
this is good shit to watch ? ball was heavy like a brick

Originally posted by BartWiksa from Poland
Bartosz Kurek 14 years ago -1
Kiedy zobaczylem atak z 2:28 minuty, omal sie nie zesra... spadlem z krzesla.......... ;-J. Wszystkie te ataki dograne przez genialnego Pawła na opadajacy lub w ogole bez bloku.... A jesli Bartek natrafil na takowy to i tak albo dal nad blokiem albo obok jak w 0:38 sekundzie - obok, podobnie i w atakach z drugiej linii, rzadko kiedy mamy okazje zobaczyc takie "gwozdzie"(z 2 jak i z 1 linii). I ten fakt nas bardzo cieszy xDDD). Przed dwoma laty w ogole nie zwracalem uwagi na tego zawodnika i w SKRZE, i w reprezentacji narodowej, a teraz po tych dwoch turniejach (Memorial H. Wagnera, i ME) dojrzalem jego niesamowity talent siatkarski.

Originally posted by Mbabane from Poland
I play for SV Bayer Wuppertal o???0 xD

Originally posted by zannik from Germany
W zespole Olympiacosu Leszek Urbanowicz z numerem 3 na kuszulce

Originally posted by Lynn from Poland
admini have reson it's oldschool

Originally posted by IVANILTERRIBILEMILJKOVIC93 from Italy
very incredible olympiacos, it's as great as actually olympiacos

Originally posted by IVANILTERRIBILEMILJKOVIC93 from Italy
Dont call it a "short-cut" if its a one-sided summary of the game. Those kind of videos suck anyway..

Originally posted by bernd from Germany
oldschool ?

Originally posted by admini from Germany
nice match?

Originally posted by admini from Germany
Gundars Celitans 14 years ago +1
Can't se why you are so impressed by him? I can name serveral Spikers that is way better! Wlazly, C. Stanley, Matey Kaziyski, Yudin, Visotto.. you name it

Originally posted by M from Denmark
Sung-Min Moon 14 years ago 0
His spike is a lot higher that 329. Just take a look at som at his backrow hits! (eks. 0.20) I'm 16 years old (1.90 m.) and my spike is at 3.20.. of cause Sung-Min Moon has a spike higher than that! I'll quess that he can reach about 340-350 in his spike

Originally posted by M from Denmark
Sung-Min Moon 14 years ago 0
he is excellent athlete and very lovely

Originally posted by tung from Thailand
Leandro Vissotto 14 years ago -1
Admin wrzucilbys dekoracje z ME kobiet bo kurna nie bylo mi dane obejrzec. Jak masz oczywiscie..

Originally posted by fdgfdsg from Poland
Leandro Vissotto 14 years ago 0
FUck shit !!! iT sO very ugly u know????

Originally posted by kev from American Samoa
Leandro Vissotto 14 years ago 0
What I saw in WL'09 was Vissotto (2.12) and Lucas (2.09) putting pressure over their opponents on the other side of the net. In past Brazilian team had issues with its blocking system, but it seems the things are going to be changed.

Originally posted by JRios from Chile
Leandro Vissotto 14 years ago 0
Volleyball is not how tall you are, it is how good you are ! ...but he is 2.12 and he does nice points and he is good... never the less I do not like him !

Originally posted by zannik from Germany
Leandro Vissotto 14 years ago 0

Originally posted by IVANILTERRIBILEMILJKOVIC93 from Italy
Leandro Vissotto 14 years ago 0
What mathers if he jumps or not? If he does all the points he has to do what you want more? He's not the best player, but maybe the best scorer, that's Important, that's one of the reasons tha brazil won the World League! It's not easy to be such a good player with his height!

Originally posted by MG from Portugal
Why we love volleyball 14 years ago +1
yeah!!.....we love this game!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally posted by pablao from Bolivia
Leandro Vissotto 14 years ago 0
To clay ofc

Originally posted by misio from Poland

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