. Sometimes I have to stop him (laugh).

When I talked with Dustin Schneider, when I was writing article about him, he described you as a man who likes when the team know their system during the practice. You like to keep them on very low level of errors and when they are not doing well, you are getting very frustrating. He said it's nothing bad, but you are just very active during the practice. Is it because you are a former player?

When I came to Canada, I knew the team. When I worked in Paris I've had a statistical programme that I used and I saw that when you don't make errors, usually you come up on the top. And then you need to back it up with the good system. So what I did with the Canada at the beginning I said first we have to build trust. I said we have to slow down on errors, we get to build skills, but no errors and we get to build trust. We are going to trust each other, we are going to learn how to serve well, we are going to back it up with good block-defence system. Second part was to try it, to test it if it's work and third part was to have more aggressive approach. But I needed to build this conscience that the guys can play block-defence, they can play without serving hard. When I was with France we played Canada in Olympic qualifier at the World Cup and all they did was just serving hard , there was no relationship between block and defence, they were lacking of discipline in a back row and losing a lot of balls normally you can get and do something with that. This is how I approach to the game and players.

After World Championship in 2010 when Poland broke contract with Castellani some experts were saying you would be a perfect choice for the new coach. Did you get any offers from Poland?

I don't remember if I did. I did get something from Finland. I heard rumour that maybe Poland is interested, but at that time I was still under contract with Canada till 2012. Now I will be under contract with them till 2016. I would like to respect my contract.

So what's your main goal in the next Olympic cycle?

To qualify to the Olympics. After that I will move on to other things, but I would like to bring this group to fulfilment, to their full potential. I think they will be at good age that time, I will probably add some young players, also we have Pan American Games in Toronto in 2015 and that's important for us. We have some competition to prepare for, it always will be difficult, because only 12 teams will be there. I'm going to do my best and that's why I'm doing it piece by piece, bringing Duff and Perrin here, slowly building this long term project.

So do you think only about qualification or medal?

I always say don't predict the future. Never try to predict the future. Just play the moment. Obviously when you make a long term project you set goals, but my goals now is to try qualify, but I know that to succeed it we need to do it day by day. When we get there maybe I will say okay make it up to the top four. Only the future will tell.

Canadian government announced funding for the volleyball alongside other sports. How important is it for you?

It's quite important. After last World Championship we did good. It was recognised that the team is growing, then we qualified for the World League. The funding was mainly for individual sport, then they created a fund for team sports and we are one of the team sports that was targeted. But you have to give answers before they will give you money and we have a good structure programme for our Canadian reality. We explained it to them and now of course the funds are a bit cut back because of the crisis, so it's going to be a less money, but still a very good money. It's really important because in the past, like before World Championship we've had a little money, so what we did, we came to Europe at the end, played few matches and that's it.

I wish you to qualify to London, but if you won't what's your plans then? Are you going to stay with the team or come back to Turkey?

Yes, we have some programmes this year like the junior programme for NORCECA and I'm not only coaching, I'm also responsible for that, so I will stick around. If we don't qualify I will see, we may have to go for qualifier to World League if we finish at 15-16th place. This would be in August - September. We have to wait for that, if none of this happen I think I may give the August off for the guys, get some rest, go to their clubs.

Do you have any players in the other teams you admire for skills or character?

I do, actually a lot! I do admire João Paulo Bravo, I understand his total dedication to the team and his total understanding of the game. I like players who have this kind of global view, they are really good players. There are other guys, Stephane Antiga for example, there are some setters I like, I love setting, I like the position of setting. Ryan Millar who played against us in Champions League is such a great read blocker. There is a bunch of players I see around the world who have such a great skills, there is a lot of them. I meant three but there is more. I love volleyball, I like to win with my team, but sometimes I look at the game and say "wow, did you see this? did you see that? what a smart move" etc.

Personally, if we talk about setters, I like Luciano De Cecco from Argentina.

You know, I haven't seen him playing in a while. I remember him from World Championship 2002 in Argentina when he already started to set and then I kind of lost track, but I heard he is really good. I haven't seen his recent matches.

When I was in Japan I saw probably every match of Argentina and he is very good. What I like about him he is very humble and dedicated to his teammates.

Yes, you know, there are two positions: libero and setting, where you have to give to your team. You are there to give to your team. They want their team to look good, this is how they express their game. That's the way I think about the setting.

They are not "the leaders", fans usually focus on opposites or wing-spiker, those who score the points.

But these guys make them look good. They help and think "I made a good play, I set good middle blocker", that's what they get satisfied of.

Just the last question. Who, in your opinion, is the favourite to get the gold in London?

Good question. I would say Russia… It's going to be a great tournament. Poland had a great World Cup, I think Brazil will be ready, more ready than for the World Cup. Those three teams I think, I don't see any other.

What about Italy?

I don't think that they have good enough block - defence relationship. They have a strong serve, Fei came back in the middle, but if they will do mistakes. I don't think they have a good base. I think it will be difficult also for Serbia. Cuba? I don't believe in Cuba. USA… okay, but not as good as in Beijing. We will see. I may try to go to see Olympics.

Source: http://blokaut.net/aktualnosc/1152

#coach #GlennHoag #Canada

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