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@Lordall: yes, absolutly amazing!! waiting to see it on volleyball movies?
Stokr played very well in this set!

Compliments to Rubiack, what a nice run serve at the end, 5:0 partial!

And I agree, nice end!
Nice match in general, actually ?

ps how funny it was that Czech point with a wrong easy first touch in a free ball? xD
0:1 ?
Compliments to Bulgaria. And Kaizisky ?

yes I knew it's his nickname, I was courious of where it comes from and what does it means^^ (if it means smth!)
BTW, Estonia is making a mess on second touch not made by setter... often when they defend they aren't able to build the action properly, to set the ball in a way that allowed the spiker to attack.
Why the hell did they change the timetable of the matches??
And in a stupid way!! Finland-Slovenia will play this evening and tomorrow at 16 (not at 19 how it was decided before), and Turkey-France are playing now and will play tomorrow at 19 (not at 16). It is logical??!!! Why a team will have more than 24h between the match, while the other one not even 20h?! I don't understand that O.o
And I'm also quite upset because I organized to see italian match with few friends and now they change the timetable=.= uff..
WOW! It's amazing because usually the libero score the point in a lucky way, with a dig for example... but this is a masterpiece made on porpuse!! I've seen smth like this only once, and it was Henno... (even if legavolley stats said it was an opponent's error) Igla is definitly on the right way to become as good as Hubert is^^ ps: why do you call him "Igla"? :)
"didn't deserve at all to be at the Final 4"
I agree that the formula was easier for us in the first two pool, but to get the semis we beat USA, Olympic champions, so it's true that we had an easier way to Rome, but not an easy way the the semis! if we managed to win the third pool it's thanks to ourself (I don't mention France because they were without proper opposite and N'gapeth when we face them).
Brazil had Czech and Germany, if I'm not wrong! Don't tell me this pool was harder than our!
And if you check who had to face Russia in the first two pool, you'lle see they didn't had strong pools. They 'only' had to beat Serbia (as we 'only' had to beat USA), but they didn't. Russia was stronger than Italy, but they wasted the chance to proove it. That doesn't mean we deserve the 4th place the less.

"first by giving Serbia our spot"

If you are in the condition to wait for someone else to "give you the spot", you can blame only your self. You can't say "for their fault I'm not there", because reaching a goal is smth that has to be up to you, and you only. Expecially if "you" is Bulgaria. If you can't obtain it by yourself, you can hope that other teams will make certain result, but if it won't go as you hope, you can't blame nobody exept you.

Notice that this comment doesn't mean I agree with "chosing the easier way", because I don't agree ?

And I also think that if a team is sure to have reach the first place in a pool (like Argentina in final8, for example), it's their right to rest the titoulars if they need it. That doesn't mean that they have to lose, that means the subs have to do whatever in their power to win, using the chance to show their value as well as possible.

I hope you understand what I meant..
Bulgaria should stop thinking about other teams IMO. If they wouldn't had waste the match points vs Slovakia they've already been in the 1/4.

And I'm sorry you are the unluckiest one, but someone HAS to face Russia in the quarter! You can't always blame the formula... calculation will be always possible, unless they won't mix the games casually after the pool, "sorting" the matching (is it the right world? I mean, like for the numbers of lottery..). Or unless they won't make a rank of the 4 team second classificated in the pools and give to the better second qualificated the worst third and so on.

BTW, if there's a team that can beat Russia, it's Bulgaria ?

About Italy... horrible 3rd, 4th, expecially 5th set. in th tie break 23% in attack=3 points. this is ridicoulus.
I hate that when we don't need to won anymore, we can keep focusing and fighting for one set and then we collapse. It seems to me a scenario too much similar to the end of the international tournament in WL: we needed two set vs Cuba in the second last game, we took its, and after we took also the third set (and the match) also with a nice come back. And the day after, 3 sets lost in a row. And then, losing vs Argentina at the final eight.
Now, we needed one set for being the first. We took it. Then we took also the second, and again with a nice come back. And after, 3 sets lost in a row. And then... Well, in the quarter we have only one option.
I was so proud after the first two set, now I'm quite disappointed. Hope it won't be a deja vù.
BTW, I'm so glad Parodi had the chance to play and being really useful for the team.
@qsek: Sabbi
Italy today soundtrack after the first two set is a lullaby =.=
Bencz is playing in Rome.
Last year he had to replace Poey when he leftand he did a good work, you could seem he care a lot of the team and trys to do his best, often he scored more than 20. But the problem is that he often made mistake in the most important moments... Or more errors in a row.
So the quaterfinal 1 will probably be Serbia-France... Unless Turkey won't beat France.
And Italy will face one between Finland and Slovenia.
Pool C: Italy, France, Finland, Belgium
Samueleke, France made enough points to be qualificated at least as third even if they'll lose 3:0.

But seems hard Italy will won this third set. 15-23. We lost our mind a bit.
If France will win the set they'lle be second.
Parodi was AMAZING at the end of the second set *_*
And compliments to Russia, first quaterfinalist as they deserve?

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