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Hey, is it your camera? Nice quality!
Rodrigo Quiroga 12 years ago +1
i like this player, maybe he is not leader in scoring points like Conte, but very valuable in reception, with good jump as for his height and attack technique, definitely necessary for Argentina in his best shape, but I think he wasn't in his greatest form in F8, even if he had very good match against Bulgaria.
'hi, my name is Zibi Bertmn' haha what an american accent!
proud i haven't read it, i've seen it and have spoken with someone who works with him, he is unpleasant during interviews, he won't say anything offensive, but still the way he talks with people is not nice. I don't know how it is in your country, but other journalist don't like to make interview with him. Raylight have you seen those matches life? Because i've seen every semifinal and haven't seen Modena discussing every ball, but i've seen it in tv, camera doesn't show everything. I think you're exaggerating, Modena had any problems before play-off with injuries, no one gave them chances to win even one match in semis, but they showed they can win, so why they couldn't start fight for final? Everybody plays for victory. I think you more want people to be jealous for Trento successes than they really are. Show exactly quote of Bruno after lost match and than we can talk. Because if Bruno can't loose - that's one of the best parts of character man of sport, but he is not the guy, who will show his frustration in the interview after lost match and offend anyone because of his loss.
Nikolov improved? He was 31 or 32 when he left Trento, in this age you are not improving, you just show your class ?
I think you need more someone like Skrimov, Bratoev only as sub for Matey, but if you get rid of Aleksiev, I see no chances to not take Penchev for ECh. BTW I like this kid, you found a real pearl on this position. But first some more muscles and strength ?

Not just Salparov was "offline" - Nikolay Nikolov,Valentin Bratoev

oh please, since when Valentin BRatoev is strong part of your team?

and Matey was injured before the competition and he wasn't in shape

so it shows that without Vlado and Matey your team is not so strong.

Kaziyski had injury before WL

but what injury exactly? I'm aksing, because we had in Poland only info about his backache.

Creator of great players

We can say he created maybe twp great players - Juantorena and Kaziyski [as he works with him since Slavia sofia]. To early to say it about Sokolov, all the rest - Vissotto, Winiarski, Grbic, Raphael, Stokr, Riad, Nikolov were great before they started train with him.

Not one, two times if you remember Hubert Wagner Memorial. Poland was in full squad, while Bulgaria played the first three sets with second. Sokolov against Wlazly, Gotsev against Plinski, Ananiev against Winiarski.

Year 2010 shows not names gives results, but hard work and real team. We haven't got real team in 2010, you had, I loved your team with Prandi, really. You ca'tn be sure if huge name - Stoychev will give you results. But I understand why you took that risk, I'm curious what Bulgaria will win with Stoychev. But for now I preffer still Bulgaria with Prandi.
BTW it wasn't made by Sidao only, there was a guy, who traveled with them and record everything, but players also recorded their own videos, for example Sidao, but also Bruno, Murilo, Giba, Sergio.
raylight look first at your environment, if you want to judge Bruno. First example Stoychev. Ask any journalist about him and why nobody likes him and find no pleasure with interviewing him.
Bruno is not an angel, but saying about his bad behaviour to the coach, while your coach has terrible behaviour is hipocrisy.

It seems that Bruno caused a good impression on the italian fans last season

not only italians! ?
Andrey Zhekov attack 12 years ago +1
guys to you have anywhere on YT this match? or do you have a link to download it?
Khtey rocks!
AleNickel you can find this match on as well
Poland - Argentina (SET3) 12 years ago +1
Argentina need more experience in fighting for medals, with every tournament they will be smarter for this experience, get stronger and more dangerous.
Kk15 Lucas and Bruno are in the same age, so I presume they played together since they have been juniors, they know each other so well, that they work like one body. Besides, it's easy, they had to train it before, take a look - after passive double block, both turned around and saw Theo will dig this ball, so Lucas stepped back to give Bruno space to run and set that ball, Bruno has seen him stepping back on the right side, so he just set back to Lucas.
Luciano De Cecco 12 years ago +5
and now it's perfect!
I love couple Bruno+Lucas!
Luciano De Cecco 12 years ago +1
Zver are you gonna add the other version?
guys c'mon, this time I didn't wrote anything bad about Todorov to give me a minus :P raylight maybe we have a different definitions of class players, I wouldn't call him a class players. Yet. I think Gazprom Surgut is the best decision for now for him, than being 4th MB in Trento, he must play and as we know, Russia has the best block in the world for now [not only MB's, for example Butko had 9 kill blocks, I think even few times during season], for MB Russian League is a great place to improve, when he has to face those bloody great blockers.
54 matches, impressive!
raylight and saku exactly, he plays not very long time as for professional player, he is not bad on attack, but he must improve much more, he has physical arguments to be a good MB, but he needs more technique, so I can't call him now class players, but with hard work hopefuly it will come.
I just asked IF you THINK that he would - it's totally different.

Of course I don't think he would attack better as a MB than Todorov.

What I meant with saying technique is that Matey has better technique than Todorov - of course both on their own positions, Matey is class player on his position, Todorov not. I used only one word as I thought it's so obvious, but I see I have to say everything properly, because there will be always at least one person who has to hitch on...

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